December 31st, 2011

Wow! I can actually go into a new year without wondering if I should make a new years resolution to workout again. I have been working out over at Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports the last few months and I have seen some dramatic results.
For instance, when I started working out there I weighed 195 pounds but as of today I weigh 172 pounds all from doing the kick boxing group exercise class they have there. I learned a few fundamental basic fighting skills through repetitive action on the kicking bag. I have increased my cardiovascular system through running the undulated indoor track during the 45 minute kick boxing class. I have also managed to tone up quite a bit and put on some muscle pounds.
I am a male and so I managed to lose a lot of weight because most of it was a lot of pure extra body fat on top of muscle. For women you will not always see a quick reduction in weight in the beginning as you are building a lot of muscle while at the same time shedding pounds. This class is just as much for women as it is for men and often times there are more women in my class than men.
What is so cool about XTC is that you get to see a full spectrum of fitness levels working out with you. Everyone pitches in to encourage and lift up those around them. You only workout as much as your body can handle but over time you will find that you are able to push a bit more each time and will eventually be able to accomplish everything the instructor asks the group to do.
I personally must still cheat on some exercises as I really push myself about as far as I can on each exercise and so many times I have to simply quit before the instructor tells us to stop.
If you are like many of us who will be making a new years resolution regarding fitness and weight loss in Tyler Texas I highly recommend trying out Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports. They have over 80 group exercise classes a week which are sure to keep you on track with your goals. The best thing about these classes is that they are free with your gym membership.
Tags: Amp, Body Fat, Cardiovascular System, Dramatic Results, Exercise Class, Exercises, Fitness Levels, Full Spectrum, Group Exercise Classes, Gym Workout, Kick Boxing Class, New Year, New Years Resolution, News Years Resolution, Pitches, Repetitive Action, Sports, Tyler Texas, Weight Loss, Wow, Xtc
Posted in Fitness Centers | No Comments »
April 27th, 2011

Wow! Finally the real genuine long form Obama birth certificate. This was released April 26 2011 from Hawaii.
Now we wait to hear conspiracies that the long form Obama birth certificate 2011 is a forgery. You know that whole debate is coming.
I am now waiting to see if Obama will say that this is indeed his birth certificate. Those who love chasing conspiracies will want to hear this. Once conspiracists hear this they will want even more information and so the cycle continues.
The current question being posed is: “Obama has provided us with another “Certificate of Live Birth” are people so stupid they don’t no what the difference between a “Birth Certificate” and a “Certificate of Live Birth”?”
The certificate shows his fathers race as African and his mothers race as white. The notion that the birth form would say that Obama’s race is “white” is not on the form anywhere so this theory about wanting to hide this is false as well as the theory of him not being a natural born citizen. The document does list his father as African. If his father is not American I do not believe Obama qualifies but I assume this only refers to his fathers race.
Another point of considerations is that when using Adobe Illustrator and releasing layers/elements it shows the document was composed using a few layers. Here are two seperate layers of what the Whitehouse released. You may interpret it as you see fit.

Here is the PDF version if you would like to try the Adobe Illustrator release layered elements technique: full PDF file
It’s interesting that this was released at the same time the Jerome R. Corsi book, “Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate” is number 1 on
Tags: 2011 Obama birth certificate, Adobe Illustrator, Amazon, Birth Certificate, Born Citizen, Conspiracies, Elements, Fathers Race, Fit, Forgery, Hawaii, Jerome R Corsi, Live Birth, Love, Notion, Number 1, Obama, Obama long form birth certificate, Pdf File, Pdf Release, Pdf Version, People, Whitehouse, Wow
Posted in Socio Political Commentary | No Comments »
Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate 2011
April 27th, 2011Wow! Finally the real genuine long form Obama birth certificate. This was released April 26 2011 from Hawaii.
Now we wait to hear conspiracies that the long form Obama birth certificate 2011 is a forgery. You know that whole debate is coming.
I am now waiting to see if Obama will say that this is indeed his birth certificate. Those who love chasing conspiracies will want to hear this. Once conspiracists hear this they will want even more information and so the cycle continues.
The current question being posed is: “Obama has provided us with another “Certificate of Live Birth” are people so stupid they don’t no what the difference between a “Birth Certificate” and a “Certificate of Live Birth”?”
The certificate shows his fathers race as African and his mothers race as white. The notion that the birth form would say that Obama’s race is “white” is not on the form anywhere so this theory about wanting to hide this is false as well as the theory of him not being a natural born citizen. The document does list his father as African. If his father is not American I do not believe Obama qualifies but I assume this only refers to his fathers race.
Another point of considerations is that when using Adobe Illustrator and releasing layers/elements it shows the document was composed using a few layers. Here are two seperate layers of what the Whitehouse released. You may interpret it as you see fit.
Here is the PDF version if you would like to try the Adobe Illustrator release layered elements technique: full PDF file
It’s interesting that this was released at the same time the Jerome R. Corsi book, “Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate” is number 1 on
Tags: 2011 Obama birth certificate, Adobe Illustrator, Amazon, Birth Certificate, Born Citizen, Conspiracies, Elements, Fathers Race, Fit, Forgery, Hawaii, Jerome R Corsi, Live Birth, Love, Notion, Number 1, Obama, Obama long form birth certificate, Pdf File, Pdf Release, Pdf Version, People, Whitehouse, Wow
Posted in Socio Political Commentary | No Comments »