When trying to determine which internet provider is the best when it comes to price and speed it can be a little hard. You are dealing with very location specific speed issues and some neighborhoods will be worse than others. You basically have two choices, Cable internet, or DSL internet. There is now EVDO wireless internet cards but these have limitations when it comes to bandwidth so for the most part you want to stick with DSL or cable.
Your cable internet choice is Suddenlink internet which back in the early 90’s was called Tyler.net or Tyler internet. Cox bought them which later became Suddenlink. We have seen several customer reviews claiming that Suddenlink cable internet just isn’t very fast. Here are a couple positive and negative reviews to give you some idea what people are saying:
John says:
December 12, 2007 at 12:30 pmI use Suddenlink here in Tyler, TX, for my broadband provider, and I have never been disappointed. It is up 99.9% of the time, and the speeds are awesome. I am paying for 4Mbps, and on several Internet-based speed tests, I am always at about 8Mbps (those are download speeds, of course). Add to that the convenience of billing included with my cable statement, and Suddenlink broadband is the way to go!
Lollerskates says:
April 12, 2008 at 11:23 pmPretty sweet John. I paid for 8 mb dl speeds and get 4 to 5 on average! Instant and random disconnects, lag on online games. I recently cut my dl speed to 1 mb dl. I can still play video games with the same lag for a cheaper price! You rock severedlink!
For the video gamers out there you may not want to go with cable internet as you are basically sharing internet speeds with your neighbors. That coaxial cable that you see on the power lines outside runs to every house and the bandwidth is shared by everyone. When that bandwidth gets used at the same time by multiple neighbors that are all subscribed to suddenlink cable internet you may see a degredation in your internet speed. If it happens once it will probably be a regular occurence as people are creatures of habit. If you use the internet in the evening there is a good chance that everyone else in your neighborhood does too. This isn’t a good thing for those relying on cable internet.
DSL internet is provided by AT&T for the most part in Tyler Texas and offers you a dedicated line rather than something shared with your neighbors. You will not have to worry about sporadic slow internet speeds but will get exactly what you pay for every time. The times that cable internet beats DSL is when you are in a neighborhood where most of your neighbors are not subscribers to high speed internet but you are. This type of neighborhood is ideal because you will pay a little less with Suddenlink cable internet and will still have the fast speeds. Unfortunately there aren’t many neighborhoods like this anymore.
Our preferred choice is AT&T DSL high speed broadband internet. You will get a guaranteed internet speed and will not have to compete with your Tyler neighbors on when to use the internet for optimal speeds. This is by no means a hard and fast rule but just a little intelligent understanding of how the whole internet service thing works in Tyler Texas. Feel free to comment below if you agree or disagree.