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Tyler Veterinary Clinics

August 12th, 2010

When you are trying to find the right veterinary clinic for your animal, it can be frustrating and confusing. Tyler has so many different veterinary clinics and when you choose to take your pet to a horrible one, can be one of the most frustrating things.

One of Tyler’s veterinary clinics I will not take my animals to is Spence & White Veterinary Clinic. I do not know what was the most frustrating thing about the clinic, how rude and short the doctors are to the pet owners, how dirty the office and waiting rooms are, or how they do not care if their other patients are allowing their animals run around the clinic. This has to be one of the worse clinics in Tyler, I have even heard of people’s animals getting attacked by cats at the office and the staff not doing anything about it. It is one of the lowest rated clinics in Tyler, which speaks for itself. The doctors do not take very much time to see your animals and I have heard of many people having to go to different doctors because their animals still had the same problems that they have had when they went to Spence & White.

Tyler does have some great veterinary clinics that people take their animals to and leave impressed by their person doctor, nice staff, and clean offices. Two of these clinics are University Animal Care Clinic and Copeland Road Animal Hospital. University Animal Care Clinic is known for their amazing staff that is very caring for every pet. They do an amazing job when it comes to getting your animals groomed. You feel comfortable leaving your animals in the hands of the staff. Copeland Road Animal Hospital has a great staff that tries to take in any emergency that your pet may have as fast as they can. There really is not much of a wait time at Copeland. They even have supplies and food for your animals for sale for great prices.

Be careful what veterinarian you take your animal to. Though Tyler has some really great vets there are many that do not care about your animal half as much as you do and are not worth your money nor your business.

Tyler, Texas Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss

August 5th, 2010

Despite following healthy diet plans religiously, exercising till you can’t move, and trying every other method for weight loss out there, you just can’t seem to lose weight.  As people gain more and more weight, their metabolism gets slower and slower, making them have to work much harder for the same results as slimmer people.  When it gets to the point where nothing you try works, and are clinically obese, it may be time to consult with a Tyler, Texas bariatric surgeon.

Bariatric surgery usually involves removing most of the stomach or bypassing it.  There are significant risks involved with this surgery, but many people obtain excellent results.  You must be absolutely sure about the procedure, however, because it is one that is for life.  Some risks involved include infections from surgery and later malnutrition if the patient is not following the diet plan to the letter.

Talk to a Tyler, Texas bariatric surgeon today if you are 80-100 pounds overweight and nothing you try seems to help.  You may be required to go through a period of counseling to be sure you understand what this surgery means to you, as well for the doctors to determine whether or not you have realistic expectations.  Bariatric surgery is not for everyone, particularly if you only have a few pounds to lose.  Exhaust all other methods for weight loss before pursuing this life changing procedure.  Above all, be diligent in your research to fully understand what bariatric surgery will mean for you.

Eating frequently for weight loss in Tyler, Texas

July 29th, 2010

Nearly every fad diet out there will tell you to deprive your body of calories and exercise yourself to death in order to lose weight.  Well, not only is this a sure recipe for failure, it is also dangerous for your health.  Any weight you do lose will come back once you go off the diet, and you may even gain a few extra pounds because you have slowed your metabolism down so much.  When you eat smart choices often, however, it sends a message to your body that it is getting all the energy it needs so there is no reason to keep storing fat.

The best idea is to eat smaller meals or snacks every 2-3 hours up to 6 times a day.  Some people find this more difficult than it sounds because of busy Tyler, Texas schedules.  Many people feel that they are stuffing themselves constantly and have difficulty eating as often as prescribed because they just don’t feel hungry.  The idea, however, is to eat small portions, not 4 course dinners.  Reach for a handful of grapes one time, a cup of low-fat yogurt the next, and maybe a small grilled chicken salad or sandwich on wheat bread for a more substantial meal.

Eating this way rather than the traditional “3 squares a day” will help to put your body’s metabolism into high gear and you will see pounds start to come off even with no additional effort.

Tyler Junior College the Largest Junior College in Texas

April 21st, 2010

Tyler Junior College is one of the biggest Junior colleges in the country. Everyone in Tyler knows about Tyler Junior College. Tyler Junior College is known for its three promises; 1. A quality education, 2. A Vibrant Student Life, and 3. Community Service. Tyler Junior College started in 1926. The student body was not much more than a few hundred.

In Tyler TJC has become more than just a college, sadly, it has become the hot hang out spot. Many times it seems that TJC has tried to sweep the crime that happens on the campus under the rug. If you just walk through the campus it is pretty obvious that there is a problem with gangs. Silly fights have broken out due to certain groups standing on other groups spot. It is ridiculous to walk through the campus and to hear the childish yelling. It is extremely annoying to hear the obnoxious hissing of men trying to get a girl’s attention. I think that the campus security is trying to deal with this issue but it never seems to really change.

Although there are really annoying things that happen at TJC, there are really great programs that give back to the community. There are many scholars programs at Tyler Junior College that allows students to receive extra credit and they are able to graduate with honors. These programs give the students opportunities to work in the community and to work along with charities in East Texas.

Tyler Junior College gives many people an opportunity to go to college when they come from a place that maybe their grades were not the best in high school, or if that they do not have very much money. TJC places their students according to a placement test, which tests the students reading, math, and English skills.

TJC does have great opportunities for all people, from successful sport programs and cheerleading to a great drama and music program. The two year college has allowed people to change their lives and have opportunities that they may not have found anywhere else.

Farmville Secrets To Win The Game

March 29th, 2010

Many people play this game called Farmville on Facebook and for those that don’t play it it can be very annoying sifting through the Farmville updates that get posted on your wall.

If you get on Facebook in Tyler at all you have likely seen the Farmville updates and all I can think is why are these people not out in their gardens in real life planting vegetables.

I still have not tried the game for fear that I too will get sucked in to this time waster. Don’t we waste enough time on Facebook already?

There are still people that would like to play farmville no matter how much people like you and me make fun of them. For those people I would like to suggest a resource they may help you start winning the Farmville game. My motivation is to not just to have you start winning Farmville but to reach the conclusion after a succesfull garden or two that you have been there and done that Farmville thing and will move on to something else.

So check out the Farmville Secrets and Cheat resource below, start winning, and than plant some real vegetables please! 🙂 …

Click Here!