Tyler Junior College is one of the biggest Junior colleges in the country. Everyone in Tyler knows about Tyler Junior College. Tyler Junior College is known for its three promises; 1. A quality education, 2. A Vibrant Student Life, and 3. Community Service. Tyler Junior College started in 1926. The student body was not much more than a few hundred.
In Tyler TJC has become more than just a college, sadly, it has become the hot hang out spot. Many times it seems that TJC has tried to sweep the crime that happens on the campus under the rug. If you just walk through the campus it is pretty obvious that there is a problem with gangs. Silly fights have broken out due to certain groups standing on other groups spot. It is ridiculous to walk through the campus and to hear the childish yelling. It is extremely annoying to hear the obnoxious hissing of men trying to get a girl’s attention. I think that the campus security is trying to deal with this issue but it never seems to really change.
Although there are really annoying things that happen at TJC, there are really great programs that give back to the community. There are many scholars programs at Tyler Junior College that allows students to receive extra credit and they are able to graduate with honors. These programs give the students opportunities to work in the community and to work along with charities in East Texas.
Tyler Junior College gives many people an opportunity to go to college when they come from a place that maybe their grades were not the best in high school, or if that they do not have very much money. TJC places their students according to a placement test, which tests the students reading, math, and English skills.
TJC does have great opportunities for all people, from successful sport programs and cheerleading to a great drama and music program. The two year college has allowed people to change their lives and have opportunities that they may not have found anywhere else.