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Public Schools, Public Restrooms & Confused Adolescents

In what is probably the stupidest discussion to take place in the public discourse in my lifetime, the federal government, i.e. the President, meaning the President of the United States of America, leader of the formerly free world, has condescended to the public school system and commanded them to allow boys who feel particularly feminine on a given day to use the little girls room and any transitioning females to visit the boy’s restroom. (Honestly, the latter is probably not a big concern to me since I have yet to meet too many young ladies desperate to take peek in a men’s restroom. The same is not true for many testosterone, driven adolescent males). Any school district that fails to comply with the new commandment is being threatened with a loss of federal funds

Of course much of this is the administration’s middle finger to states who insist on passing legislation limiting the use of public restrooms to those assigned by God and nature to use them. Now before my liberal friends get their gander up, hold on a sec. I am not in favor of this legislation. Coming from the people that produced majestic documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution the notion of a law stating boys go pee- pee in the boy’s room and girls go pee- pee in the girl’s room is nothing short of shameful.

Now before my conservative friends get upset with me, let me say this, I understand people’s desire to protect their family members from being accosted by wierdos. But the truly confused among us are not the type of folks we need to worry about. Rest assured, I feel I am more than capable of handling the moron who follows my wife into the women’s room, without the protection of some foolish new legislation who’s verbage sounds like it was plucked from an old script of Pee Wee’s Playhouse.

In the meantime, our president continues to be incapable of refusing an opportunity to remind us all how much better he is than the rest of us, by weighing in on the side of some new oppressed minority he’s creating. When 99.9% of the population is forced to alter its way of life to make the rest feel special and normal it’s called tyranny of the minority.

The maddening thing is that society has completely lost its ability to recognize true dysfunction, to say nothing of actually helping those in need. “He’s not crazy! You can’t say that! He’s just differently cognizant!” Couple that inability with the fact that the millennials have been taught that the only true meaning to be found in life comes from protesting something. So unfortunately this generation is on the look- out for a quick cause that doesn’t require danger, loss, want, judgement… you know, actual sacrifice. So anything in the sexual rights genre is generally a good fit, all of the sanctimony with none of the sacrifice. Oh, environmental stuff usually fits in well here too, at least until it becomes impossible to actually live out.

Ultimately I think the best solution is to live like grown- ups. Just because we see a problem in society, a new law is probably not going to fix it. On the other hand, we need to be willing to use the word “no,” sometimes. “No, I’m sorry I don’t believe that.” “No, I’m sorry, that’s not ok.” “No, that’s not normal, you need some help.” We need truth truly spoken in love that can restore some limitation and definition to society and dispel confusion.

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