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Trendy Chicks Offers Fashionable Womens Clothing Choices for the Holidays

October 31st, 2011

Trendy ChicksTrendy Chicks is a successful clothing store for women that has made a name for itself in Longview and has now expanded into Tyler Texas.

You will find their store off of Broadway right behind Racquet and Jog. Their grand opening will be on Friday but I came in for a sneak peak into what they offer.

I am always suspicious when walking into a small women’s fashion store because I usually see a terrible selection of clothing but these ladies obviously have a knack for picking out good fashion.

I found the clothing selections to be fashionable, tasteful and a wide selection to choose from. Their prices are reasonable as most of their items go for in between $30 – $60.

This store also offers jewelry accessories to go along with their outfits or you may just want to leave with some jewelery for an outfit you own at home.

When I dropped by to meet this new Tyler business it seemed like I had met the owners before but I couldn’t quite place it. I then remembered Trendy Chicks has a TV commercial that aired in Tyler while they still only had a store in Longview. I remember thinking when seeing the commercial that it was too bad they didn’t have a store in Tyler also. Now their TV commercial will be more bang for the buck next time it airs as they now have  Tyler and Longview store.

Go by on Friday for their grand opening and get something for someone for Christmas.

Tony Cruz XTC Fitness Workout 8

July 5th, 2011

I completed workout number 8 today at Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports.

This workout is done during my lunch hour and lasts 45 minutes so I can make it back to work on time.

I highly recommend you check it out. I love it, and it has me on a solid established routine now.

This is my first time weighing myself and I have gone from:

195 pounds down to 180 pounds.

Pretty cool… Check them out here http://www.xtremetc.com

7922 S. Broadway
Tyler, TX 75703
Phone: (903) 509-4269


Kick Boxing in Tyler TX

June 8th, 2011

Tyler TX Kick Boxing ClassChoosing a fitness club in Tyler TX requires that you know your options and which one is right for you.

Tony Cruz XTC Fitness offers many options in the form of exercise classes for adults and kids.

There are Zumba dance classes, kickboxing classes (which I do 5 days a week), and Yoga classes.

The fitness classes work out well for me as I don’t want to pay for a personal trainer but that is pretty much what I am getting just with more people.

The kick boxing class is great as you get to work on your fitness goals with other like minded people.

Right now XTC Fitness in Tyler TX has some great fitness packages going on. Go by and check them out on Broadway by The Diner.

Kickboxing in Tyler TX

June 3rd, 2011

Tony Cruz XTC Fitness

Choosing an option to lose weight has never been something that I worried too much about. I know for many people it’s a huge deal and from time to time it is an issue that everyone spends a significant amount of time thinking about.

Kickboxing class in Tyler TX has always been an option but some places do a better job with it. What you get with XTC Fitness are real true fighters training you, encouraging, and tweaking your exercise routine as you complete their 45 minute to 1 hour fitness class.

I am experiencing some really awesome benefits from this fitness class even though I have only been doing it a few days so far during my lunch hour.

Weight is decreasing even though I haven’t changed my diet significantly. I feel stronger and my breathing isn’t as tiresome during workouts.

XTC Fitness offers the benefit and value of free personal training when going through the class. I knock the class out during my lunch break and quickly get on with my day.

Having a friendship with your personal kickboxing trainer encouraging you to come in everyday is better motivation than almost anything you could do on your own.

As a guy I see multiple women in the class out pacing me in almost every area. What this does to me is call back to that little boy inside that wants to atleast do better than the girls.

I find myself getting motivation from the women in the class as they do 25 man push-ups back to back and I can’t get to 5. It tells me something and that is that I might actually lose against some of these women fitness students in an MMA match up against them.

But really folks, this class is awesome for someone just starting out on correcting their weight and fitness problems. The XTC Fitness guys will have you in shape in no time. I will report back soon with some of my very own weight loss numbers.

XTC Fitness is on Broadway right by The Diner. Go by now and check them out and their gigantic fitness facility currently being built.

Royal Lube in Tyler TX

May 17th, 2011

Royal Lube in Tyler TX

Like everybody I go in to an oil lube place every so often and get an oil change for my truck.

I know there are some people that drive around with sludge in their engine for years but I need my car to last.

Last time I came in to Royal Lube I didn’t go with my usual Pennzoil but tried Royal Purple instead.

You can go many more miles when you use Royal Purple and although it is more expensive you don’t have to get an oil change as often.

Today I decided to go with Royal Purple again. It did well for me and I have no reason to change now. Some of my relatives go on and on about this stuff and use it in their sports cars so I figured I would become an avid fan as well. Why not, it works and saves me money.

Royal Lube does not just have a wide selection of oil but a friendly, courteous, and capable staff. I must have been going here for a decade or longer and I have never had a mishap. These guys always do a great job.

Next time you need an oil change go to the corner of Amherst and Broadway. They are close to this intersection and across the street from Mundt Music. They are also next door to the newer Shoguns restaurant.