June 29th, 2011
I am now officially at workout number 7 after completing it today around 1:00 p.m.
During my lunch hour I run over to Tony Cruz XTC Fitness and Sports gym and get in a 45 minute kickboxing workout.
Since almost all of this workout is cardio with the occasional push ups you feel the pain. Regardless if you think your tough stuff if you don’t do normal cardio stuff on a regular basis this workout out will remind you of that.
Back on my 6th workout day I started to actually feel stronger. I could do quite a few more fist push ups and I didn’t feel so much like I was about to die.
I know that will power is the number one most powerful asset we as humans have and that my emotions would be telling me to quit at workout number 1.
As you can see I did kickboxing class number 7 and I am still alive and well and feeling much healthier, happier, and more alert than ever.
The kickboxing trainer I had to today was Andrew and on other days it is Corey. Both group exercise trainers are extremely helpful and encouraging throughout the 45 minutes.
If you want to get yourself into shape quick and don’t feel like you have the time then make some time during your lunch break. Go by Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports and meet a personal trainer or two and see what group exercise class and time would work best for you.
To read more on the benefits of an XTC Fitness gym workout read this
Tags: 6th Day, Amp, benefits of working out, Emotions, Exercise Class, Fist, Fitness Gym, Fitness Workout, Group Exercise, Gym Workout, gyms in Tyler TX, Lunch Hour, Nbsp, Number 1, Personal Trainer, Push Ups, Shape, Sports, Tony Cruz, Tough Stuff, Tyler gyms, Tyler TX, Tyler TX fitness centers, Tyler TX gym, UPS, Xtc, XTC Fitness
Posted in Fitness Centers | No Comments »
June 3rd, 2011

Choosing an option to lose weight has never been something that I worried too much about. I know for many people it’s a huge deal and from time to time it is an issue that everyone spends a significant amount of time thinking about.
Kickboxing class in Tyler TX has always been an option but some places do a better job with it. What you get with XTC Fitness are real true fighters training you, encouraging, and tweaking your exercise routine as you complete their 45 minute to 1 hour fitness class.
I am experiencing some really awesome benefits from this fitness class even though I have only been doing it a few days so far during my lunch hour.
Weight is decreasing even though I haven’t changed my diet significantly. I feel stronger and my breathing isn’t as tiresome during workouts.
XTC Fitness offers the benefit and value of free personal training when going through the class. I knock the class out during my lunch break and quickly get on with my day.
Having a friendship with your personal kickboxing trainer encouraging you to come in everyday is better motivation than almost anything you could do on your own.
As a guy I see multiple women in the class out pacing me in almost every area. What this does to me is call back to that little boy inside that wants to atleast do better than the girls.
I find myself getting motivation from the women in the class as they do 25 man push-ups back to back and I can’t get to 5. It tells me something and that is that I might actually lose against some of these women fitness students in an MMA match up against them.
But really folks, this class is awesome for someone just starting out on correcting their weight and fitness problems. The XTC Fitness guys will have you in shape in no time. I will report back soon with some of my very own weight loss numbers.
XTC Fitness is on Broadway right by The Diner. Go by now and check them out and their gigantic fitness facility currently being built.
Tags: Amount Of Time, Broadway, Exercise Routine, Few Days, Fitness Class, Fitness Facility, Fitness Guys, Free Personal Training, Hour Fitness, Kickboxing, kickboxing class Tyler TX, kickboxing tyler tx, Lunch Break, Lunch Hour, Mma, Motivation, Push Ups, Tweaking, Tyler TX, Tyler TX kickboxing, UPS, Women Fitness, Workouts
Posted in Weight Loss | No Comments »
May 23rd, 2011
I realize that our summers are very full of all sorts of charitable walks, marathons, concerts, fund raisers, meet ups and every conceivable event aimed at raising money for one cause or other. I understand that they are all noble pursuits and worthy of our time and energies, but I for one, simply cannot keep up with all of them. The best strategy seems to be to dig in to the ones about whom you feel strongest, and work for its success. Writing for Tyler TX Directory however, allows me to cast a fairly wide net. As events occur throughout the year I try to promote them by simply informing the local public, which brings me to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) walk coming this June.
Juvenile diabetes, or type one, is treatable but incurable. As I understand it, the patient lacks sufficient insulin to naturally store much needed glucose, and thus provide the body with energy. While most people associate diabetes with weight gain, juvenile diabetes (so named because it generally first appears in childhood), causes the patient to lose weight regardless of how much they may actually eat. Other symptoms that commonly accompany the disease are, frequent headaches, dizziness, nausea etc. The most common treatment is of course insulin injections. Insulin pumps are also being tested which would pump the hormone into the patient’s system and maintain it at normal levels. JDRF exists to help fund the search for new treatments and hopefully an eventual cure.
Tyler’s walk will be held at Bergfield Park on the 25th, beginning at 7:30 in the morning. Of course there will be children’s events, and various other vendors etc. participating throughout the day. JDFR has a great website with all kinds of information, and literature, both as promotion of its coming fund raisers and as support for parents and families dealing with juvenile diabetes. For more information, or to register for Tyler’s walk, visit that site at http://www2.jdrf.org/site/PageServer?pagename=walk_homepage .
Tags: Diabetes Research Foundation, Dizziness, Eventual Cure, Frequent Headaches, Fund Raisers, Glucose, Insulin Injections, Insulin Pumps, Jdfr, Juvenile Diabetes Research, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Marathons, Noble Pursuits, Raising Money, S System, Tx Directory, Tyler Texas, Tyler TX, UPS, Weight Gain, Www2
Posted in Tyler Businesses | No Comments »
August 30th, 2010

Voodoo Halloween over by South Broadway Wal-Mart
About a month before Halloween you will see a couple different Halloween costume stores open up in Tyler.
One of these costume stores will be quite a bit cheaper than the other one. I recommend doing a little price comparison before settling on a costume to save a bundle.
I also noticed that there are quite a few Halloween costumes over by Super 1 Foods in the Dollar General Card and Party store.
The two Halloween stores show up at different spots each year based on what large square footage area is available for rent.
Last year the old Linens and Things building by Ross was used for one of these Halloween stores. What you see a lot of in both stores are the bedroom costumes.
What I mean by bedroom costumes are the catholic school girl outfits, the skimpy nurse, the mens extra short shorts UPS worker outfit, and the list goes on and on.
It can be pretty funny during the Halloween holiday as you see the teeny boppers walking around town in these bedroom outfits.
These kids “try to hard parents buy these costumes” for their kids sometimes so just maybe they will be seen as the “cool parent”. It’s amazing what parents will do to be accepted by their children these days.
This year rather than buying a bedroom costume for your already confused teenager I recommend giving them some face paint and have them decorate some of their old clothes.
If you want to buy a Halloween mask in Tyler Texas I recommend buying it online rather than purchasing in the store as it may come with some little kid boogers.
The first one of these Halloween costume stores in Tyler we have seen just popped up over by South Broadway Wal-Mart and it is called Voodoo Halloween. Go by and check it out.
Tyler TX Halloween stores typically open around Labor Day. (also Labour Day in Canada), but this varies by a week or two in either direction…4 September 2010

If your looking for a traditional type of haunted house in Tyler check out Terror Nights
Tags: Catholic School Girl, Costume Stores, Dollar General, Face Paint, Halloween Costume, Halloween Costumes, Halloween Holiday, Halloween Mask, Halloween Stores, Halloween Voodoo, Labour Day, Linens And Things, Little Kid, Old Clothes, Price Comparison, School Girl Outfits, Short Shorts, South Broadway, Square Footage, Teeny Boppers, Tyler Texas, Tyler TX Halloween Costumes, UPS, Ups Worker, Voodoo Halloween, wal-mart
Posted in Shopping Centers | No Comments »
August 5th, 2010

Murphey the Jeweler
Michael Murphey and his family opened their jewelry business in January of 1868. Murphy the Jeweler still serves Tyler out of the little store in the Green Acres Shopping center of off Troop Hwy. All the staff that works there are experts when it comes to jewelry. No matter the value of a piece of jewelry, if it breaks they will be able to fix it.
There is a great selection of jewelry, including wedding bands, engagement rings, necklaces, bracelets, and so much more. One of my favorite things is these bracelets known as story wheels. They sell a short chain for your wrist and all different gold and silver wheels that compose a beautiful bracelet. You can get small wheels that are set with gems or diamonds. Top your beautiful jewelry off with your own charms that hang from your unique bracelet. I am not the biggest fan of wearing watches (although I probably should), but there is a great collection of Rolex watches, with gold, silver, and leather bands.
The most important piece of jewelry that you get is an engagement ring. Murphey has hundreds of choices of rings and wedding bands. They have all different options of diamonds, pearls, emeralds, and rubies, you can find the perfect ring for that special person in your life.
Murphey the jeweler has been serving Tyler through all different economy ups and downs. The friendly staff is still there to help you find that perfect gift for your loved ones.
Tags: Beautiful Jewelry, Emeralds, Favorite Things, Gold And Silver, Gold Silver, Green Acres, Green Acres Shopping Center, Jeweler, Jewelery Dealers in Tyler TX, Jewelry Business, Jewelry in Tyler Texas, Leather Bands, Michael Murphey, Murphey the Jeweler, Murphy the Jeweler, Rings Necklaces, Rolex Watches, Rubies, Silver Wheels, Small Wheels, Special Person, Story Wheels, Tyler Texas Jewelers, Tyler Texas Jewelery, Tyler Texas Jewelry, Tyler TX, Tyler TX Jewelery, Tyler TX Jewlery, UPS, Ups And Downs, Wedding Bands
Posted in Jewelers | No Comments »