October 14th, 2010

Tyler Texas Gym
Before you go out and join a gym and definitely before you commit to a year long gym membership I recommend creating your own exercise routine at your home and sticking to it for atleast a year. If you can maintain a good exercise routine at your home for a year doing some type of exercise everyday you can justify a commitment to a gym. You see a Tyler Texas gym membership takes even more discipline and commitment than doing exercise conveniently from your own home.
There is an exception to the whole anti-gym membership idea and that is if you utilize a personal trainer at a gym. The good thing is XTC Fitness has several fitness programs where the personal trainer comes free during the class. If you decide to join a gym I recommend doing a class such as the kickboxing class offered by Tony Cruz’s XTC Fitness gym.
The class is designed for girls or guys and is no wussified class as I am a guy and I take a great deal of pride in my own manliness and find nothing simple or easy about kickboxing but do find it astonishing how good I feel each day now and how easily I shed the pounds.
Best Tyler TX Gym
Walking over to a chin up bar that is stationed on your hallway doorway takes about 10 seconds. Driving to a gym takes quite a bit longer and requires that you schedule and prioritize things around your excursion from your home to a gym. Many times exercise from home does not require that you change up your schedule at all. You can simply exercise at home when an available slot opens up.
The gym however can work out quite well if you fit it in during your lunch during a 45 minute work out program designed for working men and women as XTC Fitness in Tyler TX offers.
If my thinking on this sounds new and different to what you had in mind take some time to let it sink in as you will save hundreds of dollars by waiting to see if you can even stick to an exercise routine from the convenience of your home. I personally have yet to be able to commit to a year of exercise at home.
An alternative to a gym membership for those who still want to join a gym even if they have yet to establish a home exercise routine is to enroll in a weight lifting exercise class a TJC. TJC offers an exceptional weight lifting, jogging, and excercise class in one that comes with a free personal trainer aka your teacher. You will be taught into shape over the course of a semester and can continue on from there.
A TJC gym class is perhaps the best bang for your buck and a very good way to motivate yourself back into shape.
When all of this is taken into account, it seems a gym membership amounts to nothing more than a waste of good money. However, there are good reasons to throw caution to the wind and just take the plunge. A gym offers a much wider range of quality exercise equipment than most people would have room to store, even if they could afford it. Many gyms also offer specialized classes where members can sign up to work-out in ways that interest them, keeping exercise fun and less boring.
Additionally, when you spend your hard earned money on a gym membership the motivation is there to get your money’s worth. You will be more likely to make the time to work out when you have invested money into it. As for the embarrassment factor, there’s not much to be done except know that in a few weeks you’ll be showing your stuff with the best of them.
Tags: Best Bang, Caution To The Wind, Chin Up Bar, Convenience, Convienently, Discipline, Doorway, Embarrassment, Excercise Routine, Excursion, Exercise, Few Minutes, Financial Aspect, Fit, Fitness Gym, Fitness Programs, Fitness Trainer, Free Personal Trainer, Good Exercise Routine, Gym Class, Gym Membership, Gyms, Hallway, Hard Earned Money, Home Truth, Jogging, Joining A Gym, Kickboxing Class, Lunch, Manliness, Men And Women, Mone, Money, Motivation, Personal Trainer, Plunge, Pride, Prioritize, Quality Exercise Equipment, Shape, Stuff, TJC, Treadmill, Truth About, Tyler Texas, Tyler Texas Gym, tyler texas gyms, Tyler TX, Weight Lifting, Weight Loss, Working Men
Posted in Weight Loss | Comments Off on Tyler, Texas Weight Loss: A Gym can get you there
December 16th, 2009
Redbox is suing 21st Century Fox and Universal Studios for telling Redbox to wait a few weeks after their movies go on sell before renting them. In the past the studios had attempted to prevent movie rental stores from even starting. This attack against Red Box seems like another attempt by the movie studios to prevent a movie rental business model from developing.
The Redbox movie rental boxes in Walmart actually help the movie studios considering Redbox users rent about 20% more movies then other more traditional movie rental stores. Redbox has sold more then 77 million dollars in DVD’s through their boxes from users who have decided to keep the DVD rather then return it. All in all a case can be made that Redbox is really helping the movie studios rather then hurting them.
Since Redbox is a new business model the movie studios are just unsure about how it will effect their bottom line. The fact is Redbox is increasing volume, providing savings back to the consumer and offering a more convenient way to rent movies. Over the next few years Redbox will be helping the movie studios rather than hurting them as they offer a more effecient way to purchase and rent movies.
The movie studios like any major cash cow business becomes stuck in the familiar old school ways of doing business and are uncomfortable venturing out and trying something new to increase sales. They see Redbox making all this movie money and they feel that Redbox is shaving profit margin from new DVD sales. The fact of the matter is that Redbox stepped up and provided a more affordable and convenient way to shop and rent DVD’s by paying a dollar a day from convenient Walmart red boxes.
I have bought atleast one Redbox DVD simply because I never returned it. I have rented more movies that I would have never rented before because of the convenience of Redbox and I enjoy the limited but good selection of top dvd rentals. I end up spending an hour or two in a DVD movie rental store but only about 5 minutes searching for a movie rental using Redbox.
The movie studios need to leave those little Redbox movie rental boxes in the Tyler Texas Walmarts alone. We Tylerites like our Redbox, they’re good for me.
Tags: 21st Century Fox, Bottom Line, Business Model, Cash Cow, Convenience, Doing Business, Dollar A Day, Fact Of The Matter, Fox Studios, Million Dollars, New Business, Old School, Profit Margin, Redbox Dvd, Redbox DVD Rental, Redbox Movie Studios, Redbox Tyler Texas, Redbox Tyler TX, Redbox Walmart, Rent Dvd, Rent Movies, Rental Boxes, Rental Business, Universal Studios, Walmart
Posted in Movie Rental | 3 Comments »
September 2nd, 2009
Brookshire’s, Tyler, TX(Located on Broadway and Rice just south of the Loop)
10 out of 10 Stars – Rate Brookshires Grocery
Besides basic Tyler grocery store needs, this Brookshire’s has some attributes that some may not know about. Some specialty areas which are located on west part of the store include: A Coffee Bar/Shop, a Chinese Restaurant, a Sushi Bar, a Deli Counter, an Olive Bar, and a Salad Bar. Having these extras available in a neighborhood grocery store is rare and at least one can be utilized by most any customer. My favorite part of the store is Brookshire’s Sushi Bar. It has an excellent selection of basic sushi trays at a good price. Another advantage of the sushi bar is the convenience for those who are on a limited budget and maybe even limited time if you should be craving sushi. Since the store is open for 24 hours, the sushi trays are also available for those operating hours. However, one should keep in mind that because the sushi is made during the early part of the day and the actual sushi bar is only open until late evening, the later in the evening, the less chance of finding the variety one might desire.
Tags: Attributes, Broadway, Brookshires Customer Reviews, Brookshires Grocery, Brookshires Grocery Store, Brookshires Tyler Texas, Budget, Chinese Restaurant, Coffee Bar, Convenience, Late Evening, Limited Time, Loop 10, Neighborhood Grocery Store, Operating Hours, Salad Bar, Stars, Sushi Bar, Sushi Trays
Posted in Grocery Stores | No Comments »