September 28th, 2010
Intellectual property insurance is unique, and you probably haven’t heard about it if you haven’t had to use it. The purpose of intellectual property insurance is to protect companies from copyright, patent, or trademark infringement claims that are made against them. Just like your car insurance would, intellectual property insurance pays the costs for the defense should a suit arise as well the judgement, up to the policy limits of course.
With a business in East Texas, it is important to know at least the basics on intellectual property insurance. To start, there are two main types of intellectual property insurance. One type protects you if you have to go after someone for infringing on your copyright. This type pays the costs of filing suit against the individual or company violating the copyright. The second type protects you from being sued by another company or individual for infringing on their copyright. In this case, the insurance company pays for your defense and court costs.
If there is any possibility that you or your company could be sued by a competitor for infringing on their idea or that a competitor could infringe on your idea, it is absolutely necessary to have intellectual property insurance. Unless you have a large amount of extra money laying around, a copyright infringement lawsuit could bankrupt your company in a hurry.
Obtaining intellectual property insurance in East Texas requires that you show proof of registration for your copyright, trademark, or patent.
Tags: Car Insurance, Competitor, Copyright Infringement Lawsuit, East Texas, Extra Money, Hurry, Insurance, Insurance Company, Insurance Texas, Intellectual Property Insurance, Judgement, Patent, Proof, Texas Insurance, Texas Intellectual Property, Trademark Infringement Claims
Posted in Insurance Companies | No Comments »
July 21st, 2010
For those who are morbidly obese, or at least 100 pounds overweight, bariatric surgery can be an appropriate course of action. Sometimes it may be the only course of action possible. There are several different types of bariatric surgery, so speaking with a Tyler, Texas specialist is the best place to start. Keep in mind however, that there are disadvantages that come with this type of surgery.
Most insurance companies see bariatric surgery as an elective procedure and getting them to pay for the surgery can be next to impossible. You will need a liaison that has experience dealing with the insurance companies, and even then nothing is guaranteed. This type of surgery is very expensive, and paying out of pocket is simply not feasible for most people. Finances can be the biggest barrier between you and your bariatric surgery.
If you can prove to your insurance company that the surgery is medically necessary and they give you the green light, you will still have challenges ahead of you. Some surgeons require a period of counseling to be sure you are emotionally capable of dealing with the lifestyle changes required for this type of surgery. You may also be required to try to lose a specific amount of weight naturally to prove your dedication or eliminate other health problems that may make surgery particularly dangerous.
If you are considering bariatric surgery in Tyler, Texas, talk to a doctor before making any decisions and be sure you understand everything that comes along with the procedure.
Tags: Challenges, Counseling, Decisions, Dedication, Elective Procedure, Health Problems, Insurance, Insurance Companies, Insurance Company, Liaison, Lifestyle, Options, Several Different Types, Surgical Weight Loss, Tyler Texas, Types Of Bariatric Surgery
Posted in Medical, Self-improvement, Tyler Businesses, Weight Loss | No Comments »
June 10th, 2010
When it rains it pours; and that is much more than just a shallow metaphor. In the rains that fell on the East Texas area last night, my parents home fell victim to flash flooding for the third time in four years! They had lived in, and or owned that residence for more than twenty years, and now floods in the last three out of four years. How does this happen? What changed? Was it the development taking place on their neighbor’s property? Over the last few years they have made significant changes to their property which, I’m told, may have altered the flow of the creek that runs through my parents land. Whatever the reason it’s hard to know what to do or where to begin to clean up.
Upon seeing the devastation I made the usual phone calls, first my brothers and sisters, my parent’s pastor, my priest, etc. Next, hoping to raise attention and spur quicker clean-up and action on the part of their insurance company, (who knows whether or not it will work), I called the local news stations. Both KLTV and KETK sent out camera men and reporters, to record the scene, and both men were courteous and concerned. But KLTV reporter Layron Livingston in particular, was terrific. He spent at least an hour speaking with the family, taking pictures inside and outside of the house, and generally taking an interest in what was happening to a local family.
It’s hard to believe that we’re here yet again! It’s like having déjà vu two times over only worse each time. So now begins again the process of clean up and recovery; vacuuming up the water and mud, the smell of mold and mildew, fans running in every corner of the house, and of course removing and replacing the old wet sheetrock. It’s a long process to put one’s life back in order after that kind of horrible interruption, and living amongst the construction becomes a battle to achieve some kind of normalcy, not to mention a feeling of cleanliness. With more rain due in overnight tonight and then again next week, there’s no telling for sure when the work will begin in earnest.
At the end of the day I am thankful that I and my family live in the Tyler community. The support of friends, family and our respective local churches, will make all the difference in process of rebuilding. I’m sure that over the next few months I will be able to provide the occasional update on how things are developing. To read more about our family’s crisis, see Mr. Livingston’s piece on the KLTV website at
Tags: Brothers And Sisters, Camera Men, Cleanliness, Devastation, East Texas, East Texas Area, flash flooding, Floods, Insurance Company, Interruption, Kltv, Local Family, Local News Stations, Metaphor, Mold And Mildew, More Than Twenty Years, Mud, Normalcy, S Pastor, Sheetrock, Third Time, tyler texas flash flooding, tyler tx flash flooding
Posted in Education | No Comments »
September 10th, 2009

Tyler TX Home Insurance
When shopping for an insurance company in Tyler Texas you want to try and go with a bundled plan if possible. By bundling your home, car, health, and life insurance under one insurance company you can save a lot of money. Some insurance companies specialize in just home, and auto insurance, some specialize in health and life and some insurance companies have insurance plans for all of these life issues. It can sometimes work in your favor to go with a bundled insurance plan for auto and home and use a different insurance agency for health insurance and life insurance. Many times insurance companies that specialize in one or the other will be able to serve your needs better because they know what products are out there and what will fit you best.
If you have a bank you use in Tyler that also offers auto and home insurance it can help you establish a stronger relationship with your bank for future loans and business deals if you use them for your Tyler Texas insurance needs. For instance, CFG Insurance is located in Citizens National Bank in Tyler Texas and offers a shopping experience for their banking customers. You can go into Citizens National Bank and Jeff Warr with CFG can shop insurance rates and plans for both your home and automobile and find a bundled insurance plan that will save you the most money. You do not have to bundle your home and car insurance but it is nice to know that there is this option for additional savings.
CFG insurance also offers health and life insurance as well if you need to get something for your business or just something personal for your family. Because personal health insurance is very expensive we recommend going with a health plan that has a very high deductible. Your health insurance will be much cheaper if you opt in for a health plan with something like a $10,000 deductible. This will insure you against any catastrophic injuries, illnesses and diseases.
For instance if you have to pay a $100 for a flue or check up that is usually manageable to pay for out of pocket but if you get cancer you know you will not go bankrupt in the process since your Tyler health insurance will cover that exorbitant cost of treating cancer. Sense the USA has the highest cancer cure rate in the world you will have insurance to pay for it and the best treatment available in the world. That is why people fly in from out of country just to get treatment for things like prostate cancer right here in East Texas. Another example is you receive a personal injury in a car accident or job related injury you will know that your health insurance will cover the cost of this as well if it was your fault. If it was not your fault the Tyler business or insured driver will cover the cost of your injury.
Jeff with CFG insurance can work out a payment plan where you pay each month or you can pay it all up front and save additional money on your insurance premiums. One of the main reasons I use CFG Insurance is because of their shopping the prices for me and finding the best coverage and price to meet my needs. If you enjoy talking local politics and issues in the Tyler area Jeff Warr is the Smith County Commissioner Precinct 1. This is the fastest growing East Texas precinct and includes Bullard, Flint-Gresham, Noonday, part of Lake Palestine, and the southwest part of Tyler.
If something happens and you sell one of your cars and need your insurance plan changed to show the change in ownership CFG insurance can quickly adjust the insurance premium and coverage and give you back any money you may have paid to reflect the change in coverage. Jeff is a pleasure to work with and we have been very pleased with the price of our home and car insurance and how quickly we can get our insurance coverage changed either over the phone or when dropping by Citizens National Bank to make the change.
Tags: Additional Savings, Auto And Home Insurance, Business Deals, Car Insurance, Catastrophic Injuries, CFG Insurance, CFG Insuranec Tyler Texas, Citizens National Bank, East Texas Bank, Health Insurance, Health Plan, Home Car, Insurance Agency, Insurance Companies, Insurance Company, Insurance Plan, Insurance Plans, Insurance Rates, Jeff Warr Insurance, Jeff Warr Smith County Commissioner, Personal Health Insurance, Shopping Experience, Texas Insurance, Tyler Business Loan, Tyler Home Loan, Tyler Texas, Tyler Texas Bank, Tyler Texas Business Credit, Tyler Texas peronsal Credit, Tyler TX, Tyler TX Health Insurance Company, Warr
Posted in Insurance Companies | No Comments »
August 31st, 2009
When buying a fixer upper home in Tyler Texas you may end up buying a house with an old roof that needs a bit of an upgrade and most usually a complete replacement. Most people hope that after buying a home like this that a hail storm comes along soon after the purchase and voids the roof warranty which in turn allows your insurance company to pay for a new roof. You end up with a new roof after paying the deductible which is usually only $500 or so dollars. In my case I bought a fixer upper Tyler Texas home but a hail storm never came along and my roof began to leak. I quickly realized that I need a new roof. Some of my decision processes in comparing roofing companies and prices had to do with several important points. We believe you should consider these points as well when deciding which Tyler roofing company you will choose for your new roof.
- Is the Tyler Roof Company Bonded?
- Are They Insured?
- Are They a Licensed Roofing Installer?
- Are They a Member of the Tyler Area Builders Association?
- Does The Roofing Company Offer Referral Information on Other Roofing Jobs They Have Completed?
- Do They Offer Pricing On Both 20 and 30 Year Shingles?
- Does The Roofing Company Use 30 pound Felt?
- How Many Nails Do They Use Per Shingle?
- Do They Offer Energy Efficient Shingles For Those Wanting To Lower Their Electricity Bill Costs?
- What Is Their Roofing Projects Estimated Cost?
These are some of the questions to ask and consider when comparing Tyler Texas roofing companies. You can call around 5 – 10 Tyler roofing companies to get answers to these questions and more. We recommend taking down notes and be sure to get them to come out and give you a total project cost. One of the more important points that many people overlook is if the East Texas roofing company is bonded and insured. You also need to make sure they offer a warranty on their own construction work and not just the material warranty.
A good roofing company will come on site and help you determine what roofing shingle color will look best on your house. They can also consult you on what energy efficient shingles they have and what the estimated energy savings could be over the course of a year. By picking a lighter shaded shingle you will reflect sunlight off of the roof more and save on energy over a darker colored shingle. When comparing shingle prices as well as construction costs we compared prices from about 10 different Tyler roofing companies. We ultimately ended up going with Advantage Roofing Company and have found their prices to be the cheapest while still offering a quality product, 30 pound felt, and craftsmanship on the actual construction job.
Tags: Buying A Home, Buying A House, Construction Work, Decision Processes, East Texas, Electricity Bill, Hail Storm, Insurance Company, Material Warranty, Nails, Referral, Roofing Companies, Roofing Cost, Roofing Jobs, Shingle, Shingles, Texas Roofing Company, Tyler Area, Tyler Texas, Tyler Texas Roofing Companies, Tyler TX Roofing, Tyler TX Roofing Company, Warranty
Posted in Roofing | No Comments »