4400 South Broadway Avenue
Tyler, TX 75703-1303
(903) 581-7477
I love Big Lots. I am a huge fan of the concept of selling overstocked and discontinued items at an awesome price. They keep a regular supply of most items you would find in a small convenience store such as trash bags and socks, but a large part of their inventory is constantly changing. They always have soaps and shampoos, but maybe one day you’ll find a really nice brand for cheap and not the next week.

Big Lots near Robert E. Lee High School
Regardless of the inventory changes, one thing stays constant. The prices at Big Lots are always cheaper than comparable stores. It also maintains the fun feel of treasure hunting almost like shopping at thrift stores.
This Big Lots is located on South Broadway across the street from the Mall and right next door to Robert E. Lee High School. It shares a parking lot with Michael’s, the arts and crafts store, and T.G.I.Friday’s, along with a dozen other smaller single location stores. This location is a great convenience for when you want to go to several stores on the same trip into town. I go to this one when I am looking for gifts, because if I can’t find something good at Big Lots I can head over to Michael’s or the half-price used book store in the same lot. The problem with this store’s location is the traffic. I can only assume that the intersection of South Broadway and Loop 323 is the busiest intersection in Tyler. This happens to be where Big Lots is located. Almost any time of the day, it is hard to navigate through this area. If you are traveling via the loop, you have to be prepared to choose the turning lane a few stoplights before you get to the intersection. Once in the parking lot, you still can’t relax until you have stopped, because this lot seems to be a collecting spot for all of the impatient people in Tyler.
A fun addition to your trips to Big Lots in the Spring and Summer is that right outside of Big Lots going towards Loop 323 there are usually a couple of guys selling produce. They’ll often be selling watermelons and oranges and then whatever else happens to be in season.

Robert E. Lee Highschool
Even if you aren’t in the mood for fruit, these guys will usually give you a huge East Texas smile and greeting just for acknowledging them.
While, the other Big Lots store in Tyler has a full furniture show room, this store location does not. This branch sells furniture to be assembled at home. They have book shelves, entertainment centers, glider rocking chairs, small dressers and other things along this line. Most of these are very attractive and afford-ably but are made of the non-durable press board. Though, for something like a small bookshelf, this store offers almost exactly what you need and will beat the price of most other stores with similar products.
I’ve also been impressed with their small electronics section near the front. They have standard computer accessories like mice and USB cables. This section has regular and rechargeable batteries. My favorite item that I’ve found here, though, is a set of burnable CDs.

Big Lots in Tyler
A couple of times that I’ve gone, they’ve had incredible deals on blank CDs. The problem is you have to be willing to check and understand that with this kind of store there is not much guarantee that they will have the item you wanted.
One last feature about this location I should fill you in on is their bedding section. If you are in the market for new sheets for your bed, then check out Big Lots first. The section can be a little messy because most of the sheet sets are the only one like them in the store. It should be divided into bed size, but look around in the whole section. You can sometimes find really high thread count sheets sets for less than half the cost of other retail stores. The bottom line is that you should give Big Lots a few shots. Visit the store a few different times and at least see if it is a good fit for your personality and shopping needs. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.