April 26th, 2011

My brother was able to get a good picture of this weird looking vehicle driving through Tyler Texas. It isn’t a hummer but looking at the weird pipes sticking out of it I would say maybe it is a storm chaser vehicle that chases tornado’s?
There is also a 360 window view at the top of it but I can’t seem to find any holes for a military gun which makes me think it is a storm chaser?
I really have no clue what it is but does look like a mixture between a dually truck and a hummer of some kind but the answer still alludes me.
Later on during the day Tyler Texas and surrounding areas were deluged with quite a few tornados. Tyler Junior College (TJC) had several buildings destroyed by a tornado and UT Tyler was hit too.
The pictures below are courtesy of users who submitted pictures on the KLTV website.

Tags: Brother, Chases, Chili S, Clue, Dually Truck, Holes, Hummer, Kltv, Military Gun, Mixture, Pipes, Storm Chaser, TJC, Tornado, tornado chaser vehicle, Tornado storm chaser, Tornados, Traveling, Tyler Junior College, Tyler Texas, Tyler TX storm chaser, Tyler TX tornado chaser, UT Tyler, Weather Station, Weird
Posted in Weather | 3 Comments »
January 31st, 2011
Green Acres Baptist Church housed this year’s Sanctity of Life Conference. Hundreds of people gathered to celebrate the beauty of life. The Event was put on by C.A.R.E. and Living Alternatives. C.A.R.E. (Christ Centered Abortion Recovery) is a recovery group for women who suffer from the physical and emotional effects of an abortion. Women that have been involved with this support group opened up and talked about their emotional struggles after having an abortion. They opened up about the trails they endured and choices that they made to numb themselves from the memory and emotional emptiness they felt from the abortion. They spoke of their struggles with alcohol, self-image, and even abusive relationships. C.A.R.E. helped these women fill the emptiness that they felt, with the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.
The different branches of Living Alternatives help young women who are pregnant and need support. The Pregnancy Resource Center, which is located by Tyler Junior College, offers free pregnancy test, counseling, and sonograms. Building Blocks offers new single moms with support, counseling, and even free baby stuff that were donated for families in need. Father Heart is a large home that houses many pregnant women and allows them to finish up their high school education if needed. Living Alternatives also has a great adoption program. They find great families that would raise a child in a safe and loving home.
This year’s Sanctity of Life conference was amazing. A young girl took stage and spoke about her testimony. She was only alive by the grace of God. Claire Culwell decided to meet her birth-mother for the first time when she was about 19 years of age. Soon after meeting her, her birth-mother confessed that when she was only thirteen she found out she was pregnant with Claire. Afraid of the future the young girl was advised to have an abortion. She went to a clinic and had the abortion; she thought life would go on as it did before. When she was about six months pregnant she realized that she was still growing as if she was pregnant, so she returned to the clinic to see why she still felt pregnant. They had told her that much to their surprise she was pregnant with twins. They succeeded in aborting one twin, but the other baby was still alive. Because the young girl was too far along in her pregnancy the clinic could not do another abortion, so they sent her out of state. As they prepared her for her second abortion they realized that it would be to dangerous on this young girls body and she was going to have this baby soon. Two weeks later she delivered a three month premature baby girl. Claire was than adopted into a loving family, and lives to tell all about the gift of life and the mercy of the Father.
U.S. Representative, Louie Gohmert, spoke at the program about being Pro-Life and the sad percentages of young women who have had an abortion in the United States. David Dykes, Pastor of Green Acres Baptist Church prayed and shared a word of encouragement, and so did the director of C.A.R.E. ministries. This event was a great encouragement for so many people, and a great time to reflect on the purpose of the gift of life.
Tags: Abortion Recovery, Abusive Relationships, Acres Baptist Church, Adoption Program, Beauty Of Life, Birth Mother, Emotional Effects, Emotional Struggles, Father Heart, Free Baby Stuff, Free Pregnancy Test, Grace Of God, Green Acres Baptist Church, Having An Abortion, High School Education, Pregnancy Resource Center, Recovery Group, Sanctity Of Life, Sonograms, Tyler Junior College, Tyler Texas
Posted in Tyler Businesses | No Comments »
November 19th, 2010
December 4, 2010 the famous ballet The Nutcracker is coming to Tyler. The East Texas Symphony Orchestra along with the Tyler Junior College Academy of Dance are putting on the beautiful ballet. The matinee will be at 2:00 and the evening concert will be at 7:30 at UT Tyler Cowan Center.
The popular German ballet is known all over the world and has been preformed by all different ballet groups. The story is about a young German girl, Clara, who dreams about being with a Nutcracker. But she can not be with her love without fighting off an evil mouse king with seven heads, which ended up only taking nothing more that hitting him in the head with a shoe.
It starts off with Clara at Christmas, she breaks a dear toy, a Nutcracker. Once the clock strikes midnight she begins to shrink and the Nutcracker, and tree and everything around her starts to come to life.
The Nutcracker wakes up and leads an army into war with the Mouse King and his army of mice. The Nutcracker is not match for the mice army as they quickly start to take him away. Clara then throws her shoe at the Mouse King and kills him. The Nutcracker turns into a prince and sweeps Clara off her feet.
There are many different worlds that you will travel through during the story from snow lands to candy worlds. While traveling these worlds they meet a Sugar Plum Fairy and dancing snowflakes. The ballet has everything from fight scenes to love stories. The beautiful costumes will bring the story to life in front of your eyes.
This ballet is a winter favorite. The Nutcracker has become a big part of Christmas. You can not walk through a Christmas decoration store without seeing something on the story. This is a great date idea for the winter season, it is something different in Tyler than going out to eat or to a movie.
Tags: Ballet, Christmas Decoration, Clock Strikes Midnight, College Academy, Dancing Snowflakes, Different Worlds, East Texas, East Texas Symphony, Fight Scenes, German Girl, Matinee, Mice, Mouse King, Nutcracker, Seven Heads, Sugar Plum Fairy, Symphony Orchestra, Tyler Junior College, Tyler Texas, Ut Tyler Cowan Center, Winter Season
Posted in Attractions | No Comments »
September 22nd, 2010
There have been a lot of issues on the Tyler Junior College campus when it comes to gang related fights and robberies. The school campus is finally doing something about it. All students are required to wear their school identification card around their neck while they are on the school property. The security has also put up small fences on walls that gangs sat on and many fights broke out due to what gang sat where. All these fights seemed petty and pretty childish for college students. A lot of times guys would sit around the campus that are not students of Tyler Junior College, and many complaints have been made that these groups f guys would harass girls coming out of classes.
The rule of having to wear your identification bag has brought up some different feelings in students. I, personally, think that it is a great idea. I am sick of all the fights that break out by people hanging out around the school, only because they have no where better to be, and they are not students or involved with the school. The only complaints that I have heard about this rule is that people do not want to wear the identification cards because it does not match their clothes. You can pick out the apache freshmen when you walk into Wal-Mart and see them proudly wearing their id.
Another rule that Tyler Junior College has recently started to enforce is that the college campus has become smoke free. Although many times you can find students hiding behind buildings and in bushes, you now have to take the time to walk across the street to smoke.
Many students and staff have different opinions about these rules, but I think that the school is on their way to making the property a safer and cleaner campus.
Tags: Apache, Bushes, Cards, Clothes, College Students, Feelings, Fences, Freshmen, Gang Related, Gangs, Girls, Lot, Robberies, School Identification Card, TJC, Tyler Junior College, Tyler Texas Colleges, Tyler Texas Junior College, wal-mart
Posted in Education | No Comments »
August 24th, 2010
Well the summer is over. Ok not it terms of the calendar, or the heat but school has started and that signifies the end for me. We still have the end of August and September to go, but about mid way through the later, we should start to observe a gradual decline in temperatures. By the time October hits, fall will be ramping up and so will our fall schedules. Well for those who enjoy contemporary Christian worship music, and will by then, be looking for a brisk night out; the Oil Palace is holding an event that should prove to be a significant autumn concert. On Thursday, October seventh, worship music star Chris Tomlin will be appearing in concert.
Tomlin is not a stranger to our area. He hales from Grand Saline, and attended Tyler Junior College (TJC) prior to attending Texas A&M University. His musical career began experiencing commercial success around 2002, and since that time he has been the recipient of numerous music awards for those in the religious genre, including three consecutive Gospel Music Association (GMA) “Dove Awards” for male vocalist of the year. Tomlin is in the middle of a tour that began in July and concludes on November fifth in Vancouver, Canada, at the Passion music festival. Passion is a worldwide outreach to college age youth, with events held in some of the world’s largest cities. The concert follows another oil palace event about which I’m significantly less enthusiastic, namely a World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) event on October second. The Oil Palace has kept a pretty busy schedule over the six- plus months despite controversy with the local health department. To read more of my take on the Oil Palace flap, look for my article entitled The Oil Palace Under Fire by clicking on the following link: http://www.tylertxdirectory.com/2281/the-oil-palace-under-fire/. To read more on Chris Tomlin and his music, visit his web site at http://www.christomlin.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1. Lastly, to see a list of up- coming events at the Oil Palace, go to their webpage at http://www.oilpalace.com/.
Tags: August And September, Chris Tomlin, Christian Worship Music, Contemporary Christian Worship Music, Dove Awards, Fall Schedules, Gospel Music Association, Grand Saline, Largest Cities, Local Health Department, Male Vocalist Of The Year, Music Star, Musical Career, Oil Palace, Passion Music, Religious Genre, Tyler Junior College, Vancouver Canada, World Wrestling Entertainment, Worldwide Outreach
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