Most people are comfortable with driving around town randomly looking at auto’s for sale in Tyler Texas without ever taking the time to consider if this is an efficient use of your time. There is an online shopping phenomenon that has taken over the automobile industry all over the US. Many people now find and purchase their used and new cars online.
I have an interesting story about how my very own brother purchased his last two automobiles online. One of them was a Z71 Tahoe and the other was a Nissan sports car. He had a reason for his unconventional shopping behavior. He discovered that online sales departments will quickly offer you the very bottom dollar they will take for a particular car they have for sale on their lot. Why is this?
People shopping for cars online are price shopping and are conscientious about getting a good value. These types of shoppers have likely price matched a few times and have been to multiple car dealer websites. The fact that a car dealer gets a call from a potential buyer simply means they have price compared a car that you have and are likely very interested in that exact car.
Once an online shopper calls you on the phone they may be willing to accept your offer even if it is a couple hundred dollars more than the cheapest offer simply because of proximity. As a car dealer you may be asked if you will let the car go for a few hundred dollars less. Of course, you have probably listed your car for sale at a deep discount since you have it in your online inventory but you need to keep in mind that the buyer probably has a good reason for asking for a cheaper price.
As a car buyer it is good to understand how the psychology of this works. The dealer may or may not come down anymore if a dealership in Houston has the car listed for $200 cheaper. The reason is that the Houston car dealer probably has a much larger inventory and moves cars much quicker. A Houston car dealer can afford to come down further or price their cars the cheapest initially. A Tyler Texas car dealer may be a few hundred dollars more expensive but you can’t beat the convenience of proximity.
It doesn’t hurt to try and talk the car dealer into moving the price down to match the dealer in Houston but keep in mind their margins online are thin and they aren’t moving cars as fast as in a big city. At this point you need to weigh the risk reward of buying it local in Tyler or taking the trek to Houston to save $100 after gas money and time wasted.
Rather than driving around town looking for a Tyler Texas car we recommend Googling “Tyler Texas Cars” and searching through online inventories of cars for sale in Tyler. You will find this process to save you a lot of time and it will be easy to price compare. You can get on Ebay and try and find similar cars and see how the prices compare as well.
A Tyler car dealer will be much more willing to come down on the price if you can bring in evidence of what prices you have found on similar cars. The negotiation process of purchasing a car in Tyler is much easier when utilizing the Internet. The only other problem you will have is working out financing. The dealer may attempt to recover any lose in price reduction by working your interest rate up.
I recommend in most cases using your bank in obtaining financing when purchasing a car in Tyler. This will help build your relationship up with your bank and offer additional loan opportunities through your bank in the future.
We would like to recommend our preferred used car dealer in Tyler Texas: Autohouseonline