Does anyone know the bystanders name who tackled the gunman, Jared Loughner, who shot congresswoman of Tucson Arizona Gabrielle Giffords?
Answer: We still do not know the answer to this but Daniel Hernandez is the latest hero in this tragedy. As everyone on hand waited for emergency medical support to arrive, Hernandez held Giffords’s head in his lap and applied pressure to her wound likely saving her. “Daniel Hernandez is the young intern credited with saving Giffords life.”
Before the day got going she tweeted that she would be doing a Congress on Your Corner and invited people to come by.
She tweeted: “My 1st Congress on Your Corner starts now. Please stop by to let me know what is on your mind or tweet me later.” – @rep_giffords
Whoever he was he is a hero for tackling the gun man. This gunman shot and killed a child, volunteers, and wounded Giffords using a pistol at a four foot range directly aiming at each persons head. The shooting happened at a Tucson Arizona Safeway grocery store.
The gun man was aiming at peoples heads in multiple assassination attempts. Another gunman in the crowd opened fire on the assassin but ultimately a bystander tackled and captured the assassin.
The congress woman is alive and responding to commands after a bullet entered through her temple and out another side of her head.
The suspect is a white 22 year old male. The man has been identified as Jared Laughner. Some news stations say Jared Loughner was in the military but the US military has not been able to verify he ever served in the military.
Who to follow: News @tylerdirectory Her husband astronaut Mark Kelly @shuttlecdrkelly and of course Gabrielle Giffords @rep_giffords
Gabrielle Giffords not Gifford is considered a gun rights advocate, pro-choice, 2nd amendment supporter, Blue Dog Democrat, only congress woman with active military spouse, youngest woman ever elected to house, grew up in Tucson, 3rd term Democrat, married to astronaut Mark Kelly, wants increased Arizona Mexico border security, Cornell graduate, Scripps University graduate, used to be a Republican and is known to listen to her constituents in the 8th district of Arizona frequently holding town hall style meetings at a local grocery store.
Listen to congress woman Giffords reading the US constitution: Listen now
Jared Loughner on Youtube- “my favorite activity is conscience draining…some of us don’t dream…my hope is for you to be literate…comprehend English grammar…in conclusion…informing illiterate dreamers about a new currency…in a few days you’ll know I’m conscience dreaming…reading the 2nd United States Constitution the government is implying mind control and brainwashing on the people by controlling grammar I won’t pay debt with a currency that is not backed by gold and silver no I will not trust in God…”
“The population of dreamers is less then 5% in the US”
Jared Loughner’s favorite books are Mein Kampf, The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, and Animal Farm by George Orwell.
He was given a Bible at his military recruiting station and did not like that. He has an issue with the governments use of grammar to manipulate the population, whatever that means.
I haven’t been able to put this guy in any type of stereotype box other then crazy. He definitely doesn’t fall into the Tea Party category. Tea Partier’s are baby boomer bible belt type of people. He hates religion and Christianity and admires communism and the thinking of Hitler.
His last thing he wrote was on myspace and was: “goodbye friends”
Tyler Texas keeps getting these new and great restaurants coming to town. When will it ever stop? Not that I care for it to stop but it just seems like restaurant overkill.
Chuy’s Tex-Mex Restaurant is one of those Austin Texas restaurants I remember as a kid that had a type of 1980’s flare about it.
Chuy’s opened in downtown Dallas but it didn’t last and was eventually closed. I think they found some better locations in the Dallas area since over by SMU off of I75
Chuys in my mind is better than On the Border but then again I was a kid when I ate there. I never really thought they would one day be in Tyler.
That old Brass Lion building by Lowes and Spring Creek Barbeque will be torn down and Chuys will be built in it’s place. This will give Chuys a prime location in Tyler.
I thought I would slip in this Tyler restaurant coupon discount email list you can join. We send you good solid valuable Tyler restaurant coupons and offers right to your email. Type in your email and click “Submit” and your done!
Chuys in Dallas is kind of a cool hang out place for university students and people with really colorful Cowboy boots. I am not sure what type of crowd it will attract in Tyler.
Chapman’s Auction is located at 14986 Hwy 64West, Tyler, Texas 75704. They have an auction on Thursday and Saturday evening. They begin selling at 7 p.m. and are usually finished before 10 p.m.
Anyone can come to buy in the auction, you just have to get a bidding number to bid on each sale. There are junk dealers who bid, but you can still get things cheap, because they are looking for a bargain to resale in their shop.
They have household items, appliances, furniture, toys and antiques. The best buys occur early when they line up the bargain boxes and auction the whole box. You can find some real treasures for a cheap price.
The auction building can hold approximately 300 people if it was full, but most of the time they have a crowd of 150. They have a snack restaurant, where you can purchase food to eat. The auction sets up long rows of tables and chairs, you can eat and bid in comfort.
This is a fun experience and comfortable setting, plus you can find some great bargains if you are a good bidder. This is a good place to take items to sell and get something for them. You can take them a day or so before the date of the auction. You don’t have to be present for the sale, but you can go pickup your money after the auction has closed. They charge a small percentage for selling your items, but you have a large audience to have an opportunity to sell them.
If you’re looking for a way to cool off this summer, Andy’s custard is a great option. A visit to Andy’s to Andy’s is a part of the summer experience in Tyler. The outdoor 1950s small town feel only adds to the appeal.
They say you can always find good food by looking for the longest lines. If this is true, then Andy’s is a sure bet. By the end of the week a crowd gathers for an Andy’s concrete, (a blend of frozen custard with assorted toppings). The group mills around on the summer evenings socializing and enjoying their custard. It’s an interesting cross section of people who gather there, everyone from area youth groups to weekend Harley riders. They’re all down at Andy’s.
So next time your group is looking for summer evening out, stop by, have a frozen custard and hang out at Andy’s. You’ll probably see someone you know.
Mexican restaurants in Tyler are a lot like Churches in Tyler. Some prefer the mega churches, just like some choose the impersonal larger favs like Mercados or Jalapeño Tree. Well I no more prefer being one of a billion served than a billion saved. When it comes to Mexican or “Tex-Mex” food, why trust to a corporation what has been done better by grandmothers for centuries. Ok so that’s a bit nostalgic I admit, but Texas is blessed with some of the best cultural foods of any place in the world. This is why I visit restaurants like Don Juan’s. When I eat Mexican food in Tyler I want it taste like authentic Mexican / Texan food.
Don Juan’s is a local Tyler business with two locations; that serves the authentic food I expect to have in Texas. Their quesadillas and enchiladas are absolutely out of his world and their Chimichanga has to be the best in town. But everyone has their favorite menu item. And with an atmosphere as authentic as the food, it’s a great place to take out of town guests for a bit of local color.
Great cantaloupe juice!
So next time you’re tempted to follow the crowd to one of the mega Tex-Mex establishments, try something a bit more personal. Try Don Juan’s located at 1313 E. Erwin, or on the Square at 113 E Erwin, in Tyler.You’ll be glad you did.For a menu see their website at
Who tackled the attempted assasin of congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords?
January 8th, 2011Answer: We still do not know the answer to this but Daniel Hernandez is the latest hero in this tragedy. As everyone on hand waited for emergency medical support to arrive, Hernandez held Giffords’s head in his lap and applied pressure to her wound likely saving her. “Daniel Hernandez is the young intern credited with saving Giffords life.”
Before the day got going she tweeted that she would be doing a Congress on Your Corner and invited people to come by.
She tweeted: “My 1st Congress on Your Corner starts now. Please stop by to let me know what is on your mind or tweet me later.” – @rep_giffords
Whoever he was he is a hero for tackling the gun man. This gunman shot and killed a child, volunteers, and wounded Giffords using a pistol at a four foot range directly aiming at each persons head. The shooting happened at a Tucson Arizona Safeway grocery store.
The gun man was aiming at peoples heads in multiple assassination attempts. Another gunman in the crowd opened fire on the assassin but ultimately a bystander tackled and captured the assassin.
The congress woman is alive and responding to commands after a bullet entered through her temple and out another side of her head.
Gabrielle Giffords not Gifford is considered a gun rights advocate, pro-choice, 2nd amendment supporter, Blue Dog Democrat, only congress woman with active military spouse, youngest woman ever elected to house, grew up in Tucson, 3rd term Democrat, married to astronaut Mark Kelly, wants increased Arizona Mexico border security, Cornell graduate, Scripps University graduate, used to be a Republican and is known to listen to her constituents in the 8th district of Arizona frequently holding town hall style meetings at a local grocery store.
Listen to congress woman Giffords reading the US constitution: Listen now
Jared Loughner on Youtube- “my favorite activity is conscience draining…some of us don’t dream…my hope is for you to be literate…comprehend English grammar…in conclusion…informing illiterate dreamers about a new currency…in a few days you’ll know I’m conscience dreaming…reading the 2nd United States Constitution the government is implying mind control and brainwashing on the people by controlling grammar I won’t pay debt with a currency that is not backed by gold and silver no I will not trust in God…”
“The population of dreamers is less then 5% in the US”
Jared Loughner’s favorite books are Mein Kampf, The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, and Animal Farm by George Orwell.
He was given a Bible at his military recruiting station and did not like that. He has an issue with the governments use of grammar to manipulate the population, whatever that means.
I haven’t been able to put this guy in any type of stereotype box other then crazy. He definitely doesn’t fall into the Tea Party category. Tea Partier’s are baby boomer bible belt type of people. He hates religion and Christianity and admires communism and the thinking of Hitler.
His last thing he wrote was on myspace and was: “goodbye friends”
Jared Loughner Video on YouTube
Tags: @shuttlecdrkelly, @tylerdirectory, Acts Of Violence, Assasin, Assasination, Astronaut, Blue Dog, Border City, Border Security, Brainwashing, Bystander, bystander who stopped gifford gunman, Bystanders, City Of Juarez, Communist Manifesto, Congress, Congressman, Congresswoman, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Constituents, Cornel, Cornell Graduate, Crowd, Daniel hernandes, Daniel hernandez, Dreamers, East Texas, East Texas Town, English Grammar, Favorite Books, Foot Range, Gabrielle, gabrielle gifford gunman, Gabrielle Giffords, Giffords, Giffords Gabrielle, Gold And Silver, Gun Man, Gun Rights, Gun Shot, Gunman, Hero, Jared Laughner, Jared Loughner, Jared Loughner assasin, Jared Loughner youtube, Local Grocery Store, Mark Kelly, Medical Support, Mexico Border, Military Spouse, Mind Control, Myspace, News Stations, Partner In Crime, People, Pro Choice, Prochoice, Rights Advocate, Safeway, Safeway Grocery Store, Term Democrat, Town Hall, Tucson Arizona, Tuscon Arizona, United States Constitution, Us Constitution, Volunteers, Woman
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