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Russell United Methodist Church Burned Down

February 5th, 2010

CBS19 reported on Thursday that another church has been burned down by arsonists this time in Wills Point. An ATF agent mentioned what is on everybody’s mind right now, that we need to catch these guys before any more churches are burned down.

I really want to encourage all Tyler and East Texas churches to install some outside surveilance cameras. This type of thing would really be worth the investment and can help catch criminal activity of any kind.

Below is a snip of what CBS19 reported:

“We really have to catch this guy before he burns more churches,” he said.

Alexander, who had been at home Thursday morning celebrating his birthday before he was called out to the fire, said the ATF’s National Response Team was en route to Wills Point to begin processing the fire scene — in the sanctuary of the Russell Memorial United Methodist Church — for clues.”

Starbucks Coffee Tyler Texas

January 8th, 2010

The most popular hangouts in Tyler are coffee shops. What’s not to love? Coffee of any kind, people, and most importantly, WiFi. Tyler built its fourth Starbucks last year. Each one is appropriate for all crowds. If you are a teenager looking for a place to hang out with friends, or if you are a hard studying college student in need of a classroom, or a businessman or woman looking for a conference room. I don’t know if it’s the smell of the cooking coffee bean, the set up of the room, or the some what odd services, but it’s the place that business gets done. To some it is a sanctuary, a place to get away from the rush of everyday life and just relax. It appeals to your tastes. Starbucks is famous for its unending menu. Caramel, mocha, half-caff, just plain coffee, express yourself through your every coffee craving.

One of the most important tools in our modern world is the internet. Starbucks makes it easy to use their internet services. The relaxing environment makes it easy to chat with friends or finish that term paper.

Each Starbucks has its own feel. Whether it’s in a popular book store or on the crowded outdoor shopping center or in the parking lot of a grocery store, each one’s location is convenient for your every day life.

It might seem ridiculous to pay $5 for a cup of coffee; but I think its more than the coffee, it’s the experience and the convenience of each location. Starbucks is one of the best places to hangout and relax and just be you! So visit one of Tyler’s four location and sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee!