February 9th, 2011
NetFlix is a great way to watch the most movies from your home, and they keep making their business more convenient. For a while you had to wait for the mail to come in to get to watch a new movie. You would pre-choose your top movies that you would want to watch and make your list on the NetFlix website. They then send you one movie at a time starting with your first choice. They still use this old way of doing things, but they have added even more simple ways to watch movies from home. They first started the ability to instantly watch movies through their website. They give you many options of tons of movies to watch. Last year NetFlix came out with the technology to watch movies over your Wii or Playstation. They use to send you a disc to plan on your console but now you can now download a NetFlix application right to your game console. You can then scroll through the many different categories, such as; children and family, foreign, horror, television shows, drama, and romantic comedy. You can put any movies on your instant queue to watch whenever you want. You can also watch your instant queue through your computer. You can rate the shows and movies that you like and NetFlix will suggest movies to you that are like the movies that you liked the most. Do not expect that movies that have just been released to be on instant NetFlix, you can get all new releases through the mail though.
NetFlix has a very affordable monthly fee. You can get new releases through the mail and instant through your computer or your game console for only nine dollars a month. Although not all television shows or movies are on the instant NetFlix, there is such a large selection of movies that you are sure to find something that you are in the mood for. You do not have to leave your house to watch a movie, and there are no late fees for any movies through the mail. NetFlix is the most affordable and convenient way to rent movies.
Tags: First Choice, Game, Horror Television, Late Fees, Mail, Movies, net flix, Netflix, Netflix movie retal, New Releases, Playstation, Queue, Romantic Comedy, Television Shows, Tyler Texas, Wii
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August 4th, 2010
Bergfeld Park has been the home of many shows, banquets, and events in East Texas. Some of them are very odd, like the animals in the park were they only sold ice cream treats for your dog and not for your kids, but some of them are a great idea, like the movie in the park. A few times a year a huge projector screen is set up in the middle of the park and a family friendly film is played. This event is opened for anyone in Tyler TX or even visitors. They always play movies that are appropriate for small children, if it be an old Don Knotts film or a somewhat new release.
Many times people bring free drink and snacks for everyone watching the movies. I was surprised how many people came out to this Tyler TX event. We had so much fun even though the seat were not that comfortable and it was pretty hot outside (it does help that it is not in during the day). This is a great event for your family met other families and the best part is that it is free. You can see signs on the corner of Broadway and the park of the newest shows and times, they also advertise for other up coming events.
Tags: Animals, Banquets, Bergfeld Park, Bergfeld Park Tyler TX, Bergfeld Tyler TX, Broadway, Don Knotts, East Texas, Fun, Movies, New Release, Odd, Projector Screen, Signs, Snacks, Tyler TX
Posted in Fun | No Comments »
January 18th, 2010
Movie lovers this is the place for you to be if you are addicted like I am to watching all kinds of movies. This Blockbuster I am writing about is located off of Rt 31 next to Taco Bell.
New releases are kinda of pricey I think, but for quite sometime older movies you can rent for just $1 per night.

Blockbuster Loop 323 and 31
Sometimes buying movies there is lower than what you would pay to see a regular movie at a theater. While you are picking your favorite movie to watch you can also buy a snack to enjoy, like popcorn, all kinds of candy, chocolate and soft drinks. A big gum ball machine is also inside the store.
One of the best things is no late fees. Some competition has arrived for them with the stores having a Red Box machine going for $1 per show. Most people are probably going there to rent way cheaper. I hope Blockbuster will come down on their prices some day…on the new releases. Still a great place to go and rent once in awhile.
Tags: Blockbuster Movie, blockbuster video, Candy Chocolate, Gum Ball Machine, Late Fees, Movie Rental, Movies, New Releases, Snack, Soft Drinks, Taco Bell, Tyler TX
Posted in Movie Rental | No Comments »
January 12th, 2010
We have two locations in Tyler TX for Big Lots, one is off of Beckham and the other towards the mall. I love going to Big Lots because they have everything you could possibly need or want and the prices for the most part are reasonable, especially if you are looking for movies. Big Lots is the place because it’s the cheapest I have ever seen anywhere. They have movies ranging anywhere from $3 to $10 dollars. The new releases are the ones that cost a little more or if you find a series, that usually costs a little more. I once bought the series, Life Goes On, and I paid $4 dollars for it. That is just an example of the things that you can find there.
I also found little Christmas ornaments for a little tree that I have. They have food, clothes, personal needs, bedding, some furniture and many more things. I could not even start to list everything at Big Lots even if I wanted to because they have so many categories of things to buy there. The service for the most part is good. It is a place where if you are looking for a store where you could find some inexpensive gifts for someone, then I would suggest going to Big Lots. It is always a convenient thing to have a Big Lots around. Big Lots is usually surrounding other stores.
The store off of Beckham is next to the General Dollar Store and the Shoe Warehouse. The other one that is close to the mall on the South side is located by Michael’s, Pet Land, Dollar Store, and a Chinese Restaurant. You could definitely take a whole day to experience the bargains available at Big Lots. You would have your shopping, entertaining and food done all in one place.
Tags: Ad Block, Bargains, Beckham, Bedding, Big Lots, Chinese Food East TX, Chinese Restaurant, Chinese Restaurant Tyler TX, Christmas, Christmas Ornaments, Clothes, Dollar Store, Furniture, Inexpensive Gifts, Love, Michael's, Movies, New Releases, Personal Needs, Pet Land, Petland, Shoe Warehouse, Shopping, Tyler Texas Chinese Food, Tyler TX, Tyler TX Big Lots
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