NY TX Zip Line Adventures
It seems like a recent trend over the last few years, but Zip- lining has become a huge phenomenon! In fact, nearly every time I turn around, either someone is telling me about their experience, or I’m seeing someone trying it on television.
Now for those hard core enthusiasts, who are likely to protest that the hobby is not new, I know, I know… I’m only asserting that there has been a renewed interest of late. I recall as a kid playing at my uncle’s house where he had run an admittedly short line through the hills around his Vancouver Island home. That line was admittedly rudimentary but we had a great time.
There is now a professional series of lines in East Texas. The company is called NY- TX Zip Line Adventures and they are located at Shultz Mountain Ranch about twenty miles east of Athens. The historic Shultz home is the center piece and home base for the ranch. The views are tremendous and guests can ride through six different zip tours, the longest of which is nine hundred feet long and a hundred feet above ground.
From looking at the pictures available on the site the surrounding landscapes are really beautiful! They also offer a tour available only to returning visitors. It’s called the Full Moon tour, and it whisks participants through the Piney Woods on moon lit nights. Now there is a price to be paid for an adventure like this, and it’s not particularly cheap. The cost for a single rider on one tour is sixty dollars. Add three tours and the cost is eighty dollars.
And there are price reductions available for church groups by the way. Even though the admission fee is rather high, the experience looks to be worth the cost for those who can afford it. If I had more disposable income, I would certainly pay Zip Line Adventures near Tyler Texas a visit. As it is, I’ll have to wait a bit longer before taking in a day or night of flying through the forest. NY- TX Zip Line Adventures is located off 155 past Fat Dogs, on Farm Road 3506.
For more information visit their web site at www.goziptexas.com/index.html. This is a great site with a lot of information and incredible pics. I advise spending a little time looking it over before going. For those who do decide to go, have a great time, then licheck back with our site and tell us about your experience!