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Holiday Reading

December 17th, 2009

Well, Christmas is upon us again and we’re all busy rushing around looking for those perfect gifts for the people in our lives. As someone who grew up in a family of teachers, books have always been a huge part of our holiday giving. For our family a welcome part of the holiday experience has always been taking the time to sit down crack open some new reading. I’ve written fairly extensively about Tyler’s area bookstores, but given the season I thought it might be advantageous to our readers to quickly revisit some of our better establishments for those looking for some seasonal literature.

Barnes and Noble

B & N in Tyler always has some great deals for Christmas. If you’re looking for the latest best sellers you can’t do much better the retail giant. They usually offer about a twenty or thirty percent discount on whatever happens to be hot at the time. They also have a huge selection of calendars, cards and other gifty items. Another advantage of shopping there is the café. The Starbucks franchise sells everything any coffee addict might want, from travel mugs to bags of coffee beans. The one disadvantage (if it bothers you), are the crowds. As with most retail stores; the Barnes and Noble does a large percentage of its business at this time of year. If you don’t mind the rush however, this is always a great place to check out.

Fireside Books

For those looking for literature on the more unique side I would suggest Checking out Fireside Books at 110 East Houston. This is a locally owned bookseller specializing in used and rare books. The store is not as trendy or seasonal as B & N, but for those on our Christmas lists who value those more obscure or hard to find titles this is good place to check out.

Pea Picker Books

I my opinion Pea Picker is not a store for those bigger gifts. The business carries largely paperback books of varying quality and is probably not the place for nicer purchases. If you’re looking for stocking stuffers or more last minute items you may have some success, but don’t expect to find too many gems.

Lifeway Christian Stores

Lifeway is another good seasonal store (not unlike B & N actually) with a Christian theme. The store carries the latest Christian literature, music and gifts. They also sell mugs and coffee. The new location is a beautiful store, and will undoubtedly be a busy place in Tyler this Christmas.

The Scroll

I must confess that the Scroll is one of my area Favs. It is a Christian bookstore with a wide variety of literature. They carry all kinds of music, gifts, mugs and other items with a religious theme. The staff is there to offer any assistance the customer may require. This area business has been a staple in Tyler for a lot of years so expect a busy store.

There are a few other Booksellers in town but these are probably the best ones to visit for the holiday shopping. For those who require a more detailed description of the stores listed above, visit the Tyler Blog section of this site and look for the following titles: A large bookseller with local appeal, Still think there are no are no old bookstores in Tyler, The Scroll Christian Bookstore in Tyler, Pea Picker Books in Tyler, and The New Lifeway in Tyler.

Tyler Public Library

December 3rd, 2009

Tyler Public Library

Tyler Public Library

Our family loves books. In fact, in ten years of marriage, we have moved 6 times. Every move whether before children or after all four kids had come with all of their accessories, the thing that still took up 40% of our moving boxes was books.

So, in an effort to curb the rising tide of literary treasures and still satisfy our need for new reading experiences, I decided it was time to visit the library where we could fill our basket with golden nuggets, read to our hearts content, and return the next week to say goodbye to the adventures of the week before, and start the whole treasure hunt again.

My first visit to the Tyler Public Library was disappointing. Not only did I receive wan looks from staff and patrons upon my arrival with baby in stroller and two well-behaved younguns in tow, I found it impossible find a quiet nook to read aloud the one adventure my daughter just couldn’t wait until we got home to hear. I felt myself glancing around to see who was irritated by our low whispers, and shuttling them about trying to find a section of mother-approved, age appropriate books. Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of selection at the Tyler Public Library, but it’s harder to find the best of the best in between the Disney movie regurgitations, and the 49th Golden book that should never have been written, as well as some very obscure out-of-print books which are out of print because…? Yes, well you get my point.

I had such fond memories of going to the Library as a child back home in Minnesota, that I quickly decided my deep disappointment was getting harder to mask, and I didn’t want this place to mar my children’s enthusiasm for going to the library. While I simply wanted to make a hasty exit and pretend I hadn’t just talked up the glory of the Library to such false extremes, I thought I must at least make good on my promise of exciting new books to read. I hurried my two girls along to pick a book apiece and then up to the front to check out and get a Tyler library card.

After glancing at my driver’s license, the lady at the counter looked down her nose and declared, “Oh, you don’t live inside city limits,” as though we were illegal aliens attempting to get food stamps. She went on to describe in a most patronizing tone that we could purchase a punch card for five or ten dollars or spend $25 on a six-month membership (I wanted to yell, “NO Way, Jose!” but restrained myself). After a glance at the $5 punch card and some quick mental calculating, I realized that it was good for ten books. $.50 a book meant that every time we came, I’d have to restrict my indiscriminate young girls to one or two books every time while I myself frantically combed through the rubble to find a few gems. At this point I was just ready to get out of this place, and maybe try to redeem the whole library experience with a quick run through the McDonald’s drive through. Consolation fries for everyone.

Now I recognize that if you do live inside the city limits, you don’t have a passel of kids, and you don’t mind reading rehashed Disney stories to your princess, the Tyler Public Library has a lot to offer: read aloud story time, book clubs, and special events to encourage literacy. But I have to confess…I’ve got a punch card with 8 book rentals left on it, and it’s up for grabs because I’m not going back.