August 24th, 2010
Well the summer is over. Ok not it terms of the calendar, or the heat but school has started and that signifies the end for me. We still have the end of August and September to go, but about mid way through the later, we should start to observe a gradual decline in temperatures. By the time October hits, fall will be ramping up and so will our fall schedules. Well for those who enjoy contemporary Christian worship music, and will by then, be looking for a brisk night out; the Oil Palace is holding an event that should prove to be a significant autumn concert. On Thursday, October seventh, worship music star Chris Tomlin will be appearing in concert.
Tomlin is not a stranger to our area. He hales from Grand Saline, and attended Tyler Junior College (TJC) prior to attending Texas A&M University. His musical career began experiencing commercial success around 2002, and since that time he has been the recipient of numerous music awards for those in the religious genre, including three consecutive Gospel Music Association (GMA) “Dove Awards” for male vocalist of the year. Tomlin is in the middle of a tour that began in July and concludes on November fifth in Vancouver, Canada, at the Passion music festival. Passion is a worldwide outreach to college age youth, with events held in some of the world’s largest cities. The concert follows another oil palace event about which I’m significantly less enthusiastic, namely a World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) event on October second. The Oil Palace has kept a pretty busy schedule over the six- plus months despite controversy with the local health department. To read more of my take on the Oil Palace flap, look for my article entitled The Oil Palace Under Fire by clicking on the following link: To read more on Chris Tomlin and his music, visit his web site at Lastly, to see a list of up- coming events at the Oil Palace, go to their webpage at
Tags: August And September, Chris Tomlin, Christian Worship Music, Contemporary Christian Worship Music, Dove Awards, Fall Schedules, Gospel Music Association, Grand Saline, Largest Cities, Local Health Department, Male Vocalist Of The Year, Music Star, Musical Career, Oil Palace, Passion Music, Religious Genre, Tyler Junior College, Vancouver Canada, World Wrestling Entertainment, Worldwide Outreach
Posted in Fun | No Comments »
April 16th, 2010
Lake Country Airways offers a great service for rural broadband internet for Mineola, Lindale, Grand Saline and maybe other places in this area. If you are outside the cable link area and can’t get DSL then this really is an option for you. It is better than satellite (which we found, is expensive and not reliable in different weather conditions) and of course, it is MUCH better than dial up.
The key thing to be eligible for internet access with Lake Country Airways is your physical location. You must have line of sight to one of their towers. If you live on a hill, then you are probably fine – otherwise you will need to have access to an internet tower high enough to reach over the trees and hills. If you are not sure, they can check this for you. We did not have line of sight at our home and had to pay for them to build us a 40 foot metal tower in our backyard. It is visible but not unsightly. I was impressed at their speed and skill in getting the tower up and a little nervous watching them merrily climb up and down the tower to set us up with internet!
Lake Country Airways requires no monthly contract. The set up costs are around $300. Different internet speeds are available depending on what you want to pay. We have 1Mbps which usually costs $50 a month and is plenty fast enough for family internet use – including Skype and downloading large files like TV programs from the internet.
We have had internet service from LCA for nearly two years and have found it very reliable. The speed is consistently fast which is refreshing after our previous experience of enduring satellite connection up and downs. Since our original set up, we have had no issues that required a visit, but when we have called them on the phone their customer service seems to be efficient and polite.
Lake Country Airways is located in Mineola opposite Walmart and they can be contacted on 903 316 9586.
Tags: 1mbps, Broadband Internet, Cable Link, Family Internet, Grand Saline, Highspeed Internet Service in Lindale Texas, Internet Access, Internet Service, Internet Speeds, Internet Use, Lca, Lindale Texas, Lindale Texas Internet, Lindale TX Wireless Internet, Line Of Sight, Metal Tower, Mineola, Physical Location, Satellite Connection, Trees, Tv Programs, Walmart, Weather Conditions
Posted in Internet | No Comments »
February 21st, 2010

Texas arsonists mug shots
The arsonists were arrested late last night and this morning in San Antonio and Grand Saline. KLTV will be covering it live at 4:00 pm today. According to Crowley with the ATF, he said, “various techniques led members of a special task force to the men, including DNA evidence and phone tips.”
My questions revolve around if they turned out to be young highschoolers that are either satanists or think they are vampires. One news station said their last names are Jason Borque and Daniel Mcalister. Jason was a student at UT Tyler.
If you know these guys feel free to comment below and fill us in. Is he a twilight fan, does he regularly where black trench coats, and other typical ridiculousness.
The ATF has reported that the other arsonists last name is Borque and was arrested in Northern Smith County. They said the sketches are unrelated to the men that were arrested. The sketches were men of interest at the time that could have some kind of link.
These are considered 1st degree felonies and could also be considered aggravated robberies. The ATF said that among some of the evidence they have is DNA evidence.
They may ask the judge to stack sentences. There is only one arrest warrant at this time which is the Dover Baptist Church warrant. They are confident that they will be arrested on other fires. They don’t believe the fire in Temple is related to the East Texas church fires.
According to NBC news one is from Lindale and the other guy is from Van Texas but after more news it appears more like Ben Wheeler Texas. So these guys were right in my backyard the whole time. I kind of suspected they might be from here considering how they were spreading the fires out around this location. They couldn’t resist to go after a couple of the churches in their own towns. If they were trying to throw police off I think it served more as an easy to find trail to their hideout.
Dates and locations of arsons:
- 01-01-2010, 9:02 AM – Little Hope Baptist Church – Canton, TX;
- 01-01-2010, 11:05 AM – Faith Baptist Church – Athens, TX;
- 01-11-2010, 10:40 PM – Grace Community Church, Athens, TX;
- 01-12-2010, 12:09 AM – Lake Athens Baptist Church, Athens, TX;
- 01-16-2010, 6:30 PM – Tyland Baptist Church, Tyler, TX;
- 01-17-2010, 6:33 PM – First Church of Christ Scientist, Tyler, TX;
- 01-20-2010, 7:37 AM – Prairie Creek Fellowship, Lindale, TX;
- 02-04-2010, 5:23 AM – Russell Memorial United Methodist Church, Wills Point, TX;
- 02-08-2010, 8:47 PM – Dover Baptist Church, Tyler, TX;
- 02-08-2010, 9:44 PM – Clear Springs Missionary Baptist Church, Lindale, TX.
In addition to the arsons at the above listed churches, there were attempted break-ins at the following churches:
- 02-07-2010, 12:19 AM, Heritage Baptist Church, Tyler, TX;
- 02-08-2010, 9:19 PM, Clearview Church, Tyler, TX;
- 02-08-2010, 9:39 PM, Pine Brook Baptist Church, Tyler, TX.
Tags: Arrest Warrant, Arsonists, Atf, Black Trench Coats, Borque, church burnings, Degree Felonies, Dna Evidence, East Texas, Grand Saline, Hideo, Kltv, Last Names, Mcalister, Mug Shots, Nbc News, News Station, Ridiculousness, smith county, UT Tyler, Wheeler Texas
Posted in Churches | 6 Comments »