December 31st, 2011

Wow! I can actually go into a new year without wondering if I should make a new years resolution to workout again. I have been working out over at Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports the last few months and I have seen some dramatic results.
For instance, when I started working out there I weighed 195 pounds but as of today I weigh 172 pounds all from doing the kick boxing group exercise class they have there. I learned a few fundamental basic fighting skills through repetitive action on the kicking bag. I have increased my cardiovascular system through running the undulated indoor track during the 45 minute kick boxing class. I have also managed to tone up quite a bit and put on some muscle pounds.
I am a male and so I managed to lose a lot of weight because most of it was a lot of pure extra body fat on top of muscle. For women you will not always see a quick reduction in weight in the beginning as you are building a lot of muscle while at the same time shedding pounds. This class is just as much for women as it is for men and often times there are more women in my class than men.
What is so cool about XTC is that you get to see a full spectrum of fitness levels working out with you. Everyone pitches in to encourage and lift up those around them. You only workout as much as your body can handle but over time you will find that you are able to push a bit more each time and will eventually be able to accomplish everything the instructor asks the group to do.
I personally must still cheat on some exercises as I really push myself about as far as I can on each exercise and so many times I have to simply quit before the instructor tells us to stop.
If you are like many of us who will be making a new years resolution regarding fitness and weight loss in Tyler Texas I highly recommend trying out Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports. They have over 80 group exercise classes a week which are sure to keep you on track with your goals. The best thing about these classes is that they are free with your gym membership.
Tags: Amp, Body Fat, Cardiovascular System, Dramatic Results, Exercise Class, Exercises, Fitness Levels, Full Spectrum, Group Exercise Classes, Gym Workout, Kick Boxing Class, New Year, New Years Resolution, News Years Resolution, Pitches, Repetitive Action, Sports, Tyler Texas, Weight Loss, Wow, Xtc
Posted in Fitness Centers | No Comments »
January 3rd, 2011
I walked into my local pharmacy in Lindale Texas the other day to see the notorious Power Balance bracelet for sale on the front counter. They were selling it for $19.95 which is usually the price I see it for at other places.
Right next to it was another bracelet called the Phiten Sporting Bracelet. This one claims some different health benefits such as the ability to enhance circulation and promote relaxation in the arm, wrist and shoulder.
I couldn’t believe a pharmacy was selling this considering I put places like the pharmacies in a scientific category in my mind that isn’t necessarily a business accustomed to selling wacko science products.
For instance I usually see ear candles in wellness and herb type stores but rarely do I see ear candles fro sale in my local pharmacy.
The new Phiten sporting bracelet is 100 % silicone which I don’t understand would be touted as being such a great benefit. If they were to say it was 100% made out of gold I might buy it.
These Phiten bracelets have embedded micro titanium sphere zones in them. What is a micro titanium sphere zone? I don’t know and I am sure that is what Phiten hopes many people will think as well so as to let peoples imaginations run wild and come up with their own scientific explanation.
A fun fact about the Phiten brand bracelets is that some pretty big sports stars use this brand. CJ Wilson with the Texas Rangers wears a Phiten necklace and pitches on a professional MLB pitching mound. And it’s not just him that wears this type of thing. Pretty much all the pitchers wears these necklaces accept for Cliff Lee who has now left the Rangers to play with the Phillies.
The balance bracelet enthusiasts and believers out there that are quick to give testimonials on all the ways the bracelets have healed their bodies as well as go into how the bracelets work in a pseudo science kind of manner.
So for those who prefer micro titanium balls in their bracelets over hologram stickers here is another bracelet for you.
Tags: Balance Bracelet, Balls, Circulation, Ear Candles, Enthusiasts, Health Benefits, Hologram Stickers, Imaginations, Lindale Texas, Mlb, Mlv, Necklaces, Pharmacies, Phillies, Phiten balance Bracelet, Phiten Bracelet, Phiten Bracelet scam, Phiten Bracelets, Phiten Necklace, Pitchers, Pitches, Power Balance, Pseudo Science, Relaxation, Science Products, Scientific Explanation, Silicone, Sphere, Sports Stars, Texas Rangers, Titanium, Wellness
Posted in Scams | No Comments »