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Texas Rangers AL West Champions

October 4th, 2011

The Texas Rangers once again are AL West Champions and with each new advance they bump it up a notch to take on a new challenger. My call is that the Tigers will beat the Yankees tonight which means the Rangers and the Tigers will face each other.

Both of these teams are quite good but I think Beltre showed us tonight just what kind of surprises the Rangers can put up when they need to. This Rangers team has the ability to spur each other into action when they need it the most and I think that is what you will see when the Rangers and Tigers face off with each other.

Hamilton remains the 3rd highest batting average with Beltre 2nd and Gentry having the highest in the AL Division Series. The Tigers will be a hard match up but I am sure there will be some big surprises once again.

To read more about the Rangers and their advance to the ALCS please read these very enthusiastic fans and bloggers of the Texas Rangers who both happen to live here in Tyler.

The Hague Sports

The Ranger Report

Kickboxing Class Workout for Ladies

June 28th, 2011

Tyler TX kickboxing group classMy wife went to Tony Cruz XTC Fitness and Sports kickboxing group exercise class yesterday and came back looking like she got in a good one.

Before she went in to her first class she was a little worried there would be a bunch of guys but was pleased to find out there were quite a few moms like herself.

She brought along her sister Hannah who I noticed also seemed to get in a good workout. I asked them how it went after they came back and they said it was hard but good.

My wife seemed mainly happy about the amount of ladies there to workout with her as she felt less intimidated and more comfortable with all the estrogen in the room.

I imagine many women feel like when they walk into a Tyler gym for the first time that there will be all these large guys carrying 100 pound dumbbells but that is not what it is like.

The group exercise classes appeal to a certain type of person and that is the average Joe who just wants to lose some weight and get healthier.

It says something about us guys when a class like this is mainly composed of women. Women are getting healthier and living longer than men and this class ratio of women to men should give you a hint that men need to kick it up a notch.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of a group exercise class like kickboxing please visit this article: Kickboxing class benefits at XTC Fitness