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Trendy Chicks Offers Fashionable Womens Clothing Choices for the Holidays

October 31st, 2011

Trendy ChicksTrendy Chicks is a successful clothing store for women that has made a name for itself in Longview and has now expanded into Tyler Texas.

You will find their store off of Broadway right behind Racquet and Jog. Their grand opening will be on Friday but I came in for a sneak peak into what they offer.

I am always suspicious when walking into a small women’s fashion store because I usually see a terrible selection of clothing but these ladies obviously have a knack for picking out good fashion.

I found the clothing selections to be fashionable, tasteful and a wide selection to choose from. Their prices are reasonable as most of their items go for in between $30 – $60.

This store also offers jewelry accessories to go along with their outfits or you may just want to leave with some jewelery for an outfit you own at home.

When I dropped by to meet this new Tyler business it seemed like I had met the owners before but I couldn’t quite place it. I then remembered Trendy Chicks has a TV commercial that aired in Tyler while they still only had a store in Longview. I remember thinking when seeing the commercial that it was too bad they didn’t have a store in Tyler also. Now their TV commercial will be more bang for the buck next time it airs as they now have  Tyler and Longview store.

Go by on Friday for their grand opening and get something for someone for Christmas.