December 13th, 2010
Hearing a description of how the HCG, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, hormone functions in causing weight loss stirs up images of the search robots seen in the highly successful (bit of sarcasm) 2nd and 3rd Matrix movie as they relentlessly pursue all humans in every underground cave and crevice they come across in order to eliminate the human threat.
Does HCG Hormones Really Work?
Coming at you like a TSA full body “pat down” the injected dose of HCG makes its way throughout the whole body searching for one thing: to burn up any “abnormal” fat junk that is found. Originally discovered in women during pregnancy, the HCG hormone is thought to be different from other weight loss methods as it isolates the fat it burns to the “abnormal” fat deposits found in the stomach, thigh, and hip areas.
According to HCG weight loss experts, an individual with excessive weight has an out of whack metabolism that causes the body to burn structural fat (the tissue around internal organs) or normal fat when following a normal diet and exercise weight loss plan rather than those areas where abnormal fat has gathered.
Ideally, for successful weight loss to take place an individual must find a way to correct the metabolism so that it will burn all abnormal fat first. That’s where the HCG diet injections come into play.
When coupled with a regimented 500-800 calorie a day diet the HCG injections causes our body to burn corrective fats first, similar to what takes place with a women during pregnancy. So get your HCG search robots ready because there are abnormal fat deposits to find and destroy!
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Tags: Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone, Crevice, Exercise Weight, Fats, Hcg Diet Injections, Hcg Hormone, Hcg Injections, Hip Areas, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone, Human Hormones, Human Threat, Images Robots, Internal Organs, Metabolism, Out Of Whack, Sarcasm, Search Robots, Underground Cave, Weight Loss Experts
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December 5th, 2010
So, what exactly is involved with the HCG diet weight loss plan, you might ask? With most readings you find about Dr. Simeons diet protocol on the internet or in hard copy, it talks extensively about a disciplined and detailed process that needs to be followed.
As we will see, the majority of this process has to do with the required diet more than anything else. Before going much further let’s review the philosophy behind the procedure. The HCG hormone’s main function in this diet is to “train” the metabolism to isolate calorie and fat burning to the unneeded “abnormal” fat found in our mid-section, hip, and thigh areas.
The HCG hormones supposed other function is to help stabilize the body from any side effects due to the unnaturally low 500-800 calorie diet prescribed in the protocol. Let’s look at the injection aspect first; which can actually be both complicated and/or simple.
Comments from those on the HCG Hormone Diet Plan
The easiest manner is to allow a physician or specialist to administer the injection for you. A secondary simple method is to purchase or order prefilled syringes that are ready to go. The final option for injection is to do all mixing of substance and drawing the injection yourself which can become more complicated and risky.
Now for the diet part of the HCG weight loss protocol. Due to the very low intake of 500 to 800 calories a day, each meal must be planned out ahead taking away all high fats, sugars and pretty much anything else under the sun!
The best recommended method for this is to have a Jillian Michael type like from “The Biggest Loser” breathing down your neck checking your every meal. An example of a day of meals would go like this: a coffee or tea (without sugar and only a spoon of milk) in the morning, a protein entrée with one vegetable and one fruit. Then, repeat for dinner.
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Tags: Biggest Loser, Breathing Down Your Neck, Calorie Diet, Calories, Diet Plan, Diet Weight Loss, Dr Simeons Diet, Fat Burning, Fats, Final Option, Hcg Hormone, Hcg Weight Loss, Hip And Thigh, Hormones, Jillian, Metabolism, Mid Section, Prefilled Syringes, Spoon, Thigh Areas
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November 30th, 2010
Ladies and gentlemen don’t let the Brad Childress/Wade Phillips effect sneak into your dieting and weight loss game. Both Childress and Phillips are each former head coaches of two high profile NFL teams, with an emphasis on “former”. Their relation to our weight loss plans goes like this.
B Ki Weight Loss in Tyler Texas
As head coaches of the Minnesota Vikings, Childress, and the Dallas Cowboys, Phillips, it became obvious to the general public and most sport experts that each coach needed to be let go about two weeks before team owners went ahead and pulled the trigger.
Granted that their much more successful previous seasons commanded some respect the basic issue was this: it’s not working! When it comes to seeking out the best method for weight loss we are bombarded by one easy-to do-quick-fix after another.
And guess what? THEY DON’T WORK! Take the HCG hormone injections for example. HCG, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is a hormone that is released by pregnant women that burns “abnormal” fat in the stomach, buttock, and leg areas.
This method maintains that the injection of HCG boosts the metabolism in a normal individual as it would naturally during a women’s pregnancy and burns these “abnormal” fat areas, claiming up to 1-3 lbs. loss daily.
As some experts have tested this methodology they have found almost no real weight loss due to the injections and we can assume that the loss of 1-3 lbs. daily is due more to the 500-800 calorie a day diet partnered with this weight loss plan than the drug itself.
So, people, when it comes to your game plan for losing those extra pounds after these holiday seasons don’t hold on to your “Childress/Phillips” diet scheme when everyone else knows it’s not working!
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Tags: 3 Lbs, Brad Childress, Buttock, Dallas Cowboys, Game Plan, Hcg Hormone, Head Coaches, Holiday Seasons, Hormone Injections, Hormone Shots, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, Ladies And Gentlemen, Metabolism, Minnesota Vikings, Nfl Teams, Pregnant Women, Sport Experts, Tyler Texas, Wade Phillips, Work Ladies
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November 11th, 2010

Weight Loss Surgeons Tyler TX
Bariatric surgery seems like a scary prospect even if you are obese. It is true that once you get to a certain point you are told by your doctor you very likely may not live past 35.
A friend of mine who is only 24 was told this based on his weight gain and I really hope he loses weight and hopefully without going through a risky procedure like Tyler TX bariatric surgery.
Some types of bariatric surgeries involve removing a big part of your stomach. There can be some pretty severe complications that result in going through this weight loss surgery and I recommend you try everything you can before you decide to do this procedure.
There are some newer weight loss surgery techniques like lap band surgery that simply puts a band on part of your stomach without actually cutting anything away. This procedure seems a little safer than actually tearing part of your stomach out of your body.
Tyler TX Weight Loss
If I were in this very hard situation of trying to decide on a Tyler TX weight loss surgeon I would probably talk to a weight loss surgery consultant who has been through a procedure or two.
They have likely researched the topic for several days if not months and have some great advice to give you since they have been there and done that.
Tags: Bariatric Surgeon, Bariatric Surgery, Counseling, Diet Plan, Doctors, Healthy Diet, Lap Band Surgery, Lose Weight, Malnutrition, Many People, Metabolism, Overweight, Realistic Expectations, Risky Procedure, Scary Prospect, Stomach, Surgeries, Surgery Consultant, Surgery Techniques, Tyler Texas, Tyler Texas Bariatric Surgery, Tyler TX, Tyler TX Bariatric Surgery, Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Surgery
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November 10th, 2010

Resistance Training Weight Loss
Many people, especially women, tend to avoid resistance training for the fear of bulking up too much. Resistance training, however, turns your body into a fat burning machine, particularly when combined with cardio exercises. The repair phase on days in between resistance workouts when your muscles heal themselves is really what gives the results, not how much resistance you use necessarily. It is important in resistance training to put quality over quantity, controlling each and every movement and performing the moves correctly.
Personal trainers in Tyler, Texas would be an excellent source for learning how to incorporate resistance training into your weekly weight loss regimen. Instructional videos are also good tools, just be sure to watch the entire workout and learn what to do before you attempt any of the exercises. Because building muscle boosts your metabolism, the more muscle mass you add the better the fat burning power your body has. Every pound of muscle mass will burn 50 calories a day just by being there!
If bulk is a concern, use lower weight resistance tools such as free weights or resistance bands, but be sure to use enough to challenge yourself. You should reach failure before you reach the maximum rep count; otherwise your weights are too light. Because muscle weighs more than fat, you may not see immediate results on the scale, but it won’t take long before you start seeing a difference in the tape measure and the way your clothes fit, and that’s what matters.
Tags: Building Muscle, Calories, Caption, Cardio Exercises, Free Weights, Good Tools, Metabolism, Muscle Mass, Muscles, Personal Trainers, Resistance Bands, Resistance Tools, Resistance Training, Tape Measure, Tyler Texas, Tyler TX, Weight Loss Regimen, weight loss resistance training, Weight Resistance, Workout, Workouts
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