January 14th, 2010
It’s Fashion Metro is a clothing store just in front of the Walmart at HWY 64 and Loop 323. It is plane on the outside but full of color and style displayed in the merchandise. They sell cheap cheap cheap jewelry, shoes, lingerie, clothes… and quite the variety for it all too. I love shopping here because I know I’m always going to find something I like for dirt cheap. If your style is hip, colorful, fun or too expensive for your income then most likely you will find a piece of treasure here.
It’s Fashion Metro also goes by the name It’s Fashion and is a part of a bigger company called The Cato Company, which specializes in value-priced fashion. Which means you should be bound to find something useful from either store for a very low price. I hope you grow to enjoy this store. I certainly do!
Tags: Cato, Cato tyler TX, Cheap Jewelry, Clothes, Clothing Store, Dirt, Fashion Clothing, Its Fashion Metro, Lingerie, Metro, Shoes, Walmart
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December 3rd, 2009
You can reach our preferred Texas certified Septic Company in Tyler Texas by calling Evan Watson Dirt Works – 903-360-2513
When hiring a Septic company in Tyler Texas to assist with a possible flooding of your tank and or house there are a couple pointers I would like to pass along. Usually when you start getting a back up in your house and possibly water flooding on your floors it is related to a combination of a clogged drain line in your yard, a night of raining, and an early morning shower and a couple of toilet flushes. If your drain line is clogged, you have rain water puddling on top of that drain line and you just took a long shower you may start to see water coming into your house from the bottom of the toilet, out of the bathtub, and who really knows all where it may be leaking out of. You want to put a quick end to this nightmare.
You will want to hire a septic company to come out and pump the water out of your tank. This will not solve your problem but will allow you to use your toilet and showers again provided another rain does not come. You will need to get to the root of the issue which are the drain lines. The drain lines many times are large PVC pipe with holes that come out at a slight angle downwards into the ground. They are usually built into a square with a cross of PVC in the middle. This type of setup allows for several drain lines to become clogged while still allowing water to flow in some of the drain lines that are working.

Evan Watson Septic and Dirt Work
In my situation all of the drain lines seem to be clogged because no matter what I do water still some into the house. Many times a worker from a septic company will let you know if something needs to be done about your clogged drain line or the house flooding will continue. They will work off the clock to work and repair your septic. Because there are EPA guidelines to fix and construct a proper septic drain line the septic pump company will usually just be licensed to pump the tank but not construct a septic system. That is why many times in rural areas you have a hodgepodge of septic creations in the ground going into hay bails, a pile of rocks in the ground and so on. These type of setups sometimes work for awhile, not at all, or they just might do the trick.
You can hire someone off the clock to make your septic system work that may not be certified to do this type of thing but we do not recommend it. You may only pay $400 instead of $4000 but you may end up having to do it all over again the correct way. Instead we recommend that you hire a good quality septic company in Tyler Texas that has an EPA license and can build you a septic system that will last for years.
You can reach our preferred EPA certified Septic Company in Tyler Texas by calling Evan Watson Dirt Works – 903-360-2513
We have not been paid to refer Evan Watson as our preferred Texas certified Septic Company in Tyler Texas. We simply know Evan Watson to be very good at what he does.
Tags: Bathtub, Clock, Clogged Drain, Couple Pointers, Dirt, Dirt Work, Drain Line, Drain Lines, Epa Guidelines, Holes, Ht, Nightmare, Pvc Pipe, Px, Rain Water, Return Document, Septic Company, Septic Company Tyler Texas, Septic Field Line Company Tyler TX, Septic Systems Tyler TX, Showers, Tank, Toile, Toilet Flushes, True Function, Tyler Texas, Water Flow, Watson
Posted in Septic | 1 Comment »
November 9th, 2009
As a teacher at a Tyler area private school, I have often found it necessary to do work on the side, (which is why I write for tylertxdirectory.com). This is especially true during the summer, when school is out and my pay is less regular. One of the jobs I’ve had is working with Watson Dirt Works. As an educator, much of my career has been spent indoors pouring over textbooks and grading papers. So when summer rolls around again I almost look forward to the outdoor manual labor. I have found myself twenty feet below ground laying sewer pipe, shoveling septic mud in the rain, digging trenches in the July heat, and even on occasion, compacting earth in the cold of December. And you know what? I’ve loved nearly every minute of it. My grandfather believed that hard physical work is good for the soul. He was right. Over the last few years, Evan Watson and I have traveled all over East Texas. Installing septic systems, field lines, and doing all manner of landscaping. But when summer winds down and the days get shorter I have the luxury of returning to teaching. Evan, however just keeps plugging along as he has for over twenty years.
There are a lot of guys in the sewer and septic game in Tyler. And when a system fails or the job is too dirty or difficult, they all recommend Evan Watson. Evan has a reputation for doing things right the first time without cutting corners or looking for an easy way out. He’s an honest broker who won’t over or under sell a product. Evan will give you an honest assessment of your system’s issues and the solutions. He knows the codes and has the skills to solve a wide range of problems involving septic and drainage. To top it all off, he has contacts and connections all over East Texas.
Let’s face it, good and bad economies come and go, but toilets are forever. There’s nothing worse than not being able flush or shower, so if your system needs an overhaul don’t wait and pray it fixes itself. It won’t. Call the guy with twenty plus years experience. For a consultation call (903) 360- 2513 and tell him you read about him at tylertxdirectory.com. For more on Watson Dirt Works, visit the Tyler Blog Section of this site and look for the title “Integrity in a dirty business.”
Tags: Cutting Corners, Dirt, Drainage, East Texas, Educator, Honest Assessment, Honest Broker, Mud, Private School, Rain, Reputation, Septic Company Tyler Texas, Septic Systems, Sewer Pipe, Summer Winds, Textbooks, Toilets, Trenches, Twenty Years, Tyler Area, Watson
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