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Find or Refer a Contractor in Tyler

Would you like a little free local business promotion?

November 29th, 2011

We are always interested in real stories from local Tyler TX people about their favorite businesses in this town. Sometimes you may have a not so favorite business and we are just as interested in those reviews as well.

If you would like to promote a business we want to hear about it. Write up your best review in 4 to 5 paragraphs of the local Tyler Texas business you want to have featured on this blog and we will post it.

If we notice there needs to be grammatical and spelling changes we reserve the right to modify the article however we see fit to keep the quality of the website up to par.

Again please watch the presentation below and send us your review article of a business in Tyler Texas you would like to get the word out about.

Tyler TX Golf Course Coupons

June 9th, 2011

tyler tx golf coursesThe city of Tyler is great for golfers as there are many golf courses in the area at all different price levels. Golf courses are often times looking for new ways to drum up business and so it is not too hard to find coupons and discounts for local Tyler golf courses every so often.

A good place to go check for local Tyler TX golf course coupons is at EastTexas.biz. This website specializes in creating exclusive offers and coupons for Tyler’s favorite events, activities, attractions, restaurants, and businesses.

One of the attractions EastTexas.biz goes after to create valuable coupon offers for is local golf courses in our area.

If you would like to see what golf coupon offers are currently available through EastTxas.biz please visit this link: Tyler TX Golf Course Coupons and here are some local golf course business listings: Golf courses in East Texas