October 14th, 2010

Tyler Texas Gym
Before you go out and join a gym and definitely before you commit to a year long gym membership I recommend creating your own exercise routine at your home and sticking to it for atleast a year. If you can maintain a good exercise routine at your home for a year doing some type of exercise everyday you can justify a commitment to a gym. You see a Tyler Texas gym membership takes even more discipline and commitment than doing exercise conveniently from your own home.
There is an exception to the whole anti-gym membership idea and that is if you utilize a personal trainer at a gym. The good thing is XTC Fitness has several fitness programs where the personal trainer comes free during the class. If you decide to join a gym I recommend doing a class such as the kickboxing class offered by Tony Cruz’s XTC Fitness gym.
The class is designed for girls or guys and is no wussified class as I am a guy and I take a great deal of pride in my own manliness and find nothing simple or easy about kickboxing but do find it astonishing how good I feel each day now and how easily I shed the pounds.
Best Tyler TX Gym
Walking over to a chin up bar that is stationed on your hallway doorway takes about 10 seconds. Driving to a gym takes quite a bit longer and requires that you schedule and prioritize things around your excursion from your home to a gym. Many times exercise from home does not require that you change up your schedule at all. You can simply exercise at home when an available slot opens up.
The gym however can work out quite well if you fit it in during your lunch during a 45 minute work out program designed for working men and women as XTC Fitness in Tyler TX offers.
If my thinking on this sounds new and different to what you had in mind take some time to let it sink in as you will save hundreds of dollars by waiting to see if you can even stick to an exercise routine from the convenience of your home. I personally have yet to be able to commit to a year of exercise at home.
An alternative to a gym membership for those who still want to join a gym even if they have yet to establish a home exercise routine is to enroll in a weight lifting exercise class a TJC. TJC offers an exceptional weight lifting, jogging, and excercise class in one that comes with a free personal trainer aka your teacher. You will be taught into shape over the course of a semester and can continue on from there.
A TJC gym class is perhaps the best bang for your buck and a very good way to motivate yourself back into shape.
When all of this is taken into account, it seems a gym membership amounts to nothing more than a waste of good money. However, there are good reasons to throw caution to the wind and just take the plunge. A gym offers a much wider range of quality exercise equipment than most people would have room to store, even if they could afford it. Many gyms also offer specialized classes where members can sign up to work-out in ways that interest them, keeping exercise fun and less boring.
Additionally, when you spend your hard earned money on a gym membership the motivation is there to get your money’s worth. You will be more likely to make the time to work out when you have invested money into it. As for the embarrassment factor, there’s not much to be done except know that in a few weeks you’ll be showing your stuff with the best of them.
Tags: Best Bang, Caution To The Wind, Chin Up Bar, Convenience, Convienently, Discipline, Doorway, Embarrassment, Excercise Routine, Excursion, Exercise, Few Minutes, Financial Aspect, Fit, Fitness Gym, Fitness Programs, Fitness Trainer, Free Personal Trainer, Good Exercise Routine, Gym Class, Gym Membership, Gyms, Hallway, Hard Earned Money, Home Truth, Jogging, Joining A Gym, Kickboxing Class, Lunch, Manliness, Men And Women, Mone, Money, Motivation, Personal Trainer, Plunge, Pride, Prioritize, Quality Exercise Equipment, Shape, Stuff, TJC, Treadmill, Truth About, Tyler Texas, Tyler Texas Gym, tyler texas gyms, Tyler TX, Weight Lifting, Weight Loss, Working Men
Posted in Weight Loss | Comments Off on Tyler, Texas Weight Loss: A Gym can get you there
July 22nd, 2010
Having just written about one Canton area business I thought I’d go ahead, take the plunge and discuss another. First Monday Trade Days has definitely made that town world famous for its monthly open air flea market. According to what I’ve read, the market actually began in the eighteen fifties. The timing coincided with the monthly arrival of a circuit riding judge who visited the county once a month. Naturally this became a good opportunity for farmers, craftsmen, Horse traders and livestock salesmen to market their wares. Of course with so large a crowd gathering every month, local dignitaries and politicians found it impossible to resist the opportunity for a stump speech or campaign stop. Nearly every conceivable animal, rifle, pistol, article of jewelry, pet etc. has been traded or sold at Canton over the years. But by far the weirdest story I’ve ever read can be found in the cities histories. In the nineteen forties, two couples (who had become entirely too close by all accounts) decided to trade each other. Yes, that’s correct, they went to the district clerk’s office, and traded spouses! As technology increased and changed the sale grew and grew, so that today half the town is made up of the fairgrounds. I’d wager that the town population doubles for four days, every first weekend of the month
I recall visiting the market with friends and family occasionally as child. The most prized item I purchased there was a “survival knife,” which had my survival actually depended on that finely honed and balanced instrument, I would have lasted about an hour and a half at best. That being said, I can say with some emphasis that this event is not for me! I know I know… If you love wheeling and dealing or consider yourself a modern day horse trader or salesman, you’re probably rolling your eyes at me right now. But I hate to shop. What’s more, I hate to shop in the heat. Don’t misunderstand, I love the outdoors if we’re talking about camping or fishing, but for me, combining shopping with the East Texas summer heat is the stuff of nightmares. Beyond that I hate to shop for things I don’t need, or cannot afford to purchase. Don’t worry, next time I’m in the market for an alpaca to hug, I’ll head for Canton, until then I’ll just hang out… somewhere else.
Ok, all snobbery aside I realize the market really is a good place for farmers and ranchers in particular to buy and sell what they need. And the dollars brought in by First Monday are good for everyone around here, so yes, the monthly event serves a purpose. Nowhere else, can such a large variety of stuff be found gathered in such a small area, all for sale! Have a wonderful time rummaging, just please don’t ask me to go. For those interested in vendor lists of if you just want to read more try the City of Canton’s webpage, www.firstmondaycanton.com. Also try http://shopfirstmondaycanton.com. The next Trade Days weekend is scheduled for Thursday, July twenty ninth, through Sunday, August first.
Tags: Canton Area, Craftsmen, Dignitaries, Fifties, First Monday trade days, Flea Market, Forties, Horse Trader, Horse Traders, Hour And A Half, Pistol, Plunge, Population Doubles, Salesmen, Stump Speech, Survival Knife, Town Population, Two Couples, Wager, Wares
Posted in Fun, Shopping Centers | No Comments »
July 19th, 2010
When it comes to joining a gym in Tyler, Texas, many will have some well founded reservations. After all, it can be quite embarrassing to go to a place where the fittest of the fit are showing their stuff while you are sweating and struggling to breathe after only a few minutes on the treadmill. Then there is the financial aspect of a gym membership, which can be quite expensive depending on the gym you join. Finally, busy schedules in Tyler, Texas may make finding the time to actually go to the gym challenging.
When all of this is taken into account, it seems a gym membership amounts to nothing more than a waste of good money. However, there are good reasons to throw caution to the wind and just take the plunge. A gym offers a much wider range of quality exercise equipment than most people would have room to store, even if they could afford it. Many gyms also offer specialized classes where members can sign up to work-out in ways that interest them, keeping exercise fun and less boring.
Tyler Gyms
Additionally, when you spend your hard earned money on a gym membership the motivation is there to get your money’s worth. You will be more likely to make the time to work out when you have invested money into it. As for the embarrassment factor, there’s not much to be done except know that in a few weeks you’ll be showing your stuff with the best of them.
Tags: Caution To The Wind, Embarrassment, Few Minutes, Financial Aspect, Fit, Gym Membership, Gyms, Hard Earned Money, Joining A Gym, Motivation, Plunge, Quality Exercise Equipment, Stuff, Treadmill, Tyler Texas, Weight Loss
Posted in Fitness Centers, Self-improvement, Tyler Businesses, Weight Loss | No Comments »
November 24th, 2009

Update: The shopping complex in Tyler TX that houses such places as Da Hippie and DragonBytes has gone through a massive renovation since this article. Bravo! (said in a snobby accent) The new commercial facility renovation looks great!
Over the past few years, I have been excited to watch the economic growth and expansion occurring in West Tyler. The west loop has seen numerous decayed and crime ridden businesses closed and the real estate sold to make room for legitimate, contributing entrepreneurs. We’ve seen the likes of Wingstop, Subway, Walgreens, Starbucks, Papa Murphy’s, and numerous others, set up shop along the west loop and sixty four. Even the west loop Wal-Mart, as messy and sometimes run-down as it is, has brought with it quite a bit of development since its arrival around five years ago. It all goes to validate the maxim that a rising tide lifts all boats, something most of our current political leaders have either forgotten, or chosen to ignore. The expansion also proves that a great way to foster healthy communities is to allow healthy individuals and businesses to succeed. Give people the opportunity to buy up infected areas and they will purge the corrupted property and bring in new dollars.
With this principle in mind, I must express a certain amount of disappointment that up until this point, the West Loop and thirty one has been largely left out of the recent renaissance. I’ve long been embarrassed by the look and content of thirty one west. It has been Tyler’s ugly back door for quite sometime. It has been, and remains my hope that the development of the Cascades and the new Airport will help buoy property values and bring improvements to this ugly highway.
When the developers do decide to take the plunge and move towards Chandler, I would like to suggest a few eyesores I eagerly await seeing bulldozed completely. I do not even care whether or not they are replaced with more reputable establishments… Well that’s not true, I do hope for improvements. However a pile of rubble is preferable to these businesses (and I use the term loosely). The originally named “Sports Club,”(once named the Unicorn Club), as well as close neighbors “Da Hippy” (I can barely contain my contempt as I type this), the “Dragon’s Byte,” (their spelling not mine) and the nondescript corner gas station, have long been a breeding ground for drug use, crime, third rate tattoo artists, and general filth. The real estate is located at the corner of thirty one and Greenbriar, where a healthier more upstanding business could potentially make a successful go of it. As developments like the Cascades expand toward highway thirty one, properties like the ones I mentioned could be a source of prosperity for some entrepreneurial risk taker. The day “Da Hippy” is bulldozed I’ll be there with popcorn to watch.
Tags: Back Door, Establishments, Eyesores, Facility Renovation, Healthy Communities, Hippie, Hippy, Massive Renovation, Maxim, Move Towards, Papa Murphy, Plunge, Political Leaders, Property Values, Rising Tide, Rubble, Shopping Complex, Sports Club, Starbucks, Tyler TX, Unicorn Club, wal-mart, Walgreens, West Loop, West Loop Development Tyler TX, West Tyler
Posted in Tyler Businesses | 9 Comments »