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What is B Ki?

August 3rd, 2010

B KI is basically a woman hormone you take to trick your body into thinking your a pregnant woman.

It doesn’t matter if you are a man or woman. You can take this hormone to help you lose weight.

There is a B KI weight loss center in Tyler Texas.

Unfortunately you can’t just shoot up with pregnancy hormone to lose weight using the system.

You will also need to strictly adhere to a very low calorie diet.

Some doctors argue the weight is actually lost through the low calorie diet with no help through the B Ki woman hormone.

Visit the Tyler Texas B Ki office and see if this weight loss system is the real deal.

Eating frequently for weight loss in Tyler, Texas

July 29th, 2010

Nearly every fad diet out there will tell you to deprive your body of calories and exercise yourself to death in order to lose weight.  Well, not only is this a sure recipe for failure, it is also dangerous for your health.  Any weight you do lose will come back once you go off the diet, and you may even gain a few extra pounds because you have slowed your metabolism down so much.  When you eat smart choices often, however, it sends a message to your body that it is getting all the energy it needs so there is no reason to keep storing fat.

The best idea is to eat smaller meals or snacks every 2-3 hours up to 6 times a day.  Some people find this more difficult than it sounds because of busy Tyler, Texas schedules.  Many people feel that they are stuffing themselves constantly and have difficulty eating as often as prescribed because they just don’t feel hungry.  The idea, however, is to eat small portions, not 4 course dinners.  Reach for a handful of grapes one time, a cup of low-fat yogurt the next, and maybe a small grilled chicken salad or sandwich on wheat bread for a more substantial meal.

Eating this way rather than the traditional “3 squares a day” will help to put your body’s metabolism into high gear and you will see pounds start to come off even with no additional effort.

B Ki Weight Loss Management in Tyler TX What Is It?

June 28th, 2010
B Ki Weight Loss in Tyler Texas

B Ki Weight Loss in Tyler Texas

I have seen these billboards in Tyler lately talking about losing a lot of weight fast and it really peeked my interest as to what it is. A hint, pregnancy hormone shot.

I was thinking that it must be surgery or some new kind of pill but I found out it is something way different than both of those things.

This B Ki thing is a shot and what is injected into your body is a woman’s pregnancy hormone to trick your body into thinking your a pregnant woman even if you are a man.

This sounds pretty wacky doesn’t it? I will say if someone is morbidly obese why not give it a shot?

A morbidly obese person only has a few more years to live and so if shooting up woman pregnancy hormones will help them lose weight over surgical methods I say go for it.

I called B Ki up to see just how much they would tell me over the phone.

They would not reveal what it was they do but they did say I could get a free consultation with a Doctor.

So I at least know that I would be speaking with a real doctor at these Tyler Texas weight loss management clinics.

I found out that beyond shooting up hormones B Ki puts you on a low calorie diet.

You must maintain your diet as well as take the hormones for it to work.

There is debate out there as to whether the hormones even help in weight loss and some believe the weight loss achieved is simply from being on the low calorie diet.

If you are interested in learning more about B Ki you can call them by visiting their website and finding their number.

They will schedule a time and date for you to be counseled on your Tyler Texas weight loss management strategy.

They will likely explain the pregnancy hormone shots and low calorie diet plan in more detail.

Lose 40 Pounds in 40 Days

June 28th, 2010
Tyler TX Weight Loss Non-Surgical

Weight Loss Clinics in Tyler Texas

I have been seeing these lose 40 pounds in 40 days ads and called to find out more.

They said they could not tell me more details on the phone.

They said it is a non-surgical and there are no diet pills involved.

The information about how to lose weight will be explained by a doctor at their offices.

I was not able to get detailed information about exactly what they do to help you lose weight but if you want information you can call them at the number below.

4855 Old Bullard Rd. Suite 201
Tyler TX 75703
Phone 903-534-7007