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Mount Sylvan Coffee Shop

January 11th, 2010

This is not just a normal coffee shop experience. Usually they fall under two extremes, either something pristine and new age like Starbucks or completely opposite and decorated as a complete mess of art (my favorite, so beautiful). Yet this is something entirely new and lovely. There is no doubt of the artistic vision the owner has throughout the entire shop, expressed in the floors, furniture, items sold and service given. And yet there is no sense of dark chaos. Much rather organized delight.

Coffee Shops in Tyler Texas

Coffee Shops in Tyler Texas

It is a precious place to hang out, visit, sit and think and browse. Through the front door (street front) you will be greeted by the all the fun, creative and catchy items that due fully express the funny side of the Texas way. If you are looking for a gag/unique gift, I suggest popping in here to find one. In this room you will make all your purchases, the food and drinks are all up to par, quite tasty and worth your while. Next is a huge sitting room with old fashioned furniture, chairs, tables and benches. Hard wood floors and windows in the walls between rooms, which adds to the fun atmosphere.

This facility also has the capacity to be rented out. I myself have thrown a rather large Pride a Prejudice party involving dancing and food and crochet. The owner Denise is easy to work with and eager to help people. It sits next to the road just off of 110, it is well worth your time to check it out.

Mount Sylvan Coffee Shop also has their very own Farmers Market  on Saturdays. Call and ask when booths are open at this unique Tyler Texas coffee shop!