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In Two Weeks I Have Eaten at Rib Masters Twice

July 28th, 2010

Rib Masters in Whitehouse TX
For those who don’t know about Rib Masters in Whitehouse you have got to try this place out.

They are not hurting for business but every restaurant appreciates the avid fan telling everyone about their favorite place.

If you want some really fantastic ribs try them out. They are in Whitehouse on 110 on the right before you get to Brookshires.

Please comment with your opinion about Rib Masters. I expect you will also find them to be extremely good.

P.S. Don’t go there and get something besides ribs. Why do you think they call themselves “Rib Masters”?
Rib Masters and the Duke

The Annual Parade of Homes

June 9th, 2010

In case you live in a bubble, and have yet to see the signs all around Tyler this week, The annual Parade of Homes is about to start again in our area. Every year for fifty seven years now the Parade of homes puts newly built or remodeled houses on display for East Texans. Of course the houses open for display are generally up- scale and therefore more expensive residences.  Brought to you by Sherwin Williams and the Tyler Area Builders Association, Tyler’s parade of homes begins today, June fifth and runs through the fifteenth. Of the twenty eight homes on display this year half have already been sold. This year’s parade takes the visitor all over East Texas, from Lindale, to Chandler to Tyler, Whitehouse, and Flint, even all the way out to Bullard.  Each year a part of the proceeds for the event are given to a local charity. The recipient of this year’s donation will be the Azleway Boys’ Home and Breckenridge Village, in Tyler.

The question for the average East Texan becomes, is this really an event I’ll enjoy, or is it merely for those in real-estate or with the income to potentially invest in a more high- end pricey home? The answer is no; for the person who enjoys watching HGTV, (Home and Garden Television) or any of the plethora of home design or home decorating shows on TLC (The Learning Channel), or DIY Network (Do It Yourself), this is a do not miss event! For those people, and I am nominally one of them, the trick seems to be to hit the high points, by which I mean the bigger more expensive homes. Forgive the crude metaphor, but a friend of mine calls this house pornography. It’s for most of us, an unrealistic picture of the ideal home and life, with all kinds of superficial extras that don’t really matter, although it’s fun to imagine owning them.

For those who are actually interested in building or otherwise investing in more moderately priced real-estate, the tour has a number of more realistic designs and models on display in order to offer ideas and inspiration to the visitor. And keep in mind by the way that in comparison to the rest of the country, the Texas real-estate market is relatively healthy. So my advice overall is simply this, leave your own vanity and materialist impulses at the door as much as possible, then go window shopping. Enjoy the larger display homes like you would a museum; and then return home to your average Tyler area residence grateful for your own blessings and for the fact that you don’t have to pay the mortgage on those overpriced models you just visited. With that in mind you may sleep better.

For more information of the Tyler area Parade of Homes, and the Tyler Builder’s Association, go to their website at www.tylerareabuilders.com, or http://www.tylerareabuilders.com/whats-happening/parade-of-homes.html.

Southside Bank in Tyler Texas

January 6th, 2010

There are a lot of banks to choose from. So why choose Southside Bank in Tyler TX?

Southside is a local bank that might just trick you. It is a small town, folksy business, but it also offers many of the benefits associated with the large national chains. Need an ATM? Southside Bank has a full range of ATM’s all around the city: 19 of them at last count. Do you need online banking? Southside does that, too, and does it well. This is no mom & pop establishment. Southside isn’t afraid to change with the times.

Southside Bank has fifteen separate Tyler Texas bank locations, and several more in Lindale and Whitehouse. While they have large locations like the main office on South Beckham or their South Broadway branch, most Southside branches are located inside of Tyler’s most popular shopping centers. Southside jumped on the “bank inside the grocery store” trend early, and it has paid off for them. They are known as the “most convenient bank in east Texas.” There is hardly a Brookshires or Albertsons within 50 miles that doesn’t boast a Southside Bank office. This was a wonderful benefit for my family. We found ourselves going to Brookshires for various items multiple times every week. And whenever we were there, we could hop in to Southside to deposit a check or pull out some cash. No separate stops were necessary![ad#large-blog-block]

My wife and I had multiple accounts with Southside Bank for years in Tyler, and we were always satisfied. It was not easy to get an account set up since we were coming in from out of state. That is the obvious downside of doing business with a local bank. National chains like US Bank and Bank of America have branches all over the nation, so starting out of state accounts or transferring money is never a problem. But once we did get our accounts set up with them, we were very satisfied. Did they make the typical small town mistakes? Yes, occasionally. They have their share of clerical errors, but whether they have more than a typical national bank is debatable. Any teller can hit a wrong key by mistake. But whenever those things came up, the tellers or bankers always worked quickly and apologetically to remedy the situation.


And that might be the best reason of all to choose Southside Bank: quality customer service. The men and women of Southside are always courteous and professional. They seemed to enjoy their work, and that is probably why they consistently did a good job.

If you are looking for a new bank to handle your checking accounts, business expenses, home loans, etc, Southside Bank of Tyler Texas can handle it. They may be small, but they are able.