My family and I set out to do something fun this Saturday and so we settled on going to “Wit’s End Ranch” together. My wife and son had been before and loved it but I had never been. I called them up to see if they were open this Saturday but they now only do private parties.
The lady at Wit’s End Ranch was very nice and referred us to try East Texas Gator and Wildlife Farm. I had never heard of this place before. This sounded very exciting and something my 2 year old son would love so we did it.
We were nothing short of extremely impressed with this place! It has all the East Texas Charm you could expect. Besides watching an alligator wilderness guy feed live several hundred pound alligators you can also pet and see baby alligators and snakes, jump in the bouncy house, rock around in a beached boat, swing on a rope swing, and pet pot bellied pigs, goats, and chicks in the petting zoo.
They also have a restaurant that has a special offer to allow you free admission with the purchase of certain dinner menu meals. The East Texas Gator Farm is located in Grand Saline Texas and is very close to Canton Texas. We drove here from Tyler/Lindale area and found it to be a very nice scenic drive through Lindale and Van Texas.
You will see a sign next to the road to turn on to continue on to to East Texas Gator Farm. This is not a hard place to find and I now consider it one of the East Texas areas best attractions. Some of the adult alligators are over 700 lbs.
These gators are not necessarily tame friendly beasts as we saw evidence of missing fingers from one of the employees here. All the employees seem to truly love their jobs and the alligator tamer/feeder initiated allowing my son to pet some snakes and baby alligators.
This is one of those natural attractions in East Texas that is just real and beautiful and a place you rarely find among the many cookie cutter venues. Of course every attraction has it’s time and place even if it’s the typical amusement but this simply isn’t the norm and definitely worth bringing the whole fam.
Obama Gave Cookie Cutter Bland Speech To America
August 31st, 2010Did you just touch me?
Obama said muddled during conversations with the military in Texas, that because of the U.S. efforts in the Iraq war, “America is more secure.”
During his speech he taunted these same military by saying that the war was a mistake. He refused to admit that the surge was a success and he used cloudy messages to continue his message that we should have never been in Iraq.
In his next breath he explained of his continued war path in Afghanistan as if although opposed to war for some reason the war in Afghanistan is much better than what we did in Iraq?
House Republican leader John Boehner said that congressional leaders who opposed the troop surge that led to advances in Iraq are now taking credit for it. Obama didn’t go so far as to take credit for success in Iraq but continues to refuse to admit that the surge did in fact work after he stated before that it would never work.
Now he acts as if the public believes this flip flop nonsense of some how the Iraq war was morally wrong but the Afghanistan war is right? Are we supposed to just believe him on this because of his supposed superior intellect or are people ready to admit that this guy is a fraud?
I am not so sure taking military forces out of Iraq is a good idea at this point although 50,000 US military will remain however secretive the left has tried to make this fact. The truth is we are still in Iraq and will likely need to be there awhile longer unless we want all those lives waisted in vain because of Obama now preferring the war in Afghanistan over the Iraq war.
I believe most of us in Tyler Texas understand that Obama and many of his leftist radicals are deceivers and Marxist enemy’s of traditional American values like the pursuit of each individual citizen to to have life, liberty, and happiness without being lumped into a large socialistic mass of people to provide a Utopian fairness.
This type of political system that the leftist government feeds the public is soaked up by easily manipulated young idealistic kids, people who believe they are smarter than most because of their masters degree, and many who take medication because of psychotic mental problems.
Obama’s speech was boring and everything I thought it would be. He made it perfectly bland not too far in either direction while making a hard stand on some of the things he simply can no longer back down from at this point in the game.
For the future, let’s hope our country sees good liberty loving American’s voted back into office and both liberal Republicans and liberal Democrats careers dried up for good.
Tags: 50000 military in Iraq, Afghanistan War, Caption, Congressional Leaders, Conversations, Cookie Cutter, Fact Work, Fairness, Intellect, Iraq troop surge, Iraq War, John Boehner, Leader John Boehner, Leftist Government, Life Liberty And Happiness, Military Forces, Nonsense, Obama, Radicals, Republican Leader John Boehner, Traditional American Values, Tyler Texas, War America, War In Afghanistan, War Path
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