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Texan’s are Getting Fat! and This Fat Is Happening Fast!

April 13th, 2012

We have 7 billion people on earth and 2.3 billion are expected to be obese by 2015. Wow! Doctors are not telling people to lose weight because of some conspiracy to make money.

Doctors are letting people know that you should try and lose weight because you will die much earlier than you may otherwise want to.

Heart disease is the number one early killer by a long shot and cancer is way down there in 2nd place. The point is that cancer should not be the scary disease you try to avoid, it should be becoming a fat obese person.

I am in no way the skinny guy pointing the finger and neither are several of my relatives who have found themselves in the fat category. Most of us here in Texas can relate and by 2015 over 30% will be in the obese category. Not overweight, OBESE! ¡Ay, caramba!

In several examples in my own family we have seen a steady easy decline in becoming less fat and no longer obese.

That word obese sounds really bad! It should sound bad because it causes heart disease and if you want to die in your 40’s – 60’s depending on how long that fast working heart can hold out you just keep on eating that ice-cream my friend.

But don’t let this hard talk discourage you, I realize there are some very weird and bizarre completely out of this world psychological reasons why the ultra-obese can’t seem to break the habit of eating so much.

I am not about to pretend I understand these underlying deep psychological reasons that keeps people on the continual road of obesity. I feel for you and I admit I don’t have the answer for you and I don’t pretend to think it will be easy for you to change your lifestyle.

For many of us who are not ultra obese you should be thankful…you don’t have these psychological issues that morbidly obese people have to contend with. For you a simple high protein diet during breakfast, more protein for lunch and a low calorie dinner before 7 pm is all you need.

Combine this perfectly healthy diet with a workout routine of only 30 minutes a session 3 times a week and you have made some life changing habits.

So this is about all I have for you regarding being a fat Texan…most of us have been there including me. It isn’t just about trying to stay skinny and healthy but life is about much more than that…check out these very helpful tips for a much more fulfilling well rounded life. 30 Habits that will Change your Life

Also please come by Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports, where I have been working out. I have lost 25 pounds, my sister in law has lost 42.4 pounds and my brother in law has lost 20 pounds.

Get Fit and Live, and Tony Cruz with XTC Fitness Can Help You Do It

June 7th, 2011

moving water excerciseThere is a story of a man in Texas who approached some fitness instructors about his over weight dilemma. This guy had been on bed rest for several years because of an infection he had. He was over his original health issue but he was now in a spot where he felt unable to regain his health.

When looking at this man the fitness coaches could tell he had entered a place known as lymphatic stasis or simply complacency and stagnation. His condition was so bad that his legs had inflated to huge Pillsbury dough boy bulges. You see his condition was so bad that his body was full of toxic things and his body could not rid them.

In this condition it becomes very hard to regain health and start losing weight. The feeling of unhealthiness was the result of not “moving the waters” with good solid exercise.

The water analogy makes a lot of sense as our bodies make up is about 2/3rds water. Just as water left in pool without circulating pumps and cleaning mechanisms will turn to a slimy gunky mess full of worms and disease your body experiences similar toxic qualities when left to stagnate without exercise.

Now look at a pool of water that is moving, active, and alive rather than just sitting there. You will see fish, and life in that water that is inviting and beautiful. This is the picture of exercise and what it does to a body. Exercise stirs the waters in your body, releases toxins, cellular trash, increases brain response, and strengthens your body and offering you the good natural kind of energy.

Tony Cruz xtc fitnessRemember our bodies are full of water which is often associated with healing, and in most societies the act of moving water is the response of life. A moving stream of water, a bubbling pool, a swirling ripple in a stream offer oxygen, life, and activity and is what stirs up a healthy body of water. A stagnant pool only contains dead things and parasites like leeches and other nasty things. Now is the time to take responsibility for your lack of life giving exercise, change your environment to effect change and get involved in a kickboxing or Yoga class at Tony Cruz XTC Fitness in Tyler Texas.

Weight loss in Tyler, Texas: Learn portion control

November 7th, 2010

Tyler TX Portion Control

Tyler TX Portion Control

It is quite possible that the number one cause for the obesity epidemic today has more to do with portion sizes and less to do with what the actual foods are.  While it is true that fatty, processed foods are less healthy for us than fresh and natural choices, the problems arise when they are eaten in excess.  A simple hamburger from the local Tyler, Texas fast food joint won’t have any lasting detrimental effects on its own.  It is when the hamburger is made to be double or triple the normal serving size and consumed in conjunction with the largest side of fries available and a 36 ounce soft drink that people begin to experience weight gain.

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Consume these portion sizes every day, several times a day and it won’t be long before you start noticing your clothes are getting a bit snug.  Moderation is the key to maintaining a healthy weight.  You do not have to dine on lettuce and carrots exclusively, nor should you.  A healthy diet is not about deprivation as much as it is about moderation.  Learn what a serving size it, how to measure it, and do not allow yourself to consume more than that.

Make the bulk of your Tyler, Texas diet unprocessed, healthy foods in portions appropriate for your body.  When you do indulge, do it wisely and do not over indulge.  There is no reason you can’t enjoy a fully loaded sundae every once in a while…just make it a small one and don’t make it a daily habit.

Natural weight loss tips in Tyler, Texas

August 14th, 2010

Although the weight loss industry would tell you different, shedding pounds can be difficult.  There are so many potholes in the road of best intentions that adhering to any plan sometimes seems a futile attempt.  Luckily, there are some simple things you can do to kick start your weight loss in Tyler, Texas that don’t require much effort or money.

Perhaps the simplest thing is to increase your water intake.  Your body needs water, and not the kind that is tainted with syrups and sugars.  The standard advice of eight 8 ounce glasses a day, or 64 ounces, is a good place to start, but is probably not accurate for the majority of the population.  You need to consume, in ounces, your body weight divided by 2.  So if you weigh 200 pounds, you should strive for 100 ounces of water per day.  If you think you are hungry, reach for the water first; you could just be thirsty.

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Snack on fruits or veggies instead of chips and cookies.  If preparation time is a barrier, consider purchasing fruit that is already cut up.  A simple fruit salad makes a great substitute for a hamburger at lunch.  You’ll have more energy without a bloated, overly full feeling and the sugar you get from the fruit is in a form that your body can use.  Give the Tyler, Texas fast food joints a break for a month and see if the scales, and your wallet, don’t show positive results.