February 8th, 2011
The age old debate of the differences between men and women has come into our hcg hormone weight loss program. Everything from sports to business to politics to sexuality has breached the subject, so now it’s our time.
Interestingly enough research into the subject has been more about the different uses of HCG between men and women than what are the differences in the HCG injections for weight loss. These other uses include, for men the increase of testosterone and for women increase of fertility.
Should a man use HCG Hormones to lose weight?
The greatest difference seems to be a large chasm of different side effects. For men, the main risks are an enlarging of the prostrate and an uncomfortable enlargement of the prostrate due, mostly, to high levels of estrogen in the hormone.
Now, for women the side effects are contracting Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS), as well as cases of increasing chance of pregnancy and creating multiple ovrum. When it comes to the weight loss itself observations have shown differences, although these observations have not been thoroughly investigated.
According to some comparisons observations have been made of men losing almost twice as much weight as the women starting the program at the same time. The theory is that because men have more muscle mass to burn the calories, the HCG diet protocol allows more calories to be burnt up as muscle burns calories.
Although not researched, it is also speculated that the 500-800 calorie a day diet recommended in the program would cause greater struggles for a male as men tend to use more calories throughout a day. Based on these observations, overall opinion can be that, as stated, the HCG diet protocol would be equally productive for both men and women.
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Tags: Burns, Chance Of Pregnancy, Chasm, Diet Calories, Differences Between Men And Women, Fertility, Hcg Hormone, Hcg Injections For Weight Loss, High Levels Of Estrogen, Hormones, Lose Weight, Men And Women, Men Muscle, Muscle Burns Calories, Muscle Mass, Protocol, Sexuality, Sports, Testosterone, Weight Loss Program
Posted in Weight Loss | No Comments »
October 14th, 2010

Tyler Texas Gym
Before you go out and join a gym and definitely before you commit to a year long gym membership I recommend creating your own exercise routine at your home and sticking to it for atleast a year. If you can maintain a good exercise routine at your home for a year doing some type of exercise everyday you can justify a commitment to a gym. You see a Tyler Texas gym membership takes even more discipline and commitment than doing exercise conveniently from your own home.
There is an exception to the whole anti-gym membership idea and that is if you utilize a personal trainer at a gym. The good thing is XTC Fitness has several fitness programs where the personal trainer comes free during the class. If you decide to join a gym I recommend doing a class such as the kickboxing class offered by Tony Cruz’s XTC Fitness gym.
The class is designed for girls or guys and is no wussified class as I am a guy and I take a great deal of pride in my own manliness and find nothing simple or easy about kickboxing but do find it astonishing how good I feel each day now and how easily I shed the pounds.
Best Tyler TX Gym
Walking over to a chin up bar that is stationed on your hallway doorway takes about 10 seconds. Driving to a gym takes quite a bit longer and requires that you schedule and prioritize things around your excursion from your home to a gym. Many times exercise from home does not require that you change up your schedule at all. You can simply exercise at home when an available slot opens up.
The gym however can work out quite well if you fit it in during your lunch during a 45 minute work out program designed for working men and women as XTC Fitness in Tyler TX offers.
If my thinking on this sounds new and different to what you had in mind take some time to let it sink in as you will save hundreds of dollars by waiting to see if you can even stick to an exercise routine from the convenience of your home. I personally have yet to be able to commit to a year of exercise at home.
An alternative to a gym membership for those who still want to join a gym even if they have yet to establish a home exercise routine is to enroll in a weight lifting exercise class a TJC. TJC offers an exceptional weight lifting, jogging, and excercise class in one that comes with a free personal trainer aka your teacher. You will be taught into shape over the course of a semester and can continue on from there.
A TJC gym class is perhaps the best bang for your buck and a very good way to motivate yourself back into shape.
When all of this is taken into account, it seems a gym membership amounts to nothing more than a waste of good money. However, there are good reasons to throw caution to the wind and just take the plunge. A gym offers a much wider range of quality exercise equipment than most people would have room to store, even if they could afford it. Many gyms also offer specialized classes where members can sign up to work-out in ways that interest them, keeping exercise fun and less boring.
Additionally, when you spend your hard earned money on a gym membership the motivation is there to get your money’s worth. You will be more likely to make the time to work out when you have invested money into it. As for the embarrassment factor, there’s not much to be done except know that in a few weeks you’ll be showing your stuff with the best of them.
Tags: Best Bang, Caution To The Wind, Chin Up Bar, Convenience, Convienently, Discipline, Doorway, Embarrassment, Excercise Routine, Excursion, Exercise, Few Minutes, Financial Aspect, Fit, Fitness Gym, Fitness Programs, Fitness Trainer, Free Personal Trainer, Good Exercise Routine, Gym Class, Gym Membership, Gyms, Hallway, Hard Earned Money, Home Truth, Jogging, Joining A Gym, Kickboxing Class, Lunch, Manliness, Men And Women, Mone, Money, Motivation, Personal Trainer, Plunge, Pride, Prioritize, Quality Exercise Equipment, Shape, Stuff, TJC, Treadmill, Truth About, Tyler Texas, Tyler Texas Gym, tyler texas gyms, Tyler TX, Weight Lifting, Weight Loss, Working Men
Posted in Weight Loss | Comments Off on Tyler, Texas Weight Loss: A Gym can get you there
September 17th, 2010

Tyler TX Hell House
Halloween is just around the corner. Tyler Metro Church will open another year of the haunted house, Hell house. In the years past Hell House has been in the middle of the woods and in creepy “haunted” building.
The last year that I went to Hell House, it was all set out side in the middle of the woods. It was really quite freaky riding towards the woods in a carriage. The next thing I knew was a man jumped onto the back of the carriage and was right on my face. I felt like I was going to pass out, he was dressed up in a demon costume and I was not expecting him.
After we got to the beginning of the woods, the man escorted us off the carriage and to a path through the woods. In the middle of the woods there is all different scene set up. As you watch the different stories of men and women dealing with hard times in their lives, you listen to the temptations of the devil. I would not bring a young kid to Hell House because there are very graphic scenes. The most frightening thing about Hell House is that people dressed as demons keep popping up right in your face.
After you have walked through the different scenes you are lead to a dark underground room that resembles a coffin. As the doors open for you to walk out of the coffin the last scene is a scene of Jesus Christ dying for our sins. They talk to you about new life and Jesus washing away our sins. They have people that are willing to pray for people if they are willing. There has been quite a bit of controversy over Hell House’s message. Some people say that they are scarring people into a relationship with Jesus. Hell House staff says that their message is to show how real Hell is, and that we can have life through Christ alone.
There are many ways to help out with Hell House. They open the doors of Tyler metro for anyone to help out. You can be in the different plays, dress up as different creatures or demons. They ask people to be there to pray for visitors that have gone through Hell House. You and your youth groups or church groups can help out in all different ways.

Hell House Suicide
It only costs a few dollars to go through the Hell House. It does get your adrenaline going and freaks you out which is what Halloween is all about.
For a more traditional Tyler TX haunted house check out “Terror Nights” haunted house in Tyler.
Tags: Coffin, Controversy, Creatures, Demon, Demons, Devil, Diffe, Differe, Different Scene, Doors, Graphic Scenes, Halloween, Halloween Christian, Haunted House, Hell House, Hells House Tyler TX, House Staff, Jesus Christ, Men And Women, Metro Church, Takeover, Temptations, Tyler Metro, Tyler Texas, Tyler Texas Hell House, Tyler TX
Posted in Churches | 4 Comments »