Terror Nights Haunted House
816 E. Oakwood St.
Tyler, TX 75702
Between East Commerce Street and North Beverly Avenue
Phone: 903-363-3291
Website: http://www.terrornightshaunt.com/

Someone named Sheri wrote a really negative review about this haunted house in Tyler on Google Places, she said
“My experience to your haunted house was definitely a nightmare. I was pushed out the exit doors and got to spend the night in the ER with 30 stiches”
I have not been to this haunted house before but it seems to be sponsored by a ton of big companies including the Spirit Halloween costume store.
A veteran actor and employee posted a 5 star positive review back stating that her review of this haunted house is a lie.
So we have a one 1 star review and one 5 star review from an employee, hmm which one should we listen too?
The Terror Nights Haunted House is touted to be a very safe experience by the veteran employee responding to Sheri.
The employee mentioned that this year they installed a top of the line fire safety system. Terror Nights has safety exit doors in every room and they train their employees to keep a watchful eye while scaring you at the same time.
Although this employee says Sheri is a liar the employee also states that they are sorry if the incidents she claimed happened really did happen.
The employee goes on to say some of the things in her review however ring false.
I am a safety conscience person and would personally like to know what in Sheris review is false. It would be helpful to know if the 30 stitches was needed because of a gash from the Terror Nights Haunted House or something else.
My conclusion in regards to all this injury drama is that I will definitely be scared if I go through Terror Nights Haunted House regardless how good or bad the acting and costumes might be.