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Large Stash of Lego Guns Found in Homes Next to Tyler Elementary Schools

May 29th, 2013

lego-gunA terrible observation has recently been uncovered in multiple homes across the street from several elementary schools in Tyler Texas.

After doing a citizen survey at homes next to elementary schools the Tylertxdirectory.com team of blogger journalists found that some of these homes had anywhere from 5 – 20 miniature lego guns inside.

When we asked Sally Jones to explain herself about the stash of guns she has collected over the years, who lives across the street from Andy Woods Elementary, she had this to say, “I didn’t do anything wrong. I was just buying cute little lego sets I thought my grandchildren would like to play with when they come over to visit. You can take the guns to your burning cause I don’t want any trouble.”

With the recent news of the boy who brought his miniature lego gun on a school bus I think it is important that we round up all these lego guns near elementary schools to prevent the kind of trauma that these kids on the school bus were inflicted with upon seeing the lego gun.

You may think that a fake gun the size of a quarter is harmless and that a student should not be suspended from school because of it but you have to draw the line somewhere.

tommy-gunHow is a kid or teacher to know if that little plastic gun that must be held with delicate precision is a real miniature gun that can fire live .000000009 mm ammunition or just something harmless that you snap into a lego man’s plastic grip.

Wake up east Texas, we probably have hundreds of these little guns per square mile surrounding all of our children.

If you thought assault rifles were a problem that does not hold a candle to the arsenal of lego guns we must seek out and destroy.

Lets work together to pile these things up high at the loop and 155 next to Jack O’ Diamonds and burn these things. Maybe we can get Toys R’ Us to donate a free lego guy to each family that brings in their lego gun for the massive plastic bonfire.