September 17th, 2010

Tyler TX Hell House
Halloween is just around the corner. Tyler Metro Church will open another year of the haunted house, Hell house. In the years past Hell House has been in the middle of the woods and in creepy “haunted” building.
The last year that I went to Hell House, it was all set out side in the middle of the woods. It was really quite freaky riding towards the woods in a carriage. The next thing I knew was a man jumped onto the back of the carriage and was right on my face. I felt like I was going to pass out, he was dressed up in a demon costume and I was not expecting him.
After we got to the beginning of the woods, the man escorted us off the carriage and to a path through the woods. In the middle of the woods there is all different scene set up. As you watch the different stories of men and women dealing with hard times in their lives, you listen to the temptations of the devil. I would not bring a young kid to Hell House because there are very graphic scenes. The most frightening thing about Hell House is that people dressed as demons keep popping up right in your face.
After you have walked through the different scenes you are lead to a dark underground room that resembles a coffin. As the doors open for you to walk out of the coffin the last scene is a scene of Jesus Christ dying for our sins. They talk to you about new life and Jesus washing away our sins. They have people that are willing to pray for people if they are willing. There has been quite a bit of controversy over Hell House’s message. Some people say that they are scarring people into a relationship with Jesus. Hell House staff says that their message is to show how real Hell is, and that we can have life through Christ alone.
There are many ways to help out with Hell House. They open the doors of Tyler metro for anyone to help out. You can be in the different plays, dress up as different creatures or demons. They ask people to be there to pray for visitors that have gone through Hell House. You and your youth groups or church groups can help out in all different ways.

Hell House Suicide
It only costs a few dollars to go through the Hell House. It does get your adrenaline going and freaks you out which is what Halloween is all about.
For a more traditional Tyler TX haunted house check out “Terror Nights” haunted house in Tyler.
Tags: Coffin, Controversy, Creatures, Demon, Demons, Devil, Diffe, Differe, Different Scene, Doors, Graphic Scenes, Halloween, Halloween Christian, Haunted House, Hell House, Hells House Tyler TX, House Staff, Jesus Christ, Men And Women, Metro Church, Takeover, Temptations, Tyler Metro, Tyler Texas, Tyler Texas Hell House, Tyler TX
Posted in Churches | 4 Comments »
January 5th, 2010
As the New Year begins everyone is thinking about their new year goals. Women work out hard for a few weeks, but then they weigh in to see that they did not get the results that they wanted and then they grab a pint of ice cream and sit on the couch. Working out can be stressful and confusing.
When you walk into a gym the machines seem intimidating. You feel like the people are looking judgmentally as you look frustrated at how much weight that you should put on the leg thing, arm thing, and stomach thing. Curves is a large fitness center that stretches over 70 countries of the world.
Curves workout is only thirty minutes that burns up to 500 calories in one workout. The workout machines are each made for women. Curves has machines that workout each part of the body.
These workouts are much more than a diet or weight loss system. They are a life style; you can do it during your lunch break, like many women do. Each machine is set up in a circle and as you work each machine you will get help by one of the trainers that are there. Between working each machine you will run in place on a mat or stretch or rest. The trainers will assist you in any way that you need. You will get measured and weighed, which can be intimidating, but it will help you set goals and meet them.
There are amazing stories of women who have had great success while working out a Curves in Tyler Texas. Curves changes women’s lives and will make you feel so much better about yourself inside and out.
The workers are very helpful and polite. They are understanding to the struggles that come with weight loss and the temptations to stop your workouts. They are encouraging and they really want you to meet your goals and will help you.
Tags: Burns, Calories, Couch, Countries Of The World, Curves East Texas, Curves East TX, Curves Fitness For Women, Curves Tyler Texas, Curves Tyler TX, Diet, Fitness Center, Fitness For Women, Fitness Women, Goals, Life Style, Lunch Break, New Year, Pint, Stomach, Temptations, Tyler Texas, Weight Loss System, Womens Fitness Tyler TX, Workout Machines, Workouts
Posted in Fitness Centers | No Comments »