July 2nd, 2012
Maybe it’s the state of the economy, maybe it’s the tumultuous political goings on, or maybe I’m just getting older, but I’m having a hard time maintaining my sense of enthusiasm and patriotism this Independence day. But regardless of my personal misgivings, our community is preparing to go ahead with area celebrations. There are all the usual fourth, of July celebrations this year, Lindsey Field, Father Heart Ministries between Lindale and Van, the list is a long and familiar one. I’m not going to spend this article writing about all of them again this year. Instead I thought I’d play the publicist and help put the word out about an area musician I know, who’s performing in Edom over the fourth.
For those like me, who find themselves a bit disillusioned this year, an evening listening to local artist Paul Ruark may be just the encouragement needed to remind us of the reason we celebrate our national birthday. The show will be held just outside the dance hall in Edom, just past The Shed Café. (If my readers are unfamiliar with The Shed I invite them to read the proceeding article at http://www.tylertxdirectory.com/9529/the-shed-cafe-in-edom/ ). Paul’s set starts about six p.m. and goes until around ten. For those who have other plans for the fourth, but would like to attend a show, he’ll be playing at the Purple Pig, where he is a regular, on Friday night, starting and ending around the same times. For more info, search for “Rusty” Paul Ruark on Facebook, and hit “Like.”
Tags: 4th Of July, Artist Paul, Dance Hall, Edom, Encouragement, Facebook, Father Heart, Fourth Of July, Fourth Of July Celebrations, Hard Time, Heart Ministries, Independence Day, Misgivings, National Birthday, Patriotism, Proceeding Article, Publicist, purple pig, Ruark, Rusty Paul, Tyler Texas
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July 28th, 2011
The writers here at Tyler TX Directory over the years, have made no secret of our love of great barbeque. In fact, promoting the local traditional Texas staple has been something of a mantra on ours. I realize there are a few excellent examples in the surrounding area, but in my opinion, there are basically two Tyler stops that stand alone, they are Stanley’s and the Purple Pig. Both of these local institutions also offer live music on the weekends to entertain patrons and provide a venue for mostly local talent to perform; which brings me to the central point of this article. Up and coming local country music artist Paul Ruark, will be playing “the Pig” on Saturday night.
Paul is causing quite a stir with his first single “You Can Keep the Change.” He’s recently played the new tune at campaign rallies and for presidential candidates. The song is now available at itunes, and the video is steadily gathering hits. It should be stated however that Mr. Ruark is far from a one trick pony. There are a number of new songs and eventually a complete album, due to be released shortly. He’ll be performing the latest material Saturday night as well.
Texas takes a lot of pride in its contribution of talent to the national music scene, particularly when it comes to traditional styles like country and bluegrass. Events like this one represent an opportunity to get behind one of our own and help push him to the top. It’s especially important in charged political times when our musicians reflect, in large part, the traditional cultural and political view; that we as their friends and neighbors support them. It seems to me, this is something the arts have failed to do in recent years.
All sanctimony aside however, Saturday’s event promises to be great fun; terrific local music and terrific local barbeque! Paul’s set starts at six and runs until around ten. The Purple Pig is located at 19785 State Highway 155 S, between Tyler and Palestine. For more info on the Purple Pig visit their webpage at http://www.purplepigcafe.com/index.php . For more on Paul Ruark, or to see his video, visit his website at www.PaulRuark.com .
Tags: Artist Paul, Barbeque, Bluegrass Events, Campaign Rallies, Complete Album, Country Music Artist, Friends And Neighbors, Itunes, Local Country, Local Music, National Music Scene, New Songs, New Tune, Presidential Candidates, purple pig, Ruark, Sanctimony, Trick Pony, Tx Directory, Tyler Texas, Tyler TX
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June 6th, 2011

Tomorrow night, Tuesday the seventh, from 6:30 to 8:00, the Tyler Texas Tea Party, will be holding a meeting to introduce Texas Senate candidate Glen Addison to the area public. Local musician “Rusty” Paul Ruark will also be performing his hit song “You Can keep the Change.” From what I’ve read Mr. Addison has no political experience aside from serving on the Magnolia independent school district, school board starting in 1997. Otherwise he’s an area business owner who’s been operating a number of funeral homes and cemeteries in and around his hometown northwest of Houston. Mr. Addison’s platform is socially and fiscally conservative. Personally I must confess to knowing very little about the candidate. But in an election climate that is decidedly anti- incumbent, anti-establishment his lack of political experience may be seen as refreshing by a lot of Texans.
Our State has not been directly influenced by Tea Party candidates thus far. I think this is largely due to the fact that Texas politicians have been more or less compelled to adopt conservative or moderate positions, due to the already right leaning tendency of the state. As a result we have a republican establishment here with a lot of name recognition that can be tough to beat. Putting a little new or “common” blood into the state’s government would be a good idea. I don’t know whether or not Mr. Addison would be able to win, but I can appreciate the presence of more grassroots candidates reminding our party’s old guard that state offices are not their birthright. For more information on the Tyler Tea Party and tomorrow’s meeting, visit their webpage at http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=weuqvaeab&v=001IKsgF__Br-qaTFi-JVu_3xdjKDy5VDni2H5DC_LkfgYjRBCVrX5de1F5T17pOvaXvF0JXWpglsDhSMjTxu-H0w724kzhdZmyScPn-LK7sk1crjR3bFsONcvH6j1WjhUz .
Tags: Addison, Birthright, Business Owner, Cemeteries, Funeral Homes, Glen Addison, Glen Addison Texas Senate, Independent School District, Magnolia, Party Candidates, Political Experience, Republican Establishment, Ruark, Rusty Paul, Senate Candidate, State Offices, Texans, Texas Politicians, Texas Senate, Texas Tea Party, Tomorrow Night, Tyler Texas
Posted in Socio-Political Commentary | No Comments »
January 12th, 2010
Another educational experience available this summer is the “You can do math tutoring service” in Tyler Texas. Educator and tutor Angie Ruark has been teaching math for several years now with excellent results. She offers enrichment and course preparation, and teaches seventh grade math all the way up to college algebra. She also offers adult education classes.
Both one on one help as well as small group classes will be offered this summer on location at John Tyler high school and the brook school. Angie’s individual assistance and relaxed teaching style coupled with her traditional approach to math and science has been a great help to many students.
For more information got to youcandomath.blogspot.com or call (903)316-3485.
Tags: Adult Education Classes, Angie, Brook School, College Algebra, Educational Experience, Group Classes, John Tyler, John Tyler High School, Math And Science, Math Tutoring, Math Tutoring Tyler Texas, Ruark, Seventh Grade Math, Small Group, Teaching Math, Texas Educator, Traditional Approach, Tutor, Tutoring Service, Tutoring Tyler Texas, Tyler High School, Tyler Texas
Posted in Tutoring | No Comments »
January 8th, 2010
Building a new home? Setting up a new business? Island Office is currently doing most low voltage installations. No matter what your IT needs, Bill Ruark can help. He specializes in everything from networking, to wired and wireless phone and intercom systems, to network security and backup. Bill also offers a variety of types of consulting for individuals and businesses. Bill knows his business and won’t attempt to sell you what you don’t need.
So if you’re setting up a home office in the East Texas area or creating systems for your business, Island office can service all your needs. Just go to www.islandoffice.com or call (903) 316-3483.
Tags: Building A New Home, Business Island, Business Office, Computer and Networking Support Tyler TX, East Texas, East Texas Area, Intercom Systems, Island office, Low Voltage, Network Security, Networking, Networking Support Tyler Texas, Ruark, Setting Up A Home Office, Setting Up A New Business, Tyler Texas Island Office, Voltage Installations
Posted in Tyler Businesses | No Comments »
Tyler Tea Party to Introduce New Senate Candidate
June 6th, 2011Tomorrow night, Tuesday the seventh, from 6:30 to 8:00, the Tyler Texas Tea Party, will be holding a meeting to introduce Texas Senate candidate Glen Addison to the area public. Local musician “Rusty” Paul Ruark will also be performing his hit song “You Can keep the Change.” From what I’ve read Mr. Addison has no political experience aside from serving on the Magnolia independent school district, school board starting in 1997. Otherwise he’s an area business owner who’s been operating a number of funeral homes and cemeteries in and around his hometown northwest of Houston. Mr. Addison’s platform is socially and fiscally conservative. Personally I must confess to knowing very little about the candidate. But in an election climate that is decidedly anti- incumbent, anti-establishment his lack of political experience may be seen as refreshing by a lot of Texans.
Our State has not been directly influenced by Tea Party candidates thus far. I think this is largely due to the fact that Texas politicians have been more or less compelled to adopt conservative or moderate positions, due to the already right leaning tendency of the state. As a result we have a republican establishment here with a lot of name recognition that can be tough to beat. Putting a little new or “common” blood into the state’s government would be a good idea. I don’t know whether or not Mr. Addison would be able to win, but I can appreciate the presence of more grassroots candidates reminding our party’s old guard that state offices are not their birthright. For more information on the Tyler Tea Party and tomorrow’s meeting, visit their webpage at http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=weuqvaeab&v=001IKsgF__Br-qaTFi-JVu_3xdjKDy5VDni2H5DC_LkfgYjRBCVrX5de1F5T17pOvaXvF0JXWpglsDhSMjTxu-H0w724kzhdZmyScPn-LK7sk1crjR3bFsONcvH6j1WjhUz .
Tags: Addison, Birthright, Business Owner, Cemeteries, Funeral Homes, Glen Addison, Glen Addison Texas Senate, Independent School District, Magnolia, Party Candidates, Political Experience, Republican Establishment, Ruark, Rusty Paul, Senate Candidate, State Offices, Texans, Texas Politicians, Texas Senate, Texas Tea Party, Tomorrow Night, Tyler Texas
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