August 6th, 2010
Time and time again studies show that people who have a strong support system will achieve their goals quicker, easier, and with more determination. Perhaps it’s knowing there are others going through the same thing. Maybe it’s having expert advice available on demand. Even our own pride may play a small role as it pushes us to prove to others we are capable of finishing the task at hand. Whatever the reasons are behind the success, one thing is certain: it works!
If you have tried countless times to lose weight and every time it seems you just can’t make it past the first few days, it may be time to consider joining a Tyler, Texas weight loss clinic. These clinics are usually supervised by a specially trained medical staff that can put you on a customized program that fits your own personal situation. Oftentimes these clinics host regular group sessions that allow fellow dieters the opportunity to come together to share success stories, moments of inspiration, and even tears of despair. It is not uncommon for friendships made at these groups to continue on for a lifetime, even after the goal of weight loss has been achieved.
Joining a Tyler, Texas weight loss clinic could be the very thing you need in order to put your weight into perspective and finally find the motivation you need to do something about it. Not only will you get the information, you will also be provided with all the tools you need to make this time the last time.
Tags: Countless Times, Despair, Dieters, Expert Advice, First Few Days, Friendships, Group Sessions, Inspiration, Last Time, Lifetime, Medical Staff, Motivation, One Thing, Personal Situation, Perspective, Pride, Success Stories, Tyler Texas, Weight Loss Clinic, Weight Loss Clinics
Posted in Self-improvement, Weight Loss | No Comments »
July 27th, 2010
Weight loss in Tyler, Texas: Kick the Coke habit!
Soft drinks on their own can be a nice treat every once in a while. It is when they become a part of your every day diet that you get in trouble. A 12 ounce can of soda contains 150 empty calories and 9 teaspoons of sugar. Considering that the USDA recommends only 12 teaspoons of sugar for a well balanced 2,200 calorie per day diet, that doesn’t leave much room for sugar from other sources. Additionally, studies seem to suggest that consuming soft drinks daily increase the rate of fat storage even though your solid food calorie intake may not change.
Perhaps the thing that is most surprising, and quite alarming actually, is that by simply eliminating one soft drink from your diet daily you could lose up to 30 pounds in a year without any other changes in your lifestyle! That seems to be good motivation to leave the Tyler, Texas soda vending machines alone for a while, doesn’t it? The next time you need a little refreshment, reach for a bottle of water instead. Aside from eliminating the empty calories, your body will benefit from being properly hydrated.
If you find you simply must have a little flavor, squeeze a lemon or orange wedge into your water. No, it won’t be as sweet as your beloved soft drink, but that is kind of the point. Many people find that after they have eliminated soft drinks for a while, they cannot drink them because of how sweet they are.
Tags: Calorie Intake, Coke Habit, Cokes, Diet, Empty Calories, Losing Weight, Motivation, Orange Wedge, Ounce, Refreshment, Soda, Soft Drink, Soft Drinks, Solid Food, Squeeze, Teaspoons, Tyler Texas, Usda, Vending Machines, Weight Loss om Tyler TX, Weight Loss Tyler TX, Weight Weight Loss
Posted in Weight Loss | No Comments »
July 22nd, 2010
On the one hand, keeping your weight loss goals to yourself only makes sense. After all, if you give up after a few days there’s no one there to criticize you or judge you. If you do succeed, then you’ll have the upper hand to surprise those who have not seen you in a while, which is a great ego boost. Mostly, there won’t be the constant, nagging, and annoying questions of what type of plan you are on, how things are going, and how many pounds you’ve managed to get rid of.
On the other hand, keep your weight loss a secret could be a recipe for disaster. The very reasons for keeping quiet are the same reasons your chances for success are quite low. There is no accountability and no motivation to push through beyond your own often finicky thoughts. It is very easy to rationalize eating that doughnut to yourself if no one is there to discourage you and help keep you on the path to success.
While it is difficult to tell your Tyler, Texas friends and family of your intentions knowing there is a possibility of not living up to your goals, having a source of accountability can do wonders to keep your motivation high in those times where you are ready to give up. It also helps to have a strong support system for encouragement and help. If you are serious about losing weight, let it be known.
Tags: Accountability, Annoying Questions, Disaster, Doughnut, Ego, Encouragement, Few Days, Friends And Family, Losing Weight, Motivation, Self Sabotage, Texas Friends, Tyler Texas, Weight Loss Goals
Posted in Self-improvement, Weight Loss | No Comments »
July 19th, 2010
When it comes to joining a gym in Tyler, Texas, many will have some well founded reservations. After all, it can be quite embarrassing to go to a place where the fittest of the fit are showing their stuff while you are sweating and struggling to breathe after only a few minutes on the treadmill. Then there is the financial aspect of a gym membership, which can be quite expensive depending on the gym you join. Finally, busy schedules in Tyler, Texas may make finding the time to actually go to the gym challenging.
When all of this is taken into account, it seems a gym membership amounts to nothing more than a waste of good money. However, there are good reasons to throw caution to the wind and just take the plunge. A gym offers a much wider range of quality exercise equipment than most people would have room to store, even if they could afford it. Many gyms also offer specialized classes where members can sign up to work-out in ways that interest them, keeping exercise fun and less boring.
Tyler Gyms
Additionally, when you spend your hard earned money on a gym membership the motivation is there to get your money’s worth. You will be more likely to make the time to work out when you have invested money into it. As for the embarrassment factor, there’s not much to be done except know that in a few weeks you’ll be showing your stuff with the best of them.
Tags: Caution To The Wind, Embarrassment, Few Minutes, Financial Aspect, Fit, Gym Membership, Gyms, Hard Earned Money, Joining A Gym, Motivation, Plunge, Quality Exercise Equipment, Stuff, Treadmill, Tyler Texas, Weight Loss
Posted in Fitness Centers, Self-improvement, Tyler Businesses, Weight Loss | No Comments »
March 29th, 2010
Many people play this game called Farmville on Facebook and for those that don’t play it it can be very annoying sifting through the Farmville updates that get posted on your wall.
If you get on Facebook in Tyler at all you have likely seen the Farmville updates and all I can think is why are these people not out in their gardens in real life planting vegetables.
I still have not tried the game for fear that I too will get sucked in to this time waster. Don’t we waste enough time on Facebook already?
There are still people that would like to play farmville no matter how much people like you and me make fun of them. For those people I would like to suggest a resource they may help you start winning the Farmville game. My motivation is to not just to have you start winning Farmville but to reach the conclusion after a succesfull garden or two that you have been there and done that Farmville thing and will move on to something else.
So check out the Farmville Secrets and Cheat resource below, start winning, and than plant some real vegetables please!
Click Here!
Tags: Conclusion, Facebook, farmville secrets, farmville tyler tx, Fear, Game Play, Many People, Motivation, Planting Vegetables, Play Game, Sifting Through, Time Waster
Posted in Fun | 1 Comment »