While I’m not the sort of person who finds it necessary to take a paternity test or get checked for STDs every Saturday morning, I’m well acquainted with those who’ve had need of such services now and again. The twists, turns and dramas of life can be entangling, and awaiting test results, whether for general health and wellness issues or DNA results can be very stressful. Now Tyler has an alternative to the traditional route.
“Any Lab Test Now” is something akin to medical testing turned retail and helps make health issues a little more controllable for the average person. The business was founded in Atlanta Georgia with the intention of providing inexpensive medical testing to the public. The company states that no insurance, doctor’s referral, or appointment is necessary. In most cases customers will receive their results in twenty four hours, and of course all tests and results are strictly confidential.
The lab offers a plethora of tests. Everything from blood, cholesterol and pregnancy, to Drug, DNA and STD testing is available. They also offer all kinds of cancer screenings.
For the person whom finds themselves in need of medical answers “Any Lab Test Now” provides those answers while protecting the patient’s privacy and dignity at the same time. For more information call (903)258-9042, or see their website at www.anylabstyler.com.
Jared Lee Loughner Is Neither a Liberal nor a Conservative
January 9th, 2011The events of Saturday were an indefensible tragedy! Everyone from a Federal judge to a nine year old little girl lost their lives. “May light perpetual shine upon them.” But there is no political lesson here.
I have heard commentators and guests on twenty- four hour news networks wax eloquent on how the political discourse is too loud and rancorous for the American people.
One local AZ official went so far as to call for voices on the radio to soften their tone! So let’s get a couple of things straight right now: First off this was not a political act. The assailant was not a tea party member or a ditto head. Nor was he a move on.org contributor or an acorn worker.
He was just a delusional head case who read things like Mien Kampf and the Communist Manifesto before drifting off to sleep at night. He hated this country, as well as religious faith, and his YouTube vids are full of incoherent rambling that would have confused Friedrich Nietzsche.
Secondly The American people are not the impressionable dolts that many in government and the media seem to think we are.
To listen to the self- righteous officials on television one would think that the electorate was filled with voices and individuals who are so tenuously balanced that they could simply erupt at any time. I guess I just think more of the American people than that!
We can distinguish what is often heated (and even necessary) debate, from the senseless ravings of a madman. I for one am not that easily manipulated thank you very much!
At the end of the day I reaffirm my position that Jared Lee Loughner was / is neither a liberal nor a conservative; that would require at least an ounce of humanity, something that clearly must be lacking in anyone who would deliberately kill a ten year old at point blank range.
So a parting word to all those who are waiting in the wings to assign political blame for this travesty, and believe me, they are out there: let the politics rest! Don’t try to use this terrible event as a “teachable moment!” There’s nothing to learn from this stupidity. There’s only sadness. Just let the people grieve.
Tags: Assailant, Communist Manifesto, Ditto Head, Dolts, Electorate, Federal Judge, Friedrich Nietzsche, Head Case, Hour News, Incoherent Rambling, Jared Lee, Madman, Mien Kampf, News Networks, Party Member, Political Act, Political Discourse, Religious Faith, Tea Party, Twenty Four Hours, Tyler Texas
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