January 18th, 2011
With a rough couple of weeks behind us the political wrangling of government is back underway. The House is picking up its bill to repeal the Obama health care law this week. There seems to be a push on the part of more moderate Republicans and Democrats, (with the help of the twenty four hour news networks), to guide both the House and the American people to accepting portions of the law and only dismantling the “unpopular” portions. This just seems to me to be more incrementalism, at least in the sense of gaining the American people’s acceptance. While I agree that the cost of health care is way out of control, this law has got to go! We simply cannot afford the monstrous government take over that Pelosi’s House rammed down our throats two falls ago! I for one favor scrapping it altogether and starting over with more cost effective measures that don’t empower the national bureaucracy.
The Executive branch is also taking a hard line as the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) is currently going ahead with plans to revoke the permit for a large coal mine in West Virginia. So yet another form of energy found to be harmful to mother earth is being restricted. So how exactly are we supposed to keep ourselves warm and alive in the winter months? Does the EPA’s even care? The move is even drawing the ire of West VA’s Democratic senators, who correctly foresee job losses and an economic hit coming to their state. This is a telling moment for the nation and the president who is supposedly moderating his tone in the same manner that President Clinton did following his mid- term defeat. I think the EPA’s continued tyranny points to the fact that President Obama has no intention of softening his far left agenda at all.
The fact is stopping this closure should be a sure win for the president. He could combat the notion that he’s anti business and perhaps point to new “jobs saved” or even job growth figures. Which by the way would possibly help his numbers in the polls. But the president believes too strongly in his ultra liberal vision for the country. It seems to me that he cares not a whit about the effects his radical agenda is having on the average American, except in so far as it affects his political prospects, and maybe not even then.
Tags: Coal Mine, Cost Of Health Care, Democratic Senators, Environment Protection Agency, Executive Branch, Health Care Law, Hour News, Intention, Job Losses, Mother Earth, National Bureaucracy, New Jobs, News Networks, Notion, Pelosi, President Clinton, Republicans And Democrats, Rough Couple, Telling Moment, Tyler Texas, Tyranny
Posted in Socio Political Commentary | No Comments »
January 9th, 2011
In light of hearing the recent news that the website, WikiLeaks, has gathered confidential communications between the State Department and its many liaisons and plans on publishing it worldwide I have thought of a new yearly award we can hand out.
Well, between WikiLeaks and the unholy business of “patent trolls” buying off patents in order to use them solely as grounds for suing prospering business for patent infringement, I have gotten an idea! Let’s create an award identifying this years “Most dishonest form of business”.
Now I am sure we can sit here and think about many other candidates, but let’s get focused on pitching these two. First is WikiLeaks. Here is a business in which it’s sole purpose is to steal, bribe, cheat, and perhaps threaten life, to gather confidential, top secret type of information from national governments with the dastardly motivation to publish the info on the internet for all to see.
Doing this, of course, with the possibility of endangering military lives, or creating astronomical damage between nations, just for a profit. Then there are these “patent trolls” who represent the exact opposite of productive American business.
They, first, seek out struggling businesses, firms, or individuals who have no other choice but to sell their patent for whatever invention or product idea they have. Then, without any intention of ever manufacturing the patent idea, these “trolls” seek out successful businesses who have utilized some concept of their patented idea in order to sue them for patent infringements.
They are quite literally making money out of nothing. Looks like we have a couple of quality candidates for the award, right? Well then, drum roll please! And the winner is…
Tags: American Business, Confidential Communications, Intention, Liaisons, Making Money, Military Lives, Motivation, National Governments, Patent attorneys in East Texas, Patent Idea, Patent Infringement, Patent Infringements, Patent Invention, Patent Lawsuits, Patent Lawyers, Patent Litigation, patent troll award, Patents, Product Idea, Quality Candidates, Recent News, Sole Purpose, State Department, Trolls, Wikileaks
Posted in Attorneys | No Comments »
December 21st, 2010
Set the threat level at red, East Texas, because you are under attack. Knowingly or unknowingly, East Texas has been harboring, what we can call, “economic terrorists”.
The accurately named “Patent Trolls” have found an accommodating court circuit in the eastern district of Texas and now are laying siege to our American way of doing business. In the simplest of economic courses we have learned that to create wealth you must offer a product or service in demand.
The deviant strategy of the “patent troll” is to search and buy patents from bankrupt firms without any intention of manufacturing the invention. Then they target other businesses that use some simulant of the invention in order to sue them for patent infringements. This is the complete opposite of offering a service or product.
This is profiting off someone else’s service or product. One definition of terrorist is an individual who uses violence, terror, and intimidation to achieve a result. Well, I don’t know anything more terrifying than to see one man profit from another man’s work.
Or, I haven’t seen a greater intimidation tactic than how these “patent trolls” threaten with a $1million defense cost in order to encourage out of court settlements. And with these acts of terror we could see a real devastating blow to the American free market.
Just think about it, if these companies have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for settlements or litigation costs, who will suffer the most? The consumer! These companies will either hike up the cost of their products or service in order to pay said costs or they will lose desire altogether to continue producing their product or service.
So, what do you think? Is it about time to call Homeland Security?
Tags: Bankrupt Firms, Court Settlements, Doing Business, East Texas, East Texas economic terrorists, Eastern District Of Texas, Economic Courses, Homeland Security, Hundreds Of Thousands, Intention, Intimidation Tactic, Invention, Litigation Costs, Patent Infringements, patent litigation terrorists, Patents, Simulant, Terrorists, Thousands Of Dollars, Threat Level, Troll, Trolls
Posted in Attorneys | No Comments »
November 12th, 2010

Hand Over the Cash
Recently in the United States, there has been a huge surge in intellectual property rights cases as patent trolling becomes more and more popular. Some areas such as East Texas are well known for being a haven for these cases due to the fact that those judges and juries have a long history of awarding large monetary compensations to patent trolls when copyright infringement cases are brought against large companies. Still, no matter what part of the country you are in, there are many more copyright infringement cases brought forth by patent trolls looking to make a quick lump sum than those that are filed by inventors looking to protect their idea or product.
The way that our legal system is set up allows for complete abuse by patent trolls, and it has proven quite lucrative. For one, United States patent law is arranged so that the patent holder doesn’t even have to produce the product in question to be able to sue for copyright infringement. Because of this, patent trolls can buy patents for cheap and simply use them to barter with big companies with no intention at all of ever using the patents to produce a product or other tangible object.
While there are many happy patent trolls out there, there are also plenty of people against the abuse of the legal system. There has been plenty of talk of the need for patent reform, but nothing has changed so far. For now, the playing field is wide open to patent trolls.
Tags: Advantage, Compensations, Copyright Infringement Cases, East Texas, Intellectual Property Rights, Intention, Inventors, Juries, Lawyers in Patent Cases, Lump Sum, Patent Holder, Patent Infringement, Patent Law, Patent Reform, Patents, People, Tangible Object, Texas Attorneys, Trolls, Tyler Texas, Tyler Texas Patent Law, United States Patent, Winning a patent case
Posted in Attorneys | No Comments »
November 5th, 2010

Tyler TX Commercial Real Estate Building
If you have been thinking about investing in Tyler, Texas Commercial Real Estate, you will want to make sure that you are making a solid investment. You should start asking yourself a few questions about why you want to invest in the commercial market. Questions such as “How old is the property?”, “Are there any repairs that need to be done?”, “Is it in a prime location where you’ll have no problems renting or leasing the property?”, and “What are the monthly leasing arrangements for properties similar this one?” should all be asked and answered.
Next you need to consider if you are planning on purchasing this Tyler, Texas Commercial Real Estate with the intention of leasing out the property yourself or having a property management take care of everything for you. You will want to consider all costs that will be incurred by having a property management deal with the monthly issues of your leased property and decide if the service is worth the cost or if you would rather learn how to manage the property yourself.
Whatever choice you make, be sure that you have done adequate research, understand what you are getting into and the terms of your mortgage. Be sure to have an inspector go over your property before you sign any papers to ensure you will not be taking on any more expenses than you have budgeted for. All in all, making the decision to purchase Tyler, Texas Commercial Real Estate can be a smart decision if you do your homework.
Tags: Adequate Research, Commercial Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate in Tyler TX, Homework, Intention, Invest, Investing, Leasing Arrangements, Management Deal, Mortgage, Prime Location, Property Management, Purchasing, Smart Decision, Solid Investment, Texas Commercial Real Estate, Tyler Texas, Tyler TX, Tyler TX Commefcial Real Estate Building
Posted in Commercial, Real Estate | No Comments »
Congress Moves to Repeal Obama Care and the EPA Pulls the Permit from a Major Coal Mine
January 18th, 2011With a rough couple of weeks behind us the political wrangling of government is back underway. The House is picking up its bill to repeal the Obama health care law this week. There seems to be a push on the part of more moderate Republicans and Democrats, (with the help of the twenty four hour news networks), to guide both the House and the American people to accepting portions of the law and only dismantling the “unpopular” portions. This just seems to me to be more incrementalism, at least in the sense of gaining the American people’s acceptance. While I agree that the cost of health care is way out of control, this law has got to go! We simply cannot afford the monstrous government take over that Pelosi’s House rammed down our throats two falls ago! I for one favor scrapping it altogether and starting over with more cost effective measures that don’t empower the national bureaucracy.
The Executive branch is also taking a hard line as the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) is currently going ahead with plans to revoke the permit for a large coal mine in West Virginia. So yet another form of energy found to be harmful to mother earth is being restricted. So how exactly are we supposed to keep ourselves warm and alive in the winter months? Does the EPA’s even care? The move is even drawing the ire of West VA’s Democratic senators, who correctly foresee job losses and an economic hit coming to their state. This is a telling moment for the nation and the president who is supposedly moderating his tone in the same manner that President Clinton did following his mid- term defeat. I think the EPA’s continued tyranny points to the fact that President Obama has no intention of softening his far left agenda at all.
The fact is stopping this closure should be a sure win for the president. He could combat the notion that he’s anti business and perhaps point to new “jobs saved” or even job growth figures. Which by the way would possibly help his numbers in the polls. But the president believes too strongly in his ultra liberal vision for the country. It seems to me that he cares not a whit about the effects his radical agenda is having on the average American, except in so far as it affects his political prospects, and maybe not even then.
Tags: Coal Mine, Cost Of Health Care, Democratic Senators, Environment Protection Agency, Executive Branch, Health Care Law, Hour News, Intention, Job Losses, Mother Earth, National Bureaucracy, New Jobs, News Networks, Notion, Pelosi, President Clinton, Republicans And Democrats, Rough Couple, Telling Moment, Tyler Texas, Tyranny
Posted in Socio Political Commentary | No Comments »