Tyler TX, The Rose Capital
Is The Rose Capital Of The World All Hype?
Have you ever wondered why people call Tyler TX the Rose Capital of the World? Is this hype or is there some truth to the statement? It actually is the truth, Tyler was the first city to commercialize the sell of roses. Tyler invented the rose selling industry and now you hear about flowers.com all the time on radio shows like Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, and Glen Beck. Tyler TX is a pretty unique little city and is known for inventing a lot of neat little ideas and products. Did you know someone from Tyler TX was also responsible for inventing the adopt a highway program. This program is now a very popular highway clean up system throughout the United States. So let’s learn a little more about Tyler Texas as the Rose Capital of the World.
Tyler Texas Rose Capital History
The sandy soil, year round rain fall and normal weather patterns allowed Tyler to be an ideal place for growing flowers. After the East Texas peach crop disaster most of the nurseries in Tyler began growing roses. Most of the commercial roses being grown in the nation in the 20’s and 30’s were coming from Tyler.
A Prosperous East Texas Town Even During The Depression
The continued prosperity from rose production and the oil boom in the 1930’s allowed Tyler to offer an elaborate Rose festival and parade throughout the depression. While other cities in the nation were in financial catastrophe Tyler TX remained stable economically and people were able to enjoy extra curricular city events like the Rose festival. Tyler has continued to show off it’s proud history in the Rose industry by having a Rose parade and festival year after year.
Commercial Rose Production
At this time it is estimated that about 20% of the roses produced in the United States come from Tyler Texas. One of the landmark areas most Tylerites are familiar with when it comes to Roses is the Brookshires at Broadway and Rice Road. At this corner you can get dollar Roses year round. There is usually a lady with a nursery van and a bucket full of roses. You can stop in at Brookshires, buy some roses for your wife, and maybe drive across the street to Marble Slab Creamery for a little snack.
National Politics and Local Coverage
January 8th, 2010Found at 600 on the AM radio dial, KTBB has been broadcasting to East Texas for many, many years. They carry a complete line-up of national talk radio programs. The daily routine features the three biggest personalities on the radio today, from Fox News personality Glen Beck in the morning, to famed political commentator Rush Limbaugh from 11:00 until 2:00, to another Fox News host Sean Hannity in the afternoon. KTBB 600 AM also has play by play Dallas Cowboys football. If your in or around the Tyler and East Texas area and need to hear the Cowboys football game than 600 AM should work.
As expected the Tyler Texas radio station’s views tend to the conservative side politically. Even the community affairs discussions seem to reflect a sort of common sense view of area news. While this may annoy the more progressive or liberal among us, the station does mirror the predominate views of East Texans.
The station also does a great job of keeping Tyler updated on local emergencies. If you rely on satellite for television service, you know how frustrating it can be to lose your signal in the middle of storm coverage. KTBB is a great back up for keeping ear out for those ever changing Texas weather patterns.
But KTBB is not longer confined to the AM dial. You can find local news weather and sports on 92.1 FM. Tyler favorite, David Smoak keeps us updated on the world of sports. “Smoaky,” broadcasts during the afternoon drive time and has become an institution in East Texas radio.
So if you like common sense, conservative politics, and your local news and events up to the minute, tune into KTBB 600 AM, or 92.1, whether at home, in the car, or at work. You’ll find you are both entertained and informed. See also http://www.ktbb.com
Tags: AM 600, Conservative Politics, Conservative Side, Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Cowboys Football, David Smoak, East Texans, Fox News, Glen Beck, Glen Beck radio Tyler Texas, KTBB, Ktbb 600, KTBB AM 600, Minute Tune, Political Commentator, Radio Dial, radio station in East Texas covering Dallas Cowboys games, Radio Today, Rush Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh Radio Tyler Texas, Sean Hannity, Sense View, Storm Coverage, Texas Radio, Texas Weather, Tyler Texas Dallas Cowboys football radio, Weather Patterns
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