Salon Kalea offers mother’s day gift certificates on their spa packages.
Check them out they have some nice packages available if you want to do something special for your mom this Mother’s Day.
Salon Kalea offers mother’s day gift certificates on their spa packages.
Check them out they have some nice packages available if you want to do something special for your mom this Mother’s Day.
Mothers of Pre-Schoolers (MOPS) is a great place for moms to come and be encouraged by other moms. Many different churches around East Texas have the MOPS groups meet in their facility. Many times being a mom is so stressful and you just want someone that understands how much time and energy you invest in your family. Sometimes you began to feel discouraged and frustrated. You are not the only person that feels that way. At MOPS moms are separated into smaller groups or tables with a table leader and a table mom. The table leader keeps you informed about each meeting and what the next thing that is going on with the group. She also plans mom’s night outs or play dates with your groups children. The table mom is the mentor of the table. She has “been there and done that”, in other words she has raised her children and knows the struggles of being mom. It is great to get advice and encouragement from someone who has lived through it all.
MOPS started with just a few women in 1973. They simply got together and talked while they had someone come and watch their children. They would eat; do a craft, and a devotional. Soon they started to spread this idea to churches. The MOPS idea spread like a wild fire as churches and women saw a need for a group like this. By 1988 MOPS meeting started taking place outside of the United States boarder and MOPS became MOPS International.
MOPS meetings are at different times depending on the location, and most groups meet twice a month. The MOPS groups that I have attended have all met during the week and in the morning. Every meeting has different tables bring breakfast for the meeting. This is a fun way to start the meeting, eating together and talking to friends. Some groups even have fun door prizes. At the MOPS groups they have speakers come in that give advice to moms and what to do in situations concerning, punishing your children, playing with your children, setting limits, and giving choices. Every couple weeks the group does a fun craft together. Craft days are pretty fun it is just a time you can laugh and talk together with all the other women. One of the greatest things about MOPS is that they have MOPPETS. MOPPETS is a group of wonderful women that volunteers to watch these moms little children while the moms are in the meeting. To join MOPS there is about a fifty dollar fee, but there are scholarships for moms if needed.
Come to MOPS and be encouraged by other moms and by great speakers. Have fun and make new friends here. There all churches all over East Texas that has opened their doors to MOPS groups. There is also a group called Teen MOPS, for teen moms facing similar situations and struggles. To find a MOPS near you or a MOPS that meets at a time convenient to your schedule you can search at I find myself looking forward to these meetings, I love having time to have an adult conversation with people who understand me, and many of these with kids the same age going through the same things. If you feel like there is a need of a MOPS or a Teen MOPS group at your church, there is all the information you need to start a group on the MOPS website.
Brookshires Grocery in the 1920's
As a child in the 1950’s, we used to spend the whole Summer with my Grandparents in Tyler. My Mom grew up there. I have wonderful memories of Tyler, but part of it is when my Grandparents or Parents would take me and my cousins to shop at Brookshire’s!
Having no air conditioning at their house, we LOVED the cold air and floors there! Back then we used to go barefooted, and the cold floor felt WONDERful! (I don’t know if kids do that now) Our special treat was to each be able to pick out a comic book if we were good, and my Grandma taught us to each pick out a DIFFERENT one so we could trade and read 3 different ones!
Even though I lived in Brooklyn, NY, and my cousins lived in LA, California, we loved that time of year when we would live as one Family together in my Grandparents’ house on the State Park Highway, and play with our Texas cousins for the whole Summer!!! What a wonderful world it was for me…to this day, I feel that it was “therapeutic” as I was growing up, and I hope to go back one day. Cheryl
Brookshire's Tyler Texas 1940