When graduating from high school in Tyler Texas you will most likely begin looking for a good paying job if you decide to stay in Tyler like I did. What a lot of people do is begin their college education at Tyler Junior College simply because it is cheaper than going right into a University system. Even while at a Junior College you will need a job and so the Tyler job hunt begins. For a young job seeker without any work history it can be challenging to find a good paying job. Even after graduating with a bachelors degree from college if you have no work related experience you will have trouble pulling in a good salary. In Tyler the job market presents an uphill climb.
In Tyler if you are someone with little work experience you will usually have to start out at the bottom some where and work your way up. This means that for a college graduate you will likely start a job in Tyler Texas with a salary in the area of $20,000 a year or less. If you are a high school graduate you will likely be hired right at the minimum wage amount and you will have to prove yourself just to get hired. Nowadays you can’t just show up and get hired. If you have a criminal history you can forget about working at most places in Tyler.
What does it take for a recent high school graduate to get hired at a good paying job in Tyler? You need to apply at the places you like and the places you don’t like because you will probably not be hired by the in demand employers. If you are living at your parents house watching TV and eating chips everyday you have probably heard this same thing from your parents. For instance, if you wanted to work at the trendy Starbucks Coffee but your personality is that of the American Idol psycho girl than you will probably not be getting that gig. Instead move your energy’s toward applying at places that don’t really consider personality as much such as McDonalds working on the grill in the back or the beef squirter that squirts in the beef liquid into the Taco’s. I would never want to work at these employers and most people would concur with my opinion as well but you have to start somewhere.
As a high school graduate the most important thing to do is to accumulate 6 months of job history. By working somewhere for atleast 6 months it shows the next employer that you can stick to a job for a decent amount of time. The fact that you didn’t work at McDonalds for 1 year will not bother most employers because they understand that a good employee wouldn’t want to make that job a life long career choice. Once you have accumulated some job history maybe try again to access what you would really like to do. If your aspirations involve a trade you have no experience in than consider enrolling in college and getting a job at an employer that offers jobs in the field you want to focus on. Instead of applying at the job that is in your field try getting hired on as the janitor or other easier job offer. Once you have some education in your field attempt to apply for that position with your employer. Since you are already in the door and have shown you have a strong work ethic you may have an easier time of getting hired for your chosen career.
Another way to get in the door to a company offering a good job in Tyler Texas is to look for intern possibilities with the TJC or UT Tyler career counselor. Usually large commercial and industrial employers in Tyler will have internships available that may pay in the range of $11 – $15 an hour. These employers are specifically looking for bright students with ambitions that involve higher education and a desire to work in their related field that have job openings in. Once you graduate if you work out at that respective employer they may decide to hire you on full time and you will be promoted from intern to full time employee with benefits.
Another point to consider regarding the Tyler Texas job market is that it is really geared to the small business owner. For someone just getting started in a career you may have no money to start your own small business. Even though you may have no money it is still worth writing up a business plan draft on some small businesses you think you may be capable of starting. Some careers with low overhead that are easy to work your way into are lawn care, carpet cleaning, pest control, roofing, drywall, texturing, and car audio installation. These are some ideas you could start fairly easily with little up front capital and you could post some ads on Craigslist, The Thrifty Nickel, and the Tyler Paper.
Your best way to get into a good paying job in East Texas is to start your own small business even if that means working from your home. When starting your own business it requires that you deal with self confidence issues and that you relax your grip from momma. You eventually need to leave the nest and if you are 19 years old or older you really should start looking for ways to get out of the house and into your own place. By getting a job however terrible a career move it may be atleast you are doing something and if anything it will motivate you to make a step towards education in order to be able to get a better job. As long as you remain at mommy and daddy’s place you will not have the motivation or ambition to pursue any type of career or educational goal.
If you are an adult and are reading this article you may be a guy living on the couch at your girlfriends place living off of government assistance while your girl friend goes to work every day. You also fit that same profile as the teenagers living at mommy and daddy’s. You are now 40 – 50 years old and you have simply carried over your childish ways over to a girlfriend that acts as a kind of mommy for you. You also need to get your butt out of the house and consider mowing lawns for a living. You are old enough by now to know how to start your own small business even if it is something you really don’t want to do. There is simply no excuse for continuing to lay on that couch while your girlfriend acts as your mother.
This article may seem as if I am writing from personal experience and in fact I do know people that are currently living in these roles in the Tyler Texas area. I am writing to them and many many people like them that are doing the very same thing. It’s time East Texan’s that are harboring these lazy pathetic baby’s in their spare bedrooms and couches to kick their butt’s out and tell them to go get a job. If your criminal history is so bad that it seems to be slim picken’s in the small town of Tyler than it’s time to take $100, a greyhound bus or the Mineola train and move down to Dallas. Get some assistance at a home or shelter if you have to and start over in a larger town.
Tags: American Idol, Bachelors Degree, College Education, College Graduate, Criminal History, Job Salary, Job Seeker, mcdonalds, Minimum Wage Amount, Psycho Girl, School Graduate, Squirts, Starbucks, Starbucks Coffee, Tyler Junior College, Tyler Texas, Tyler Texas Jobs, Tyler TX Jobs, Uphill Climb, Watching Tv, Work Experience, Work History