The Texas House approved restrictions today and it’s interesting to watch the folks on either side of the issue freak out. When Wendy Davis made her filibuster last month she became the hero of the hour for the left. Overnight came the talk of a gubernatorial run. Now I don’t share Ms. Davis’s views, but I have no objection to the tactic she used. Nor by the way, did I hear charges come from the right that she had violated any rules. However, now that the bill has passed the reaction is visceral.
Reading the reader responses to the story is unfortunately very telling. I was treated to every kind of name calling and hyperbolic ugliness that has made the new radical feminism a cliché. Here is a summary of the reactions I read: “The Texas Taliban is waging a war on women again…” How cogent. I’m impressed by your alliteration. And here’s my favorite: “Keep your Rosaries’ off my ovaries’!” Based on the pics I saw, this protester has little basis for concern. Oh and I love when the leftist protesters start calling the prolife crowd NAZIS, (which I did read by the way). Oh yeah? two words, “Kermit Gosnell.” It wasn’t the Republic Party running that little Auschwitz he had going.
Look, Texas is a conservative state. There’s no denying that. It seems a majority of people in this state feel that it’s best to error in the side of life. No one’s “rights” are being denied, there is no war on women! Not a single life has been taken, (not since exiting the birth canal anyway). Limiting abortions to the twenty week limit seems entirely reasonable me. Twenty weeks should be enough time to come to a decision. As to the objection that clinics will be required to meet some new minimum standard of health… Well they are supposed to be medical facilities right? Why shouldn’t they be held to the same standards as any other outpatient surgical center? At the end of the day I suspect little will change. But the new law may serve to retrain the wholesale industry that abortion has become.