October 18th, 2010

Pizza Hut Lindale Texas
Lindale has opened a walk in Pizza Hut. I really like the pizza here. Pizza Hut has great pizza and is known for their great selection of pizza crust. Although I really like the pizza and food here I was greatly disappointed the first time that I had gotten pizza from the Lindale Pizza Hut. When I walked into the small store with my sister I saw a small red sign under the cash register that said tat if the employee does not offer to show the costumer their pizza before they hand it over, the costumer will get their pizza for free.
We ordered our pizza and the young man behind the counter only had to deal with a couple phone calls and one other costumer besides us. We had about twenty minutes to spare before our order was done. We walked around the stores next to Pizza Hut, such as, Cato and Katie’s. When we came back the pizza was ready to go. The young employee handed us our pizza and did not offer to open the box and show us our order. I pointed out the sign and some what jokingly said that we should get our pizza for free. The employee got really upset that I would call him out on his mistake. I really was not going to make him to give it to me until he got mad at me and claimed that he was extremely busy (there was no one else in the store at this point) and it was wrong that I point out the policy. We ended up just walking out with our pizza and not getting it for free. I should of went back and complained but I knew that my family may have been annoyed when I brought back cold pizza. I was really frustrated that the employee gave such attitude. I like Pizza Hut pizza, but next time I go to Pizza Hut and the employee does not show me the pizza before handing it over, I will ask to get my pizza for free, no matter what excuse the employee gives me.
Tags: Attitude, Caption, Cash Register, Cato, Cold Pizza, Great Pizza, Lindale Texas, Mistake, Phone Calls, Pizza Crust, Pizza Hut Pizza, Twenty Minutes, Young Man
Posted in Pizza | 1 Comment »
January 19th, 2010
Teacher for the Nation is one of the schools that Youth with a Mission has to offer and this is accredited through University of the Nation located in Hawaii and Eclesia in Arkansas. When you have completed the course you earn 27 credits towards the degree you are choosing. I have taken several courses that YWAM Tyler had to offer and can truly say that I enjoyed each one very much. This year I am taking T.F.N. and loving every minute of it. Not going to lie….really hard work and long hours just like any other school or work. Jim and Barbara Kilkenny started this school in 1980, the same year they pioneered the Christian Heritage School. I was always terrified of doing T.F.N. because I have been told that is was very challenging and thought provoking. Before starting school…I thought I knew a lot…but have learned how little reasoning power I really had. While you are in the school…this is the kind of curriculum you would be taking: Sentence Analysis, Growing Kids God’s way, History, Philosophy, Education and Government, and Curriculum Development.
History is God’s story of what really happened and the reason we are here today.
I came from Romania and my experience has been that everywhere you go they teach you something different. For example, I was taught in Romania that Ulad Tepes the Impaler was a hero. Someone who loved and protected his country…when I got to America I learned that he was horrible and evil. That is why it is so important to get the right foundations…T.F.N. teaches you how to think govern-mentally and Biblically to reason from the Bible. They teach you to think for yourself and research the truth. People make the mistake of thinking that the school is only for teachers. Not true, it is for anyone who longs to learn how to reason from true principles. The staff is always ready to help in anyway you need. Everyone of the teachers are filled with a passion to teach and make sure you learn to love studying and have fun while you do it. Bet you never dreamed of that. For the first time in my life I love learning for the reason of understanding. It has been life changing for me and because the teachers are all such great teachers and love what they do….they have dedicated their life to teaching the truth to each student.
Tags: Christian Heritage School, Curriculum Development, Development History, Eclesia, Foundations, Hero, History Philosophy, Impaler, Kilkenny, Loving Every Minute, Mistake, Passion, Philosophy Education, Reasoning Power, Romania, School Curriculum, Sentence Analysis, Teachers For The Nations, True Principles, Youth With A Mission, YWAM, YWAM Tyler
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