Power Balance vs Diagnosis Mentally Insane
The Power Balance bracelet is being sold in a few stores in Tyler Texas and throughout the whole country. This hologram bracelet fad has taken off beyond my wildest imagination.
When I first heard about the healing powers of hologram bracelets and an MLM opportunity to sell them I just about fell out of my seat laughing. The idea that a bracelet with a little hologram sticker can some how balance your body, cure headaches, allow you to achieve straight A’s in school and so on didn’t seem like something the mass public would fall for.
Power Balance Scam
I was way off in my confidence in the American public as even some of my own family are believers in the Power Balance bracelet.
My cousin wears the EFX brand of balance bracelets but there seems to be a never ending list of balance bracelet companies out there. The price is always in the range of $20 – $40 and some companies claim more radio frequencies in their to further balance your body above and beyond their competitors.

Ours Goes to 11 Dudes
The added frequencies claim reminds me of that Spinal tap movie when Joemeek’s SC2 stereo compressor, known affectionately as “the green box” has an input gain knob that goes up to 11 compared to other stereo compressors which only go up to 10.
The insanity surrounding these bracelets continues to amaze me as actors, professional sports players and successful people in my own family buy and wear these on a daily basis.
My cousin commented about the EFX bracelet:
“Susie and I have the EFX brand and I have noticed a significant change in my lower back pain.”
Videos about the Power Balance bracelet show vague promotional lingo that steer clear of actually factually saying they really do something. You will hear things like “promote balance” or “may do this or that”
What you won’t hear from company spokesmen are verifiable factual scientific statements that they are proven to cure a headache, back pain, and other such nonsense.

EFX Bracelet
In my mind the Power Balance bracelet is nothing more then a scam just like the EFX, Q(chi) ionic/biomagnetic bracelet, Q Ray bracelet, and the plenitude of other sucker bracelets out there.
It will take you about 2 minutes to go out on youtube and research how these balance demonstrations really work. They are easy to do carnival tricks but turn thousands of people into balance bracelet wearers everyday.