December 14th, 2010
East Texas is looking like one of the best areas to invest in commercial property. While other states and cities nationwide have seen a decline in affordable mortgages, and an increase in foreclosures, places such as Austin and Tyler, Texas and neighboring cities have continued to see a steady increase in sales.
East Texas Commercial Real Estate is attractive to many investors and families due to the beautiful weather all year round, the friendly communities, the vast array of amenities at close reach, and the lack of state income tax and low business taxes. The real estate market in East Texas has remained on a pretty even keel for prices while other cities around the country are trying to deal with losing money or buying too high.
As more people are finding their way to the warm climate of East Texas, new buildings and homes are being erected creating the opportunity for new jobs. There are also new shopping malls being built, and high end stores that are a great opportunity for an investor looking for a prime location. Due to the cost of living being so affordable, more and more people are looking to start new businesses, and purchase a home for their families. This makes it the ideal market for those house flippers as well as commercial investors. With properties not staying on the market too long, investors know they will not have to wait long to sell the property and make some money.
Tags: Amenities, Array, Commercial Investors, Commercial Real Estate, Cost Of Living, Decline, East Texas, Even Keel, Foreclosures, House Flippers, Mortgages, New Buildings, New Businesses, New Jobs, Prime Location, Shopping Malls, State Income Tax, Tyler Texas, Warm Climate, Weather
Posted in Commercial, Real Estate | No Comments »
November 5th, 2010

Tyler TX Commercial Real Estate Building
If you have been thinking about investing in Tyler, Texas Commercial Real Estate, you will want to make sure that you are making a solid investment. You should start asking yourself a few questions about why you want to invest in the commercial market. Questions such as “How old is the property?”, “Are there any repairs that need to be done?”, “Is it in a prime location where you’ll have no problems renting or leasing the property?”, and “What are the monthly leasing arrangements for properties similar this one?” should all be asked and answered.
Next you need to consider if you are planning on purchasing this Tyler, Texas Commercial Real Estate with the intention of leasing out the property yourself or having a property management take care of everything for you. You will want to consider all costs that will be incurred by having a property management deal with the monthly issues of your leased property and decide if the service is worth the cost or if you would rather learn how to manage the property yourself.
Whatever choice you make, be sure that you have done adequate research, understand what you are getting into and the terms of your mortgage. Be sure to have an inspector go over your property before you sign any papers to ensure you will not be taking on any more expenses than you have budgeted for. All in all, making the decision to purchase Tyler, Texas Commercial Real Estate can be a smart decision if you do your homework.
Tags: Adequate Research, Commercial Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate in Tyler TX, Homework, Intention, Invest, Investing, Leasing Arrangements, Management Deal, Mortgage, Prime Location, Property Management, Purchasing, Smart Decision, Solid Investment, Texas Commercial Real Estate, Tyler Texas, Tyler TX, Tyler TX Commefcial Real Estate Building
Posted in Commercial, Real Estate | No Comments »
October 28th, 2010
Join our Tyler restaurant coupon list

Tyler Texas keeps getting these new and great restaurants coming to town. When will it ever stop? Not that I care for it to stop but it just seems like restaurant overkill.
Chuy’s Tex-Mex Restaurant is one of those Austin Texas restaurants I remember as a kid that had a type of 1980’s flare about it.
Chuy’s opened in downtown Dallas but it didn’t last and was eventually closed. I think they found some better locations in the Dallas area since over by SMU off of I75
Chuys in my mind is better than On the Border but then again I was a kid when I ate there. I never really thought they would one day be in Tyler.
That old Brass Lion building by Lowes and Spring Creek Barbeque will be torn down and Chuys will be built in it’s place. This will give Chuys a prime location in Tyler.
I thought I would slip in this Tyler restaurant coupon discount email list you can join. We send you good solid valuable Tyler restaurant coupons and offers right to your email. Type in your email and click “Submit” and your done!
Chuys in Dallas is kind of a cool hang out place for university students and people with really colorful Cowboy boots. I am not sure what type of crowd it will attract in Tyler.

Tags: Austin Restaurants, Austin Texas Restaurants, Chuy, Chuys, chuys tyler texas, chuys tyler tx, Coupon Discount, Cowboy Boots, Crowd, Dallas Area, Email, Email Address, Flare, Lion, Lowes, Midst, Prime Location, Restaurant Coupon, Restaurant Coupons, Smu, Spring Creek Barbeque, Sure What Type, Tex Mex Restaurant, tex-mex food tyler texas, Tyler Texas, Tyler TX, University Students
Posted in Mexican, Restaurants | 2 Comments »