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Lose Weight the Good Old Fashion Way Through Exercise

October 7th, 2010
Tyler Texas Weight Loss

Tyler Texas Weight Loss

At the risk of oversimplifying the complexity of weight loss, the body will burn fat as long as it is taking in fewer calories than it uses.  Now this does not mean that an individual should starve themselves to lose weight, nor does it mean that one can eat whatever they wish so long as they are burning it off.  Eating a healthy diet is important for weight loss, as is exercise and the best results are obtained when they are practiced in conjunction with each other.  You can lose weight doing only one or the other, however, so let’s focus on exercise.

Exercise for weight loss in Tyler, Texas can be as simple as following an exercise DVD in your home or as complex as going to a Tyler, Texas gym every day or every other day.  Some people do well to exercise with a partner or hire a personal trainer.  While all forms of exercise will burn calories and have their own set of benefits, the essential exercises for weight loss are those that increase the heart rate for a specified amount of time.  Aerobics and cardio moves get the heart going and burn the most fat.

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Weight resistance training and muscle targeting will also burn fat to a degree, but are designed more for muscle tone.  Muscles help to increase the rate at which the body burns fat, however, so they are valuable exercises to incorporate into your fitness routine.

Muscle confusion for weight loss in Tyler, Texas

August 12th, 2010

Unless you were incredibly genetically blessed, you have probably experienced the dreaded plateau phase while trying to lose weight in Tyler, Texas.  When you first start out, you steadily lose weight but after a few weeks for some reason it seems your routine isn’t working any more.  This is because over a period of time the body will adjust to changes and what once worked does not work anymore.

So how do you prevent plateau?  Keep your routine varied.  You cannot do the same work-out in the same order for any period of time and keep getting results.  Use the principals of muscle confusion so that your body doesn’t get used to any one thing.  Work the same muscle groups in different ways to keep your body wondering what is coming next.

A good rule of thumb is to totally change your routine every 4 weeks.  You may have 2 or 3 different routines to alternate throughout the year so that you do not constantly have to come up with new moves.  As long as it has been a while since your muscles experienced a specific move, repeating routines will be fine.  Some may even like to change out routines every week to keep things interesting and the body well confused.

Replacing fat with muscle may not make the scales move as drastically as you would like since muscle weighs more than fat, but the true results are in the way you look and feel.

Exercise for Weight Loss in Tyler, Texas

August 9th, 2010

At the risk of oversimplifying the complexity of weight loss, the body will burn fat as long as it is taking in fewer calories than it uses.  Now this does not mean that an individual should starve themselves to lose weight, nor does it mean that one can eat whatever they wish so long as they are burning it off.  Eating a healthy diet is important for weight loss, as is exercise and the best results are obtained when they are practiced in conjunction with each other.  You can lose weight doing only one or the other, however, so let’s focus on exercise.

Exercise for weight loss in Tyler, Texas can be as simple as following an exercise DVD in your home or as complex as going to a Tyler, Texas gym every day or every other day.  Some people do well to exercise with a partner or hire a personal trainer.  While all forms of exercise will burn calories and have their own set of benefits, the essential exercises for weight loss are those that increase the heart rate for a specified amount of time.  Aerobics and cardio moves get the heart going and burn the most fat.

Weight resistance training and muscle targeting will also burn fat to a degree, but are designed more for muscle tone.  Muscles help to increase the rate at which the body burns fat, however, so they are valuable exercises to incorporate into your fitness routine.

Tyler, Texas Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss

August 5th, 2010

Despite following healthy diet plans religiously, exercising till you can’t move, and trying every other method for weight loss out there, you just can’t seem to lose weight.  As people gain more and more weight, their metabolism gets slower and slower, making them have to work much harder for the same results as slimmer people.  When it gets to the point where nothing you try works, and are clinically obese, it may be time to consult with a Tyler, Texas bariatric surgeon.

Bariatric surgery usually involves removing most of the stomach or bypassing it.  There are significant risks involved with this surgery, but many people obtain excellent results.  You must be absolutely sure about the procedure, however, because it is one that is for life.  Some risks involved include infections from surgery and later malnutrition if the patient is not following the diet plan to the letter.

Talk to a Tyler, Texas bariatric surgeon today if you are 80-100 pounds overweight and nothing you try seems to help.  You may be required to go through a period of counseling to be sure you understand what this surgery means to you, as well for the doctors to determine whether or not you have realistic expectations.  Bariatric surgery is not for everyone, particularly if you only have a few pounds to lose.  Exhaust all other methods for weight loss before pursuing this life changing procedure.  Above all, be diligent in your research to fully understand what bariatric surgery will mean for you.

Eating frequently for weight loss in Tyler, Texas

July 29th, 2010

Nearly every fad diet out there will tell you to deprive your body of calories and exercise yourself to death in order to lose weight.  Well, not only is this a sure recipe for failure, it is also dangerous for your health.  Any weight you do lose will come back once you go off the diet, and you may even gain a few extra pounds because you have slowed your metabolism down so much.  When you eat smart choices often, however, it sends a message to your body that it is getting all the energy it needs so there is no reason to keep storing fat.

The best idea is to eat smaller meals or snacks every 2-3 hours up to 6 times a day.  Some people find this more difficult than it sounds because of busy Tyler, Texas schedules.  Many people feel that they are stuffing themselves constantly and have difficulty eating as often as prescribed because they just don’t feel hungry.  The idea, however, is to eat small portions, not 4 course dinners.  Reach for a handful of grapes one time, a cup of low-fat yogurt the next, and maybe a small grilled chicken salad or sandwich on wheat bread for a more substantial meal.

Eating this way rather than the traditional “3 squares a day” will help to put your body’s metabolism into high gear and you will see pounds start to come off even with no additional effort.