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Exercise Slows the Aging Process

August 15th, 2011

Tyler TX weight loss fitness centersIn a study put out by the American Journal of Physiology it was discovered that antioxidant intervention which happens from taking supplements or exercise can slow the aging process. A steady routine of exercise had a significant effect on reducing oxidation about the same as taking supplements.

Don’t say, “Oh good I will just go take those pills instead of exercising.” It isn’t as simple as that as you must also contend with muscle attrition and fat gain that takes place after a certain age.

Unfortunately after you hit age 25 people typically lose about 1/2 to 1 pound of muscle tissue every year after this age. What happens is that by default our bodies will choose to add on more pounds of fat rather than muscle after this age.

You could see this medical reality as depressing but see it as a reason to get fit. By building up muscle mass through a regular workout routine at home or Tyler TX fitness center most people will increase their metabolic rate and burn more calories while resting.

You see you really can lose weight while doing nothing by you must first get in a workout routine to start building muscle so that will happen.

The numbers look like this, for every pound of muscle you keep or add on you will burn about 30 – 50 calories a day. By letting muscle be the default fiber you add on daily to your body you will allow yourself to lose weight the easy way, by doing nothing. You see that is why you hear the often used phrase, no pain no gain.

By getting in a small work out each day you will allow your body to shed those pounds simply by the new metabolic rate your body has with all that new muscle.

If you stay inactive all the time you are allowing your muscles to slowly eat away. Not only is your metabolic rate decreasing but your muscle tissue is being replaced by fat. This problem is easy to go unchecked as it is hard to see that your muscle is being replaced by fat as your body remains close to the same shape. Eventually you will notice and by that time things have gotten pretty bad.

In summary muscle isn’t just something that looks better than fat it actually increases your bodies ability to burn fat. If you have gone several years without exercising it is not uncommon to have lost close to 15 pounds of muscle. If you were to add that muscle back to your body your metabolic rate would be such that your body would naturally be able to burn 450 – 750 calories more per day simply by having that muscle back on your body.

P.S. If you are looking for a good Tyler TX gym with lots of scheduled group fitness classes like kickboxing, yoga, zumba dance, and others go by and check out Tony Cruz XTC Fitness. You can find their location on Google Maps here: Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports

Get Fit and Live, and Tony Cruz with XTC Fitness Can Help You Do It

June 7th, 2011

moving water excerciseThere is a story of a man in Texas who approached some fitness instructors about his over weight dilemma. This guy had been on bed rest for several years because of an infection he had. He was over his original health issue but he was now in a spot where he felt unable to regain his health.

When looking at this man the fitness coaches could tell he had entered a place known as lymphatic stasis or simply complacency and stagnation. His condition was so bad that his legs had inflated to huge Pillsbury dough boy bulges. You see his condition was so bad that his body was full of toxic things and his body could not rid them.

In this condition it becomes very hard to regain health and start losing weight. The feeling of unhealthiness was the result of not “moving the waters” with good solid exercise.

The water analogy makes a lot of sense as our bodies make up is about 2/3rds water. Just as water left in pool without circulating pumps and cleaning mechanisms will turn to a slimy gunky mess full of worms and disease your body experiences similar toxic qualities when left to stagnate without exercise.

Now look at a pool of water that is moving, active, and alive rather than just sitting there. You will see fish, and life in that water that is inviting and beautiful. This is the picture of exercise and what it does to a body. Exercise stirs the waters in your body, releases toxins, cellular trash, increases brain response, and strengthens your body and offering you the good natural kind of energy.

Tony Cruz xtc fitnessRemember our bodies are full of water which is often associated with healing, and in most societies the act of moving water is the response of life. A moving stream of water, a bubbling pool, a swirling ripple in a stream offer oxygen, life, and activity and is what stirs up a healthy body of water. A stagnant pool only contains dead things and parasites like leeches and other nasty things. Now is the time to take responsibility for your lack of life giving exercise, change your environment to effect change and get involved in a kickboxing or Yoga class at Tony Cruz XTC Fitness in Tyler Texas.

Cokes Cause a Problem When Losing Weight

July 27th, 2010

Weight loss in Tyler, Texas: Kick the Coke habit!

Soft drinks on their own can be a nice treat every once in a while. It is when they become a part of your every day diet that you get in trouble. A 12 ounce can of soda contains 150 empty calories and 9 teaspoons of sugar. Considering that the USDA recommends only 12 teaspoons of sugar for a well balanced 2,200 calorie per day diet, that doesn’t leave much room for sugar from other sources. Additionally, studies seem to suggest that consuming soft drinks daily increase the rate of fat storage even though your solid food calorie intake may not change.

Perhaps the thing that is most surprising, and quite alarming actually, is that by simply eliminating one soft drink from your diet daily you could lose up to 30 pounds in a year without any other changes in your lifestyle! That seems to be good motivation to leave the Tyler, Texas soda vending machines alone for a while, doesn’t it? The next time you need a little refreshment, reach for a bottle of water instead. Aside from eliminating the empty calories, your body will benefit from being properly hydrated.

If you find you simply must have a little flavor, squeeze a lemon or orange wedge into your water. No, it won’t be as sweet as your beloved soft drink, but that is kind of the point. Many people find that after they have eliminated soft drinks for a while, they cannot drink them because of how sweet they are.