A few weeks ago I posted an article about the decline of walk in bookstores in Tyler. Used and rare booksellers are really a labor of love, especially given the online market. But it’s still nice to walk into an old bookstore in search of nothing in particular, and see what jumps off the shelves. When looking for a particular must have, online sources are easiest; But an Antique bookshop is always a great diversion. Interestingly, there’s one Bookseller in town that hasn’t changed a bit, over the last few years, despite what appears to be very little business traffic.
I’ve stated before that Fireside books seems somewhat out of place in Tyler. Every time I visit (often a year or two apart), the store seems not to have changed. And rarely do I encounter any other customers. Oh maybe one or two stragglers, but never more than that. In fact, when I pulled into the parking lot on my most recent visit I was somewhat surprised to find the place still open. The gentleman who operates the store seems part hippy, part monk, always occupied, coming or going and rarely saying more than a couple of words. Which is fine by me; I’d rather check out the inventory, than make conversation anyway.
It’s a funny relationship the store has with Tyler; few it seems realize it’s there, yet the store seems not to care. But what do I know? Even I’m only the occasional visitor, and for all I know the place could ship books as far as Timbuktu on a biweekly basis. Or perhaps the Tyler glitterati meet there to plan the next thousand dollars a plate charity function. Who knows? Point being, I certainly have no idea what has kept the store afloat, but I hope it never goes anywhere. It’s nice to know there are still dusty old booksellers in business in Tyler. Fireside books is exactly my kind of place.