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The right to intellectual property and the quagmire of patent trolling in East Texas

March 2nd, 2011

george washington carverThe history of patents in the USA is synominis with names like Thomas Edison, George Washington Carver, Albert Einstein, and Bill Gates. Because with each invention and innovation that was thought up of, there was the need for a patent.

Among the many things that factored into becoming the great nation we are is innovation. We have throughout our history found a way to keep speeding ahead with new technology that bettered the lives of Americans and others across the globe.

And in this modern age we continue to look for that “next step” that would continue to elevate us to the next level. Yet, there is one, minor, practice that has both the potential to hinder innovation and leave a scar in our history.

The term, “patent troll” refers to a company that buys and uses patents for the sole purpose of bringing other businesses to court for patent infringement. Besides the unethical method of “business” they are using to gain wealth, is that this type of practice hinders innovation.

The institution of patents and licensing in our nation follows some of our basic principles and beliefs that each man has a right to his property. We can think of patents as the holding of one’s “intellectual” property.

And with a patent an individual has the freedom to pursue their invention with the peace of knowing that it is protected from theft. But, what’s more, is that this encourages the creation of technology. What we find with these patent trolls is an abuse of the system.

As they utilize they protection of held patents to earn royalties and compensation, they sit back with their profit without any purpose or plan to follow through to create or build their invention. That’s right, not only do they not make the patent into a realization, but they punish other businesses that have.

When we observe the things that have come out of the excellence of work of some men in history, it is so sad to see what some individuals are doing to hinder that from going on.

Don’t let your east Texas town partner in crime let Juarez be a warning

January 30th, 2011

Small town acceptance of wrong doingWhile considering the current issue of the number of “patent troll” cases taking place in the East Texas area I remembered a story I heard of a town in the Juarez Valley outside of the Mexican border city of Juarez.

During the past number of years the people of a small town in the Juarez Valley became aware of the drug trafficking taking place in there town due to its proximity to the United States.

But instead of doing something to rid themselves of this illegal practice they created a kind of symbiotic relationship as the drug traffickers brought business to the small town.

As time passed, the highly documented battle for trafficking territory began to take place and reached the small town resulting in atrocious acts of violence and killing.

The small town’s passive acceptance of the traffickers and their business began to have its repercussions as the violence spilled over into their lives and climaxed when, one day, notes were posted throughout the town announcing a date in which every person had to leave town or be killed.

Of course, not at all to this extreme, the concern for East Texas is that there will not be passive acceptance of these “patent trolls” just to capitalize on their business.

The desperateness of these “patent trolls” to have their cases brought to the favorable court circuit in East Texas reached an all-time high when it was reported that one group set up an employee-less front in a local Tyler office in order to file in a court there.

If the people of East Texas continue to allow this ridiculous practice to take place, there could be repercussions later greater than expected. Because when you sell your soul to the devil, you will get burned!