I have, from time to time, shopped at second hand clothing stores, particularly as a young man. On those occasions, I have sometimes been plagued by the absurd notion that I’ll be headed to an important job interview or annual review, only to have someone whisper in my ear that the suit I’m wearing used to belong to the boss. Improbable as that scenario is, the Good Will Superstore on Tyler’s loop 323 has a lot of men’s business clothes.
I have a friend from the corporate world that has several nearly grown sons. Whenever the need arises for formal wear, they check in at the Goodwill Superstore first. Sometimes they find what they want and sometimes they don’t but they swear by the store. I wrote on this location a couple years ago and my experience was sketchy. (To read the original article, click on the following link: http://www.tylertxdirectory.com/27/the-good-will-superstore/ .) The store was particularly disorganized and the merchandise was evidently coming slowly, because the selection was really poor.
My last couple visits have been quite different though. They’ve been well stocked with quality former and semi-formal business wear at a fraction of the cost of a retail store. I came away with several items for which I paid about fifteen dollars. At the average retail store I would have paid around forty-five or fifty dollars. When I was younger I shopped at Goodwill for off beat, slightly out of place garb to express my individuality. Now when I stop in the second hand store, it’s to save a little money on clothes for work.
My mentality has certainly changed; hopefully my taste in clothes has too. For readers who have kids who are good sports, I suggest stopping there prior to searching their regular favs. I realize the idea may be a hard sell, but they may be surprised.